
View on GitHub


Test Coverage
<% if @open %>
  <%= form_for(:applicant, url: apply_path, data: { abide: '' }, html: { novalidate: '' }) do |s| %>
    <div data-abide-error class="alert callout" style="display: none;">
      <p> <%= fa_icon('exclamation-triangle') %> There are some errors in your form.</p>
    <div class='medium-6 columns'>
      <%= s.label :first_name %>
      <%= s.text_field :first_name, required: true, placeholder: "First" %>
      <span class="form-error">
        We need to know you
    <div class='medium-6 columns'>
      <%= s.label :last_name %>
      <%= s.text_field :last_name, required: true,  placeholder: "Last" %>
      <span class="form-error">
        We need to know you
    <div class='medium-12 columns'>
      <%= s.label :email %>
      <%= s.email_field :email, required: true,  placeholder: "" %>
      <span class="form-error">
        Seems like you mistyped your email address
    <div class='medium-12 columns'>
      <%= s.label :mobile_number %>
      <%= s.number_field :mobile_number, required: true, pattern: 'min_10', placeholder: "0712345678" %>
      <span class="form-error">
        This number seems a bit off
    <div class='medium-12 columns'>
      <%= s.label :github %>
      (Do not have an account? join github now!!)<%= link_to "here", '' %>
    <%= s.url_field :github, pattern: 'github',required: true, value: '', placeholder: "" %>
    <span class="form-error">
      GitHub accounts only
    <div class='medium-12 columns'>
      <%= s.submit "Apply", class: 'button'%>
    <div class="medium-12 columns">
        Having troubles applying? <%= mail_to "","email us" %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>