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id: 2.0-whats-new
title: What's New in v2.0

HackathonManager 2.0 has a lot of new features, changes, and bug fixes! This page serves to detail the updates that may affect your existing instance of HackathonManager.

## Updating

If you are not currently on v2.0, see the guide for [updating HM](

## New Features

- Dashboard map!
    - This is an initial version of this feature, and we have many improvements planned for the next version.
- Dashboard sidebar navigation has been redesigned (now has groups!)
- Directors can view user accounts directly (**Users & Staff** page)
- Directors can block the ability to submit questionnaires
- Password reset screen has been redesigned
- Questionnaires can now be deleted without deleting the associated user
    - This is useful if a staff member (volunteer/organizer/director) decides to no longer attend the hackathon.
- Phone number is now validated in questionnaire form
    - We are planning to add a more robust implementation down the line, but for now, this prevents obvious errors in phone numbers (i.e., text).

    <summary> Many variations are accepted (click to toggle) </summary>
    (123) 456-7890
- Directors (prev: admins) are now notified when a bus captain leaves their bus list, or they deny their RSVP.
- Users who didn't finish their application are now sent a reminder email:
    - 7 days after they were accepted (if signed up >2 weeks before event)
    - 5 days before event (if signed up >10 days before event)
    - 2 days before event (if signed up >3 days before event)
- When sending a message, HM now prompts with a confirmation message indicating the number of recipients.
- More detailed [API Documentation](api-overview) is now available
- Added [Updating HackathonManager]( documentation

## Changes

- "Convert to Admin" button removed on Questionnaire pages.
    - Instead, go to the corresponding User (in the `Users & Staff` page) and change their role.
- Role updates
    - Roles have been **renamed** as follows:
    -   |       Old Role       |  New Role |
        | User                 | User      |
        | event_tracking       | Volunteer |
        | admin_limited_access | Organizer |
        | Admin                | Director  |

    - Directors can modify the permissions of organizers, while organizers cannot modify other organizers' permissions.
    - (Eventually, we plan to add [custom role support](! Stay tuned.)

- MyMLH has been updated to V3
- Documentation for [environment variables]( has been updated
- Documentation for [messages]( has been updated
- 24hr event reminder wording addresses all attendees in the message, not just MyMLH attendees

## Bug Fixes

- When editing a questionnaire, the school autocomplete dropdown now has a background
- "Please sign in or sign up to continue" message no longer flashes on sign-in page
- Long hackathon names no longer wrap on the account registration page
    - Note that we do not support names longer than 31 characters; this limit will be strictly enforced in a future version of HM.
- When creating a questionnaire, the school dropdown now fits to the size of the form field, instead of stretching offscreen
- Trying to view a questionnaire modified by a deleted admin now communicates `(deleted user)`