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This is the [Elixir]( and [Phoenix]( backend API for [](

Code Corps is an open source platform for building and funding public software with massive social impact.

Our goals:

- **Connect people** - Match developers and designers, project managers and marketers – any and every talent – to ambitious projects that need their help.
- **Provide support** - Educate and train, develop and encourage people who build public software. Help projects be successful and people to do their best work.
- **Fund projects** - Crowdfund ongoing work and keep funders engaged in projects and connected to the teams they're supporting.
- **Develop new tools** - Help people collaborate on, organize, and even distribute their work. Listen closely to hear what needs built, and then build it.

## How can I help?

We'd love to have you contribute to Code Corps directly!

- First, read the guidelines in our [``](
- Then [look at our current projects]( to find something that interests you.

Have questions? Need help? You can also always come :wave: hello [in our Slack](, where there are always a ton of us around to help you learn, debug, or just shoot the breeze.

We highlight everyone who's contributed to [the Code Corps team page]( If we've missed you for some reason, please [open an issue in the Ember app](!

## Where should I help?

We recommend checking the latest [milestones on GitHub]( to get a sense for our current priorities.

Of course, help with other areas is always welcome, so if the current milestones aren't your cup of tea, feel free to [browse the issues](

And you can _always_ ask us for advice on where to start [in our Slack](

## Installing

[Follow this guide to get started.](

## Usage

Have everything installed and ready to work? Read [our usage guides]( to learn how to:

- [Run `mix` commands](
- [Stop and start the server](
- [Run tests](
- [Linting and style guidelines](
- [Work with the Ember front-end](
- [Set up environment variables](
- [Set up Github Integration](–-How-to-set-up-your-local-environment)

## Documentation

We have several types of docs:

- Project documentation (README, CONTRIBUTING, etc.)
- API documentation ([`master`]( | [`develop`]( | [local](docs/ written in [API Blueprint]( format in [`blueprint/api.apib`]( and published to the web when merging into `develop` or `master`
- [Inline documentation]( for the Elixir app generated by [`ex_doc`]( and published to GitHub pages when merging into `develop`

Want to improve the documentation? [Get started here.](

## Things we care about

Our values for this project reflect the Code Corps values as a whole, though with some minor differences.

We care about:

- Each other :raised_hands:
- Social impact :earth_africa:
- Good documentation :memo:
- Testing :microscope:
- Welcoming and teaching new contributors :wave:
- Writing small, clear, and achievable issues :dart:

We also track quantifiable metrics like inline documentation coverage, testing coverage, and so on. You can see some of these metrics in the badges at the top of this page.