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module Invoicing
  # This module is intended for use only internally within this framework. It implements
  # a pattern needed in several other modules: an +acts_as_something_or_other+ method can
  # be called within the scope of an +ActiveRecord+ class, given a number of arguments;
  # including options which define how columns are renamed in a given model object.
  # The information from these arguments needs to be stored in a class variable for later
  # use in instances of that class. It must be possible to call the +acts_as_+ method
  # multiple times, combining the arguments from the various calls, to make the whole thing
  # look nicely declarative. Subclasses should inherit +acts_as_+ arguments from their
  # superclass, but should be able to override them with their own values.
  # This pattern assumes a particular module structure, like the following:
  #   module MyNamespace                    # you may use arbitrarily nested modules for namespacing (optional)
  #     module Teleporter                   # the name of this module defines auto-generated method names
  #       module ActMethods
  #         def acts_as_teleporter(*args)   # should be called "acts_as_#{module_name.underscore}"
  #           Invoicing::ClassInfo.acts_as(MyNamespace::Teleporter, self, args)
  #         end
  #       end
  #       def transmogrify_the_instance     # will become an instance method of the class on which the
  #         info = teleporter_class_info    # acts_as_ method is called.
  #         info.do_transmogrify
  #       end
  #       module ClassMethods
  #         def transmogrify_the_class      # will become a class method of the class on which the
  #           info = teleporter_class_info  # acts_as_ method is called.
  #           info.do_transmogrify
  #         end
  #       end
  #       class ClassInfo < Invoicing::ClassInfo::Base
  #         def do_transmogrify
  #           case all_options[:transmogrification]
  #             when :total then "Transmogrified by #{all_args.first}"
  #           end
  #         end
  #       end
  #     end
  #   end
  #   ActiveRecord::Base.send(:extend, MyNamespace::Teleporter::ActMethods)
  # +ClassInfo+ is used to store and process the arguments passed to the +acts_as_teleporter+ method
  # when it is called in the scope of an +ActiveRecord+ model class. Finally, the feature defined by
  # the +Teleporter+ module above can be used like this:
  #   class Teleporter < ActiveRecord::Base
  #     acts_as_teleporter 'Zoom2020', :transmogrification => :total
  #   end
  #   Teleporter.transmogrify_the_class               # both return "Transmogrified by Zoom2020"
  #   Teleporter.find(42).transmogrify_the_instance
  module ClassInfo

    # Provides the main implementation pattern for an +acts_as_+ method. See the example above
    # for usage.
    # +source_module+:: The module object which is using the +ClassInfo+ pattern
    # +calling_class+:: The class in whose scope the +acts_as_+ method was called
    # +args+::          The array of arguments (including options hash) to the +acts_as_+ method
    def self.acts_as(source_module, calling_class, args)
      # The name by which the particular module using ClassInfo is known
      module_name ='::').last.underscore
      class_info_method = "#{module_name}_class_info"

      previous_info =
        if calling_class.respond_to?(class_info_method, true)
          # acts_as has been called before on the same class, or a superclass
          calling_class.send(class_info_method) || calling_class.superclass.send(class_info_method)
          # acts_as is being called for the first time -- do the mixins!
          calling_class.send(:include, source_module)
          nil # no previous_info

      # Instantiate the ClassInfo::Base subclass and assign it to an instance variable in calling_class
      class_info_class = source_module.const_get('ClassInfo')
      class_info =, previous_info, args)
      calling_class.instance_variable_set("@#{class_info_method}", class_info)

      # Define a getter class method on calling_class through which the ClassInfo::Base
      # instance can be accessed.
      calling_class.class_eval <<-CLASSEVAL
        class << self
          def #{class_info_method}
            if superclass.respond_to?("#{class_info_method}", true)
              @#{class_info_method} ||= superclass.send("#{class_info_method}")
          private "#{class_info_method}"

      # For convenience, also define an instance method which does the same as the class method
      calling_class.class_eval do
        define_method class_info_method do
        private class_info_method

    # Base class for +ClassInfo+ objects, from which you need to derive a subclass in each module where
    # you want to use +ClassInfo+. An instance of a <tt>ClassInfo::Base</tt> subclass is created every
    # time an +acts_as_+ method is called, and that instance can be accessed through the
    # +my_module_name_class_info+ method on the class which called +acts_as_my_module_name+.
    class Base
      # The class on which the +acts_as_+ method was called
      attr_reader :model_class

      # The <tt>ClassInfo::Base</tt> instance created by the last +acts_as_+ method
      # call on the same class (or its superclass); +nil+ if this is the first call.
      attr_reader :previous_info

      # The list of arguments passed to the current +acts_as_+ method call (excluding the final options hash)
      attr_reader :current_args

      # Union of +current_args+ and <tt>previous_info.all_args</tt>
      attr_reader :all_args

      # <tt>self.all_args - previous_info.all_args</tt>
      attr_reader :new_args

      # The options hash passed to the current +acts_as_+ method call
      attr_reader :current_options

      # Hash of options with symbolized keys, with +option_defaults+ overridden by +previous_info+ options,
      # in turn overridden by +current_options+.
      attr_reader :all_options

      # Initialises a <tt>ClassInfo::Base</tt> instance and parses arguments.
      # If subclasses override +initialize+ they should call +super+.
      # +model_class+::   The class on which the +acts_as+ method was called
      # +previous_info+:: The <tt>ClassInfo::Base</tt> instance created by the last +acts_as_+ method
      #                   call on the same class (or its superclass); +nil+ if this is the first call.
      # +args+::          Array of arguments given to the +acts_as_+ method when it was invoked.
      # If the last element of +args+ is a hash, it is used as an options array. All other elements
      # of +args+ are concatenated into an array, +uniq+ed and flattened. (They could be a list of symbols
      # representing method names, for example.)
      def initialize(model_class, previous_info, args)
        @model_class = model_class
        @previous_info = previous_info

        @current_options = args.extract_options!.symbolize_keys
        @all_options = (@previous_info.nil? ? option_defaults : @previous_info.all_options).clone

        @all_args = @new_args = @current_args = args.flatten.uniq
        unless @previous_info.nil?
          @all_args = (@previous_info.all_args + @all_args).uniq
          @new_args = @all_args - previous_info.all_args

      # Override this method to return a hash of default option values.
      def option_defaults

      # If there is an option with the given key, returns the associated value; otherwise returns
      # the key. This is useful for mapping method names to their renamed equivalents through options.
      def method(name)
        name = name.to_sym
        (all_options[name] || name).to_s

      # Returns the value returned by calling +method_name+ (renamed through options using +method+)
      # on +object+. Returns +nil+ if +object+ is +nil+ or +object+ does not respond to that method.
      def get(object, method_name)
        meth = method(method_name)
        (object.nil? || !object.respond_to?(meth)) ? nil : object.send(meth)

      # Assigns +new_value+ to <tt>method_name=</tt> (renamed through options using +method+)
      # on +object+. +method_name+ should not include the equals sign.
      def set(object, method_name, new_value)
        object.send("#{method(method_name)}=", new_value) unless object.nil?