import { all, call, put, select, takeEvery,} from 'redux-saga/effects';import * as types from './types';import Agave from '../../services/Agave/index';import Dropbox from '../../services/Dropbox/index';import { fileListActions } from './Files';import { removeFocusedFile } from '../ui/focusedFiles/FocusedFiles'; const getCsrf = state => state.csrf.token;const getFileStateAtPath = (state, path) => state.files[path]; const transformFileListing = files => files.filter( f => !== '.',).map( f => ({ ...f, lastModified: Date.parse(f.lastModified), fullPath: `/${f.provider}/${f.system}${f.path}`, }),); const resolveProviderService = (path) => { switch (path.split('/')[1]) { case 'agave': return Agave; case 'dropbox': return Dropbox; default: console.log(path.split('/')); throw 'File provider not resolved from path'; }}; function* getFileListIfNeeded(action) { try { const fileState = yield select(getFileStateAtPath, action.path); if (fileState === undefined) { yield put(fileListActions.pending(action.path)); } } catch (e) { console.log(e); // This should never run, but // if we somehow fail, we should probably fetch the files anyway yield put(fileListActions.pending(action.path)); }} function* getFileList(action) { try { const csrfToken = yield select(getCsrf); const ProviderService = resolveProviderService(action.path); const files = yield call(ProviderService.listFiles, csrfToken, action.path); const transformedFiles = transformFileListing(files); yield put(fileListActions.success(action.path, transformedFiles)); } catch (e) { console.log(e); yield put(fileListActions.error(action.path, e)); }} function* copyFile(action) { try { const csrfToken = yield select(getCsrf); const ProviderService = resolveProviderService(action.file.fullPath); yield call(ProviderService.cp, csrfToken, action.file, action.newPath); } catch (e) { console.log(e); // Do something to handle the error }} function* deleteFile(action) { try { const csrfToken = yield select(getCsrf); const ProviderService = resolveProviderService(action.file.fullPath); yield call(ProviderService.rm, csrfToken, action.file); yield put(removeFocusedFile(action.file.fullPath)); } catch (e) { console.log(e); // Do something to handle the error }} function* moveFile(action) { try { const csrfToken = yield select(getCsrf); const ProviderService = resolveProviderService(action.file.fullPath); yield call(, csrfToken, action.file, action.newPath); yield put(removeFocusedFile(action.file.fullPath)); } catch (e) { console.log(e); // Do something to handle the error }} function* renameFile(action) { try { const csrfToken = yield select(getCsrf); const ProviderService = resolveProviderService(action.file.fullPath); yield call(ProviderService.rename, csrfToken, action.file, action.newName);TODO found yield put(removeFocusedFile(action.file.fullPath)); // TODO: select file under new name if successful } catch (e) { console.log(e); // Do something to handle the error }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.function* uploadFile(action) { try { const csrfToken = yield select(getCsrf); const ProviderService = resolveProviderService(action.path); yield call(ProviderService.uploadFile, csrfToken, action.file, action.path); } catch (e) { console.log(e); // Do something to handle the error }} Similar blocks of code found in 2 locations. Consider refactoring.function* makeDirectory(action) { try { const csrfToken = yield select(getCsrf); const ProviderService = resolveProviderService(action.path); yield call(ProviderService.mkdir, csrfToken, action.path,; } catch (e) { console.log(e); // Do something to handle the error }} export default function* () { yield all([ takeEvery(types.GET_FILE_LIST_ASYNC.PENDING, getFileList), takeEvery(types.GET_FILE_LIST_ASYNC.IF_NEEDED, getFileListIfNeeded), takeEvery(types.COPY_FILE, copyFile), takeEvery(types.DELETE_FILE, deleteFile), takeEvery(types.MOVE_FILE, moveFile), takeEvery(types.RENAME_FILE, renameFile), takeEvery(types.UPLOAD_FILE, uploadFile), takeEvery(types.MAKE_DIRECTORY, makeDirectory), ]);}