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id: deployment-dokku
title: Dokku Deployment

>These docs assume you already have a virtual machine with [Dokku]( running on it, and can SSH into the VM. DNS should be set up as well, but isn't required for bare minimum functionality.
>If you need a VM, check out [DigitalOcean]( or [Linode]( and the [Dokku docs]( to get started.
>**Student Developer?** The [GitHub Student Developer Pack]( has several discounts for cloud hosting, Ruby tutorials, and more! 

## Setting up a new deployment

Below are steps to deploy a new HackathonManager instance on Dokku. To update an existing Dokku deployment, check out our [updating docs](updating-hm.html).

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to the [codeRIT Engineering Team](! This doc is very much a work in progress but we want to keep it as up to date as possible.

## Dokku Setup

### Plugins

Currently used and required Dokku plugins (other than the defaults):

- [MySQL]( (data storage)
- [Redis]( (background jobs + caching)
- [dokku-letsencrypt]( (Optional: free, automated SSL certificates)

### Setup Steps

**We'll be using `hm` as the app name in these steps,** as well as sharing the same `hm` name for both the app, database, and redis name. You're free to use other names.

dokku apps:create hm
dokku mysql:create hm
dokku mysql:link hm hm
dokku redis:create hm
dokku redis:link hm hm
dokku checks:disable hm worker
dokku config:set hm \ [environment variables]

Where `[environment-variables]` is a list of all environment variables:

# Dokku-specific environment variables
ENVIRONMENT="production" \
# ...remaining general environment variables...

_providing a `\` at the end of the line allows you to continue the command onto new lines instead of typing all of the variables in one line_

**See [Environment Variables]( for all required environment variables**

Once all configuration is set, add Dokku as a remote & run an initial deploy.

### Initial deploy

First, we have to disable our `CHECKS`. Since our initial deploy won't have a working database, checks will fail and block deploys.

On the server, run:

dokku checks:disable hm web

Then, do a local deploy to Dokku:

# Run this on your LOCAL machine, NOT on the server
git clone git
cd hackathon_manager
git remote add dokku
git push dokku master

You'll be able to easily see the progress of the build and any errors.

Once this succeeds, return back to the server to re-enable our web checks and seed the now-prepared database.

dokku checks:enable hm web
dokku run hm bin/rails db:seed

### Domain setup

1. Set up a new DNS record, either by:
   - CNAME record `` to point to ``
   - A (and AAAA if you have IPv6) record `` to point to your server's IP Address
2. Attach the domain to the app

dokku domains:add hm

3. Setup HTTPS with Let's Encrypt

dokku config:set --no-restart hm
dokku letsencrypt hm

### Validating initial deploy

- Deploy should succeed without any red flags in the build log
- Should be able to submit an application on the website & receive an immediate confirmation email

### Promote account to director

dokku enter hm web
# Wait for a bash shell to start...
$ bin/rails c
# Wait for the Rails console to start...
User.find_by(email: "").update_attribute(:role, :director)

## Nginx Config

A few special additions must be made to Dokku's standard nginx configuration.

The two sections

1. Create the directory `/home/dokku/hm/nginx.conf.d/`
2. Add files ending in `.conf` as specified below (`proxy_buffer.conf` for sidekiq, `upload.conf` for resumes)
3. Restart nginx: `dokku nginx:build-config hm`

### Sidekiq

Sidekiq's web UI will throw a 502 Gateway error out of the box on production. To fix this, [increase the nginx buffer size](

1. Create `proxy_buffer.conf`
sudo nano /home/dokku/hm/nginx.conf.d/proxy_buffer.conf

2. Copy/paste or type in these contents:
# Fix for Sidekiq web console
proxy_buffer_size   128k;
proxy_buffers   4 256k;
proxy_busy_buffers_size   256k;

3. Save the file

### Resumes

Support decently-sized resumes.

1. Create `upload.conf`
sudo nano /home/dokku/hm/nginx.conf.d/upload.conf

2. Copy/paste or type in these contents:
client_max_body_size 2M;

3. Save the file

### Restart Nginx

dokku nginx:build-config hm

## MySQL

### MySQL Timezone Tables (Groupdate)

**Update: Looks like dokku-mysql has timezone information by default, so this shouldn't be necessary anymore.**

In order to support groupdate, timezone tables must be created.

mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u $OPENSHIFT_MYSQL_DB_USERNAME -p mysql