File `AddSftpFileSystemForm.js` has 288 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.// @flow import Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button';import Col from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Col';import { connect } from 'react-redux';import ControlLabel from 'react-bootstrap/lib/ControlLabel';import Form from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Form';import FormControl from 'react-bootstrap/lib/FormControl';import FormGroup from 'react-bootstrap/lib/FormGroup';import HelpBlock from 'react-bootstrap/lib/HelpBlock';import React from 'react';import { actions as agaveFileSystemsActions } from '../../store/agaveFileSystems/AgaveFileSystems';import Agave from '../../services/Agave';import { addModal } from '../../store/ui/modals/Modals';import type { AgaveSystemCreateConfigType } from '../../types/requestTypes'; type Props = { hasLinkedAgaveAccount: boolean, onFormSubmission(AgaveSystemCreateConfigType): Promise<any>}; type State = { id: string, name: string, description: string, site: string, host: string, port: number, username: string, publicKey: string, privateKey: string,}; class AddSftpFileSystemForm extends React.Component<Props, State> { constructor(props, context) { super(props, context); this.state = { id: '', name: '', description: '', site: '', host: '', port: 22, username: '', publicKey: '', privateKey: '', }; } mapToRequestShape = config => ({ id:, name:, status: 'UP', type: 'STORAGE', description: config.description, site:, storage: { host:, port: config.port, protocol: 'SFTP', auth: { username: config.username, publicKey: config.publicKey, privateKey: config.privateKey, type: 'SSHKEYS', }, }, }); agaveForm = () => { const { onFormSubmission } = this.props; const { id, name, description, site, host, port, username, publicKey, privateKey, } = this.state; return ( <Form horizontal>Similar blocks of code found in 4 locations. Consider refactoring. <FormGroup controlId="systemId"> <Col componentClass={ControlLabel} sm={3}> Id* </Col> <Col sm={9}> <FormControl type="text" value={id} onChange={ (e) => { this.setState({ id: }); } } /> <HelpBlock> Id must be globally unique and cannot be reused once deleted. </HelpBlock> </Col> </FormGroup> Similar blocks of code found in 4 locations. Consider refactoring. <FormGroup controlId="systemName"> <Col componentClass={ControlLabel} sm={3}> Name* </Col> <Col sm={9}> <FormControl type="text" value={name} onChange={ (e) => { this.setState({ name: }); } } /> <HelpBlock> Common display name for this system </HelpBlock> </Col> </FormGroup> Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. <FormGroup controlId="systemDescription"> <Col componentClass={ControlLabel} sm={3}> Description </Col> <Col sm={9}> <FormControl componentClass="textarea" placeholder="System Description (Optional)" value={description} onChange={ (e) => { this.setState({ description: }); } } /> <HelpBlock> Verbose description of this system. (Optional) </HelpBlock> </Col> </FormGroup> Similar blocks of code found in 4 locations. Consider refactoring. <FormGroup controlId="systemSite"> <Col componentClass={ControlLabel} sm={3}> Site </Col> <Col sm={9}> <FormControl type="text" value={site} onChange={ (e) => { this.setState({ site: }); } } /> <HelpBlock> Website URL associated with this system. (Optional) </HelpBlock> </Col> </FormGroup> Similar blocks of code found in 4 locations. Consider refactoring. <FormGroup controlId="systemHost"> <Col componentClass={ControlLabel} sm={3}> Host URL* </Col> <Col sm={9}> <FormControl type="text" value={host} onChange={ (e) => { this.setState({ host: }); } } /> <HelpBlock> Host URL for connecting via SSH/SFTP </HelpBlock> </Col> </FormGroup> <FormGroup controlId="systemPort"> <Col componentClass={ControlLabel} sm={3}> Port Number* </Col> <Col sm={9}> <FormControl type="number" value={port} onChange={ (e) => { this.setState({ port: parseInt(, 10), }); } } /> <HelpBlock> Host Port for connecting via SSH/SFTP </HelpBlock> </Col> </FormGroup> <FormGroup controlId="systemUsername"> <Col componentClass={ControlLabel} sm={3}> Username* </Col> <Col sm={9}> <FormControl type="text" value={username} onChange={ (e) => { this.setState({ username: }); } } /> </Col> </FormGroup> Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. <FormGroup controlId="systemPublicKey"> <Col componentClass={ControlLabel} sm={3}> Public Key* </Col> <Col sm={9}> <FormControl componentClass="textarea" placeholder="Public Key" value={publicKey} onChange={ (e) => { this.setState({ publicKey: }); } } /> <HelpBlock> Public Key (generated by ssh-keygen). Ensure this is added to your authorized_keys file in this system. </HelpBlock> </Col> </FormGroup> Similar blocks of code found in 3 locations. Consider refactoring. <FormGroup controlId="systemPrivateKey"> <Col componentClass={ControlLabel} sm={3}> Private Key* </Col> <Col sm={9}> <FormControl componentClass="textarea" placeholder="Private Key" value={privateKey} onChange={ (e) => { this.setState({ privateKey: }); } } /> <HelpBlock> Private Key. Don't share this one. </HelpBlock> </Col> </FormGroup> <div style={{ textAlign: 'center', }} > <Button className="btn btn-success btn-fill" onClick={() => { onFormSubmission( this.mapToRequestShape(this.state), ).then(() => { agaveFileSystemsActions(); addModal({ modalType: 'successMessage', text: 'The new SFTP file system has been added successfully.', }); }); }} > Add System </Button> </div> </Form> ); }; render = () => { const { hasLinkedAgaveAccount } = this.props; return ( hasLinkedAgaveAccount ? this.agaveForm() : ( <p>Please link your Agave account first.</p> ) ); }} const mapStateToProps = store => ({ hasLinkedAgaveAccount: store.userProfile.agave.length !== 0, onFormSubmission: config => Agave.addFileSystem(store.csrf.token, config),}); const mapDispatchToProps = { addModal, getAgaveFileSystems: agaveFileSystemsActions.pending,}; export default connect( mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps,)(AddSftpFileSystemForm);