// Individual imports like this save massively on the Webpack// bundle size. Importing the index.js from each of these// would result in more than double the bundle size. Yuge.import { FaCogs, FaRegFileArchive, FaRegFileAudio, FaRegFileCode, FaRegFileExcel, FaRegFileImage, FaRegFileVideo, FaRegFile, FaRegFilePdf, FaRegFilePowerpoint, FaRegFileAlt, FaRegFileWord, FaRegFolder, FaTerminal,} from 'react-icons/fa'; import { GoDatabase, GoGitBranch, GoRuby,} from 'react-icons/go'; import { IoLogoJavascript, IoLogoPython, IoLogoSass,} from 'react-icons/io'; import React from 'react'; const insetIconStyle = { position: 'relative', fontSize: '0.4em', left: '-1.7em', marginRight: '-1em',}; const fileExtensionMappings = [ { type: 'dir', name: /^\.git$/i, icon: ( <span className="fa-layers fa-fw"> <FaRegFolder /> <GoGitBranch style={insetIconStyle} /> </span> ), }, { type: 'dir', name: /^\./i, icon: ( <span className="fa-layers fa-fw"> <FaRegFolder /> <FaCogs style={insetIconStyle} /> </span> ), }, { type: 'dir', icon: <FaRegFolder />, }, { name: /\.(docx?|odt|rtf)$/i, icon: <FaRegFileWord />, }, { name: /\.(pptx?|key|odp|pps)$/i, icon: <FaRegFilePowerpoint />, }, { name: /\.(xlsx?|ods|xlr)$/i, icon: <FaRegFileExcel />, }, { name: /\.(zip|tar|gz|7z|rar|z|bz2)$/i, icon: <FaRegFileArchive />, }, { name: /\.pdf$/i, icon: <FaRegFilePdf />, }, { name: /\.(jpe?g|gif|bmp|tiff?|png|svg|eps|ai|ico)$/i, icon: <FaRegFileImage />, }, { name: /^\.(bash|zsh|ksh|tsh|csh|profile)/i, icon: <FaTerminal />, }, { name: /^\.git/i, icon: <GoGitBranch />, }, { name: /^\./i, icon: <FaCogs />, }, { name: /\.(mp4|mov|wmv|flv|avi|ogg|vob|m4v|mpeg|mp2|3g([p2]))$/i, icon: <FaRegFileVideo />, }, { name: /\.(wav|mp3|wma|m4a|acc|oga|flac|aiff|)$/i, icon: <FaRegFileAudio />, }, { name: /\.(asp|bash|c|class|cmd|cpp|cs|css|cxx|h|hdl|hpp|html|hxx|inc|java|jar|jsp|php|pl|pm|r|sh|swift|tex|vb|xml)$/i, icon: <FaRegFileCode />, }, { name: /\.(sql|psql)$/i, icon: <GoDatabase />, }, { name: /\.(sass|scss)$/i, icon: <IoLogoSass />, }, { name: /\.(js|jsx|json)$/i, icon: <IoLogoJavascript />, }, { name: /\.(py|ipynb)$/i, icon: <IoLogoPython />, }, { name: /\.rb$/i, icon: <GoRuby />, }, { name: /\.(txt|csv|tsv|log|md|rst|out)$/i, icon: <FaRegFileAlt />, }, { icon: <FaRegFile />, },]; Function `resolve` has a Cognitive Complexity of 7 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.function resolve(item) { for (const type of fileExtensionMappings) { if (, 'type') && type.type !== item.type) { continue; } if (, 'name') && ! { continue; } return type.icon; } return fileExtensionMappings.slice(-1)[0].icon;} export function fileIconResolver(item) { const X = resolve(item); return React.cloneElement(X, { className: 'fa-2x far' });}