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id: api-overview
title: Overview

## Introduction

Almost all of the functionality exposed to users can also be accessed as an API with OAuth credentials. This includes both public and management-facing functionality.

**Please note:** HackathonManager's primary audience is the web interface. The API is currently being rewritten to support more application-based functionality, however this is still a work in progress, and not all functions will be supported on version `2.0`.

If you run into any inconsistencies, feel free to open an issue on the [hackathon-manager]( repo.

## Endpoints

> Note that endpoints are currently being rewritten to support more user-based access, rather than hiding most information under an admin-level restriction.

Endpoints are shared with regular page controllers for browser-style functionality. This leverages Ruby on Rails routing (for a deep dive, see [Rails Routing from the Outside In](

Because Rails follows a standard CRUD-format, these endpoints become very REST-like.

For example:

|       Action      |                                             Reuqest                                              |
| List all tags     | `GET`                                      |
| View specific tag | `GET`                                    |
| Create tag        | `POST` (with body parameters)              |
| Update tag        | `PATCH` (with body parameters) |
| Delete tag        | `DELETE`                                 |

For a full list of endpoints, run `bin/rails routes` locally. This utility, provided by Ruby on Rails, lists all possible paths you can route to (along with their respective HTTP method).

> Note: Datatable endpoints are highly coupled to [Datatables]( functionality and are not easy to use.

> Note: The following endpoints are currently being rewritten to allow for less restrictions, i.e., bypassing the `/manage/`-level permission.

Example for questionnaire management endpoints:

                                Prefix Verb     URI Pattern                                              Controller#Action
       datatable_manage_questionnaires POST     /manage/questionnaires/datatable(.:format)               manage/questionnaires#datatable
         check_in_manage_questionnaire PATCH    /manage/questionnaires/:id/check_in(.:format)            manage/questionnaires#check_in
update_acc_status_manage_questionnaire PATCH    /manage/questionnaires/:id/update_acc_status(.:format)   manage/questionnaires#update_acc_status
      bulk_apply_manage_questionnaires PATCH    /manage/questionnaires/bulk_apply(.:format)              manage/questionnaires#bulk_apply
                 manage_questionnaires GET      /manage/questionnaires(.:format)                         manage/questionnaires#index
                                       POST     /manage/questionnaires(.:format)                         manage/questionnaires#create
              new_manage_questionnaire GET      /manage/questionnaires/new(.:format)                     manage/questionnaires#new
             edit_manage_questionnaire GET      /manage/questionnaires/:id/edit(.:format)                manage/questionnaires#edit
                  manage_questionnaire GET      /manage/questionnaires/:id(.:format)                     manage/questionnaires#show
                                       PATCH    /manage/questionnaires/:id(.:format)                     manage/questionnaires#update
                                       PUT      /manage/questionnaires/:id(.:format)                     manage/questionnaires#update
                                       DELETE   /manage/questionnaires/:id(.:format)                     manage/questionnaires#destroy
             datatable_manage_checkins POST     /manage/checkins/datatable(.:format)

## Request & Response

Most endpoints can operate with JSON requests & responses. Simply provide `.json` at the end of the URL to be returned JSON, and provide `Content-Type: application/json` when using POST or PATCH with a JSON body.

Note that while most endpoints support JSON responses, some do not have this support. Redirect responses are common for some actions, for which you'll receive a 302 redirect response and no JSON body.

The best way to see what's expected is to look at the controller source code, located at [`app/controllers/`]( Here, you'll see how each endpoint is configured; this maps to the routes listed by `bin/rails routes`. For example:

def show
  respond_with(:manage, @questionnaire)

- This "show" endpoint is the natural mapping for something like `GET /manage/questionnaires/1.json`
- Because `respond_with` is used, it will return JSON when `.json` is used in the URL

## Authentication

Authentication is implemented with OAauth 2, provided by the [Doorkeeper]( gem. For full Doorkeeper endpoints + docs, see the [Doorkeeper wiki](

See the [Setup Postman/Paw for API Testing]( page for information on using those tools for testing the API locally.

Once appropriate authentication credentials are retrieved, they should be provided on all API requests.

### Security note

For a mobile- or front-end app, or any app that has API calls running on the client, you should **not** use an authorization flow involving the application secret; otherwise, you would be distributing the secret to the public, compromising the whitelist nature of controlling which apps may pose as your users.

For most use cases, the **authorization code grant** or **implicit grant** flows should be used. Check out [this guide by Auth0]( for more info.