File `ContextMenu.js` has 337 lines of code (exceeds 250 allowed). Consider refactoring.// @flowimport { connect } from 'react-redux';import EventListener from 'react-event-listener';import React from 'react';import { addModal } from '../../store/ui/modals/Modals';import { startTransfer } from '../../store/transferFiles/TransferFiles';import { fileActions, fileListActions } from '../../store/files/Files';import './ContextMenu.scss';import { getFocusedFilePaths } from '../../store/ui/reducer';import DownloadLink from './DownloadLink';import type { FileType } from '../../types/fileTypes';import JupyterHubLink from './JupyterHubLink'; type Props = { focusedFiles: Array<FileType>, focusedFilePaths: Array<string>, dispatch(any): typeof undefined,} type State = { visible: boolean} class ContextMenu extends React.Component<Props, State> { state = { visible: false, }; root: HTMLElement | null = null; _eventPathContainsClass = (event, className) => element => element.className, ).filter(cn => cn) // Remove undefined values or any other "falsey" values .map( // Check if the supplied className is found in the element's className property cn => (typeof cn === 'string') && cn.indexOf(className) !== -1, ).includes(true); _handleContextMenu = (event) => { // console.log("context target", event.currentTarget); // console.log("event", event); // console.log("classDetection", this._eventPathContainsClass(event, "rightClickableFile")); if (!this._eventPathContainsClass(event, 'rightClickableFile')) { return; } event.preventDefault(); this.setState({ visible: true }); if (this.root === null) { return; } const clickX = event.clientX; const clickY = event.clientY; const screenW = window.innerWidth; const screenH = window.innerHeight; const rootW = this.root.offsetWidth; const rootH = this.root.offsetHeight; const right = (screenW - clickX) > rootW; const left = !right; const top = (screenH - clickY) > rootH; const bottom = !top; if (right) { = `${clickX + 5}px`; } if (left) { = `${clickX - rootW - 5}px`; } if (top) { = `${clickY + 5}px`; } if (bottom) { = `${clickY - rootH - 5}px`; } }; _handleClick = (event) => { const { visible } = this.state; const wasOutside = !( === this.root); if (wasOutside && visible) this.setState({ visible: false }); return true; }; _handleScroll = () => { const { visible } = this.state; if (visible) this.setState({ visible: false }); }; delayedRefresh = (path) => { const { dispatch } = this.props; // We delay a bit here so that Dropbox has a chance to be consistent. // See "Brewers Cap Theorem" - Consistency, Availability, Partition tolerance setTimeout(() => { dispatch(fileListActions.pending(path)); }, 200); }; handleSingleShareFile = () => { console.log('share'); }; handleMultiShareFile = () => { console.log('share'); }; handleTransferFiles = () => { const { focusedFiles, dispatch } = this.props; dispatch(addModal({ modalType: 'transferModal', files: focusedFiles, action: (targetPath) => { const transferOrders = // Files get no trailing slash (obviously) // Directories must get a trailing slash file => ({ fromPath: file.fullPath + (file.type === 'dir' ? '/' : ''), toPath: targetPath + + (file.type === 'dir' ? '/' : ''), }), ); dispatch( startTransfer(transferOrders), ); }, })); }; handleRenameFile = () => { const { dispatch, focusedFiles } = this.props; const file = focusedFiles[0]; dispatch(addModal({ modalType: 'renameFileModal', fileName:, action: (newName) => { dispatch( fileActions.renameFile(file, newName), ); this.delayedRefresh(`${file.fullPath.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')}/`); }, })); }; handleMoveFile = () => { const { dispatch, focusedFiles } = this.props; const currentDirectoryPath = `${focusedFiles[0] .fullPath.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')}/`; dispatch(addModal({ modalType: 'moveCopyModal', title: `Move File${focusedFiles.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}`, files: focusedFiles, promptVerb: 'move', submitText: 'Move Here', path: currentDirectoryPath, systemName: focusedFiles[0].system, action: (newPath) => { const newDirectoryPath = [ ...currentDirectoryPath.split('/').slice(0, 3), ...newPath.split('/').slice(1, -1), '', ].join('/'); // Copy each file Promise.all( (file) => { console.log(file, newPath); return fileActions.moveFile(file, `${newPath}/${}`); }, ).map( moveAction => dispatch(moveAction), ), ) // ... then refresh each affected directory .then(() => { this.delayedRefresh(currentDirectoryPath); this.delayedRefresh(newDirectoryPath); }); }, })); }; handleCopyFiles = () => { const { dispatch, focusedFiles } = this.props; const currentDirectoryPath = `${focusedFiles[0] .fullPath.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')}/`; dispatch(addModal({ modalType: 'moveCopyFileModal', title: `Copy File${focusedFiles.length > 1 ? 's' : ''}`, files: focusedFiles, promptVerb: 'copy', submitText: 'Copy Here', path: currentDirectoryPath, systemName: focusedFiles[0].system, action: (newPath) => { const newDirectoryPath = [ ...currentDirectoryPath.split('/').slice(0, 3), ...newPath.split('/').slice(1, -1), '', ].join('/'); // Copy each file Promise.all( file => fileActions.copyFile(file, newPath +, ).map( copyAction => dispatch(copyAction), ), ) // ... then refresh each affected directory .then(() => { this.delayedRefresh(newDirectoryPath); }); }, })); }; handleDeleteFiles = () => { const { dispatch, focusedFiles } = this.props; dispatch(addModal({ modalType: 'deleteModal', files: focusedFiles, action: () => { const uniqueDirectories = // Map from files to their directory paths file => `${file.fullPath.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/')}/`, ).filter( // Get unique (x, i, a) => a.indexOf(x) === i, ); // Delete each file Promise.all( file => fileActions.deleteFile(file), ).map( deleteAction => dispatch(deleteAction), ), ) // ..then refresh each of their containing directories .then(() => { console.log(uniqueDirectories); uniqueDirectories.forEach( directoryPath => this.delayedRefresh(directoryPath), ); }); }, })); }; singleFileContextMenu = () => { const { focusedFiles } = this.props; return ( <React.Fragment> <JupyterHubLink file={focusedFiles[0]} /> <div className="contextMenu--option contextMenu--option__disabled" onClick={this.handleSingleShareFile} > Share (coming soon) </div> <div className="contextMenu--option" onClick={this.handleTransferFiles} > Transfer </div> <DownloadLink file={focusedFiles[0]} disabled={focusedFiles[0].type === 'dir'} > Download </DownloadLink> <div className="contextMenu--option" onClick={this.handleRenameFile} > Rename </div> <div className="contextMenu--option" onClick={this.handleMoveFile} > Move </div> <div className="contextMenu--option" onClick={this.handleCopyFiles} > Copy </div> <div className="contextMenu--option" onClick={this.handleDeleteFiles} > Delete </div> </React.Fragment> ); } multipleFileContextMenu = () => { const { focusedFiles } = this.props; return ( <React.Fragment> <div className="contextMenu--option contextMenu--option__diabled" onClick={this.handleMultiShareFile} > Share (coming soon) </div> <div className="contextMenu--option" onClick={this.handleTransferFiles} > Transfer </div> <DownloadLink file={focusedFiles[0]} disabled > Download </DownloadLink> <div className="contextMenu--option" onClick={this.handleMoveFile} > Move </div> <div className="contextMenu--option" onClick={this.handleCopyFiles} > Copy </div> <div className="contextMenu--option" onClick={this.handleDeleteFiles} > Delete </div> </React.Fragment> ); } render() { const { visible } = this.state; const { focusedFilePaths } = this.props; return ( <div> <EventListener target="window" onScroll={this._handleScroll} onClick={this._handleClick} onContextMenu={this._handleContextMenu} > {(visible || null) && ( <div ref={(ref) => { this.root = ref; }} className="contextMenu" > { focusedFilePaths.length === 1 ? this.singleFileContextMenu() : this.multipleFileContextMenu() } </div> )} </EventListener> </div> ); }} const mapStateToProps = store => ({ focusedFilePaths: getFocusedFilePaths(store), focusedFiles: getFocusedFilePaths(store).map(f => store.filesFlat[f]),}); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ContextMenu);