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            <a class="link" href="#schedule">Schedule</a>
            <a class="link" href="#faq">FAQ</a>
            <a class="link" href="#prizes">Prizes</a>
            <a class="link" href="#sponsors">Sponsors</a>
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        <img src="" alt="Major League Hacking 2022 Hackathon Season" style="width:100%">

    <!-- Hero -->
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            <h1>BrickHack 8</h1>
            <p>RIT'S PREMIER HACKATHON</p>
            <h3>March 5-6, 2022</h3>
            <h3>Virtual Event</h3>
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                <a id="login" href="" target="_blank">LOGIN</a>
                <a id="register" href="" target="_blank">DISCORD</a>
            <a id="discord" href="" target="_blank">DEVPOST</a>
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            <video width="750" autoplay muted loop playsinline>
                <source src="./assets/bh8/videos/LandingLoop.mp4" type="video/mp4">

    <!-- About -->
    <section id="about">
        <div id="about-text">
            <h2>What is a Hackathon?</h2>
            <p>A hackathon is an invention marathon. BrickHack is a 24-hour digital hackathon that is completely free and open to any university student.</p>
            <p>Apply to come spend March 5th and 6th, 2022 with us to learn, collaborate, build, and innovate!</p>
        <div id="about-cards">
            <div class="about-card">
                <p><a href="">Register</a> an account via our application system to apply to BrickHack today! Applications will be open until the event opens on March 5th.</p>
                <p>If your application is accepted, you will receive an email from our team with more information.</p>
                <p>You must be 18+ and a current university student to apply. Applications and event attendance are completely free.</p>
            <div class="about-card">
                <p>At BrickHack, students compete individually or in teams of 2-4 to build anything they want. You could make an app, a website, a game, a design, or any other form of interactive media. No experience is required; we provide mentors to help you along the way!</p>
        <div id="about-stats">
            <div id="stats-content">
                <h3>Last year's BrickHack 7 in numbers:</h3>
                <div id="stats">
                        <p>Schools represented</p>
            <video width="500" autoplay muted loop playsinline>
                <source src="./assets/bh8/videos/AboutLoop.mp4" type="video/mp4">

    <!-- Schedule -->
    <section id="schedule">
        <div id="schedule-left">
                <p>Showing events for: </p>
                <h3 id="date-indicator-saturday">Saturday, March 5</h3>
                <h3 id="date-indicator-sunday">Sunday, March 6</h3>
            <div id="schedule-days">
                <a id="saturday" class="day day-active">5</br>SAT</a>
                <a id="sunday" class="day">6</br>SUN</a>
        <div id="schedule-calendar">
            <div id="schedule-tape">
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                <div id="schedule-tape-right"></div>
            <div class="schedule-events" id="mar-5-content">
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                <p>View More</p>
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    <!-- FAQ -->
    <section id="faq">
        <div id="faq-title">
            <div id="faq-title-content">
                <h2>Frequently Asked Questions</h2>
                <p>Don't see your question here? Feel free to <a href="">contact us</a></p>
            <video width="110" height="200" autoplay muted loop playsinline>
                <source src="./assets/bh8/videos/FAQLoop.mp4" type="video/mp4">
        <div id="faq-cards">
            <div id="faq-cards-left">
                <div class="card">
                    <button class="accordion-header">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus fa-plus-light-blue" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        Can I re-use an old project?
                    <div class="panel">
                        <p>No. You can start thinking of ideas beforehand, but no work can be done!</p>
                        <p>(No designs, no UML diagrams, no code, etc.)</p>
                <div class="card">
                    <button class="accordion-header">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus fa-plus-orange" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        How accessible is the digital event?
                    <div class="panel">
                        <p>We've put a lot of thought into making sure all of BrickHack can be enjoyed by everyone. We're planning to have interpreting services and audio captioning to boot, with more accommodations to come in the future.</p>
                        <p>During registration, put any services that you require in the "special needs" field, and we'll do our best to meet them!</p>
                        <p>For any outstanding questions, email <a href=""></a>.</p>
                <div class="card">
                    <button class="accordion-header">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus fa-plus-blue" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        When will I know if I got in?
                    <div class="panel">
                        <p>Every application is considered on a first-come, first-serve basis. So register early! We'll send an email out if you're accepted.</p>
            <div id="faq-cards-right">
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                    <button class="accordion-header">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus fa-plus-light-blue" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        I'm new to coding. What if I have questions while I hack?
                    <div class="panel">
                        <p>This year, we'll have mentors from various tech companies available to help, as well as other hackers who can volunteer their knowledge throughout the event.</p>
                        <p>During the opening ceremony, we'll go over how to request help from a mentor!</p>
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                    <button class="accordion-header">
                        <i class="fa fa-plus fa-plus-orange" aria-hidden="true"></i>
                        Should I bring my own bricks?
                    <div class="panel">
                        <p>We've got you covered.</p>

    <!-- Prizes -->
    <section id="prizes">
        <video id="prizes-ricky" autoplay muted loop playsinline>
            <source src="./assets/bh8/videos/Prize-Ricky.mp4" type="video/mp4">
        <div id="prizes-card">
            <div role="presentation">  <!-- unsure if screen readers will even process <div>s with no text; this may be unnecessary? -->
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            <div class="content">
                <img class="graphic" src="./assets/bh8/Prize-Bars.svg" alt="Three colored bars of varying heights: medium light blue, tall orange, short dark blue"/>
                <div class="text">
                    <p class="title">BRICKHACK MAIL</p>
                    <p>This year, we'll have more than 8 prize categories for you to work towards! Projects can be submitted to different event and sponsor prize categories, but everyone learns and wins at BrickHack! More info will be released on Devpost before the event.</p>
            <div id="inner-prizes-card">
                <p class="title"><b>Shipping Notes:</b></p>
                <div class="content">
                    <p><b>Due to logistical restrictions, only North American residents with active addresses are eligible to receive prizes and physical swag.</b></p>
            <p id="prizes-corner-text">BrickHack 8</p>

    <!-- Sponsors -->
    <section id="sponsors">
        <p>Sponsors help make our event possible with their support, event guidance for hackers, and workshop opportunities.</p>
        <p>Interested in sponsoring our event? Check out our prospectus and contact us today!</p>
        <div id="sponsor-btns">
            <a id="prospectus" href="/assets/bh8/BH8-Prospectus.pdf" target="_blank">PROSPECTUS</a>
            <a id="email" href="" target="_blank">CONTACT</a>
        <!-- Brick Tier -->
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            <a href="" target="_blank">
                <img src="assets/bh8/sponsor-logos/cbrands.svg" alt="Constellation Brands logo">
        <!-- Gold Tier -->
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        </div> -->
        <!-- Silver and Bronze Tier -->
        <div class="logo-group" id="bronze-silver-tier">
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                <img src="assets/bh8/sponsor-logos/figma.svg" alt="Figma logo">
        <!-- Partners -->
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                <img id="stickermule" src="assets/bh8/sponsor-logos/stickermule.svg" alt="StickerMule logo">
            <a href="" target="_blank">
                <img src="assets/sponsors/logos/mlh.svg" alt="Major League Hacking logo">

    <!-- Leadership -->
    <section id="leadership">
        <h2>Meet the Team</h2>
        <div id="team">
            <div class="leader">
                <div class="leader-img">
                    <div class="tape tape-blue"></div>
                    <img src="/assets/bh8/leadership/peter.jpg" alt="Headshot of Peter Kos">
                <p class="leader-role">President</p>
                <p class="leader-name">Peter Kos</p>
            <!-- we don't want to show Krzystof twice on the front page... -->
            <!-- <div class="leader">
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                    <img src="" alt="temporary image placeholder">
                <p class="leader-role">Events Director</p>
                <p class="leader-name">Person Name</p>
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            <div class="leader">
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                    <div class="tape tape-orange"></div>
                    <img src="/assets/bh8/leadership/krzysztof.jpg" alt="Headshot of Krzysztof Grochal">
                <p class="leader-role">Logistics</p>
                <p class="leader-name">Krzysztof Grochal</p>
            <div class="leader">
                <div class="leader-img">
                    <div class="tape tape-blue"></div>
                    <img src="/assets/bh8/leadership/mackenzie.jpg" alt="Headshot of Mackenzie Wade">
                <p class="leader-role">Sponsorship</p>
                <p class="leader-name">Mackenzie Wade</p>
            <div class="leader">
                <div class="leader-img">
                    <div class="tape tape-orange"></div>
                    <img src="/assets/bh8/leadership/adam.jpg" alt="Headshot of Adam Pang">
                <p class="leader-role">Marketing</p>
                <p class="leader-name">Adam Pang</p>
            <div class="leader">
                <div class="leader-img">
                    <div class="tape tape-blue"></div>
                    <img src="/assets/bh8/leadership/claire.jpg" alt="Headshot of Claire He">
                <p class="leader-role">Design</p>
                <p class="leader-name">Claire He</p>
            <div class="leader">
                <div class="leader-img">
                    <div class="tape tape-orange"></div>
                    <img src="/assets/bh8/leadership/sj.jpg" alt="Headshot of SJ Miller">
                <p class="leader-role">Webmaster</p>
                <p class="leader-name">SJ Miller</p>
            <div class="leader">
                <div class="leader-img">
                    <div class="tape tape-blue"></div>
                    <img src="/assets/bh8/leadership/skye.jpg" alt="Headshot of Skye Gallup">
                <p class="leader-role">Treasurer</p>
                <p class="leader-name">Skye Gallup</p>

    <!-- Contact -->
    <section id="contact">
        <div id="contact-content">
            <p>Feel free to let us know of any questions, comments, and/or concerns at <a href=""></a></p>
            <p>Interested in joining our team? <a href="./club.html">Check out our club</a></p>
        <div id="contact-socials">
            <p>Connect with us:</p>
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            <p><a href="" target="_blank">MLH Code of Conduct</a></p>
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            <p>Copyright &copy; 2022 BrickHack Club</p>

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