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Test Coverage

<p> Hey <%= @applicant.first_name %>, </p>
<p>Thank you for showing interest in code9ty. This is where you learn code, love it and live it</p>
<p>You will be contacted through sms and email for an interview.</p>
<p>Meanwhile, checkout <%= link_to "what we cover", learn_to_code_url %>
to learn more about what we will go through</p>

All successful applicants will pay a subsidised facilitation fee of Kshs. 30,000.00.
However, only Ksh. 20,000.00 will be required on the start date and the rest of the payment within
the first 4 weeks

If you are a student you will enjoy a discount of <strong>66%</strong> off this. You will pay
a total of Kshs. 10,000.00. This amount is payed once you are confirmed.

<strong>Fun fact:</strong> For the sms you just received, we will show you how its sent :-).
Its part of our curriculum. Thats awesome, right?
  Sending this email was made possible, coded and designed by
  <%= link_to 'StellaMaris', '' %>,
  a member of cohort A of <strong>code9ty</strong>
<p>Sigu Magwa</p>