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Method has too many lines. [14/10]

  def create
    member = Member.find(params[:meeting_invitations][:member])
    meeting = Meeting.find_by(slug: params[:meeting_invitations][:meeting_id])

    if MeetingInvitation.accepted.where(meeting: meeting, member: member).exists?

Checks if the length of a method exceeds some maximum value. Comment lines can optionally be allowed. The maximum allowed length is configurable.

You can set constructs you want to fold with CountAsOne. Available are: 'array', 'hash', 'heredoc', and 'method_call'. Each construct will be counted as one line regardless of its actual size.

NOTE: The ExcludedMethods and IgnoredMethods configuration is deprecated and only kept for backwards compatibility. Please use AllowedMethods and AllowedPatterns instead. By default, there are no methods to allowed.

Example: CountAsOne: ['array', 'heredoc', 'method_call']

def m
  array = [       # +1

  hash = {        # +3
    key: 'value'

  <<~HEREDOC      # +1

  foo(            # +1
end               # 6 points

Assignment Branch Condition size for create is too high. [<3, 26, 3> 26.34/17]

  def create
    member = Member.find(params[:meeting_invitations][:member])
    meeting = Meeting.find_by(slug: params[:meeting_invitations][:meeting_id])

    if MeetingInvitation.accepted.where(meeting: meeting, member: member).exists?

Checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See and

Interpreting ABC size:

  • <= 17 satisfactory
  • 18..30 unsatisfactory
  • > 30 dangerous

You can have repeated "attributes" calls count as a single "branch". For this purpose, attributes are any method with no argument; no attempt is meant to distinguish actual attr_reader from other methods.

Example: CountRepeatedAttributes: false (default is true)

# `model` and `current_user`, referenced 3 times each,
 # are each counted as only 1 branch each if
 # `CountRepeatedAttributes` is set to 'false'

 def search
   @posts =
   @posts = model.some_process(@posts, current_user)
   @posts = model.another_process(@posts, current_user)

   render 'pages/search/page'

This cop also takes into account AllowedMethods (defaults to []) And AllowedPatterns (defaults to [])

Omit the hash value.

    invitation = meeting.invitations.find_or_create_by(member: member)

Checks hash literal syntax.

It can enforce either the use of the class hash rocket syntax or the use of the newer Ruby 1.9 syntax (when applicable).

A separate offense is registered for each problematic pair.

The supported styles are:

  • ruby19 - forces use of the 1.9 syntax (e.g. {a: 1}) when hashes have all symbols for keys
  • hash_rockets - forces use of hash rockets for all hashes
  • nomixedkeys - simply checks for hashes with mixed syntaxes
  • ruby19nomixed_keys - forces use of ruby 1.9 syntax and forbids mixed syntax hashes

This cop has EnforcedShorthandSyntax option. It can enforce either the use of the explicit hash value syntax or the use of Ruby 3.1's hash value shorthand syntax.

The supported styles are:

  • always - forces use of the 3.1 syntax (e.g. {foo:})
  • never - forces use of explicit hash literal value
  • either - accepts both shorthand and explicit use of hash literal value
  • consistent - forces use of the 3.1 syntax only if all values can be omitted in the hash

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19 (default)

# bad
{:a => 2}
{b: 1, :c => 2}

# good
{a: 2, b: 1}
{:c => 2, 'd' => 2} # acceptable since 'd' isn't a symbol
{d: 1, 'e' => 2} # technically not forbidden

Example: EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets

# bad
{a: 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 5}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: nomixedkeys

# bad
{:a => 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 2}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 1, d: 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19nomixed_keys

# bad
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 2, 'd' => 3} # should just use hash rockets

# good
{a: 1, b: 2}
{:c => 3, 'd' => 4}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: always (default)

# bad
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: never

# bad
{foo:, bar:}

# good
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: either

# good
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# good
{foo: foo, bar:}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: consistent

# bad - `foo` and `bar` values can be omitted
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# bad - `bar` value can be omitted
{foo:, bar: bar}

# bad - mixed syntaxes
{foo:, bar: baz}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

# good - can't omit `baz`
{foo: foo, bar: baz}

Omit the hash value.

    @invitation.update(attending: status, attended: attended)

Checks hash literal syntax.

It can enforce either the use of the class hash rocket syntax or the use of the newer Ruby 1.9 syntax (when applicable).

A separate offense is registered for each problematic pair.

The supported styles are:

  • ruby19 - forces use of the 1.9 syntax (e.g. {a: 1}) when hashes have all symbols for keys
  • hash_rockets - forces use of hash rockets for all hashes
  • nomixedkeys - simply checks for hashes with mixed syntaxes
  • ruby19nomixed_keys - forces use of ruby 1.9 syntax and forbids mixed syntax hashes

This cop has EnforcedShorthandSyntax option. It can enforce either the use of the explicit hash value syntax or the use of Ruby 3.1's hash value shorthand syntax.

The supported styles are:

  • always - forces use of the 3.1 syntax (e.g. {foo:})
  • never - forces use of explicit hash literal value
  • either - accepts both shorthand and explicit use of hash literal value
  • consistent - forces use of the 3.1 syntax only if all values can be omitted in the hash

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19 (default)

# bad
{:a => 2}
{b: 1, :c => 2}

# good
{a: 2, b: 1}
{:c => 2, 'd' => 2} # acceptable since 'd' isn't a symbol
{d: 1, 'e' => 2} # technically not forbidden

Example: EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets

# bad
{a: 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 5}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: nomixedkeys

# bad
{:a => 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 2}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 1, d: 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19nomixed_keys

# bad
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 2, 'd' => 3} # should just use hash rockets

# good
{a: 1, b: 2}
{:c => 3, 'd' => 4}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: always (default)

# bad
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: never

# bad
{foo:, bar:}

# good
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: either

# good
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# good
{foo: foo, bar:}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: consistent

# bad - `foo` and `bar` values can be omitted
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# bad - `bar` value can be omitted
{foo:, bar: bar}

# bad - mixed syntaxes
{foo:, bar: baz}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

# good - can't omit `baz`
{foo: foo, bar: baz}

Omit the hash value.

    if MeetingInvitation.accepted.where(meeting: meeting, member: member).exists?

Checks hash literal syntax.

It can enforce either the use of the class hash rocket syntax or the use of the newer Ruby 1.9 syntax (when applicable).

A separate offense is registered for each problematic pair.

The supported styles are:

  • ruby19 - forces use of the 1.9 syntax (e.g. {a: 1}) when hashes have all symbols for keys
  • hash_rockets - forces use of hash rockets for all hashes
  • nomixedkeys - simply checks for hashes with mixed syntaxes
  • ruby19nomixed_keys - forces use of ruby 1.9 syntax and forbids mixed syntax hashes

This cop has EnforcedShorthandSyntax option. It can enforce either the use of the explicit hash value syntax or the use of Ruby 3.1's hash value shorthand syntax.

The supported styles are:

  • always - forces use of the 3.1 syntax (e.g. {foo:})
  • never - forces use of explicit hash literal value
  • either - accepts both shorthand and explicit use of hash literal value
  • consistent - forces use of the 3.1 syntax only if all values can be omitted in the hash

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19 (default)

# bad
{:a => 2}
{b: 1, :c => 2}

# good
{a: 2, b: 1}
{:c => 2, 'd' => 2} # acceptable since 'd' isn't a symbol
{d: 1, 'e' => 2} # technically not forbidden

Example: EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets

# bad
{a: 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 5}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: nomixedkeys

# bad
{:a => 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 2}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 1, d: 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19nomixed_keys

# bad
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 2, 'd' => 3} # should just use hash rockets

# good
{a: 1, b: 2}
{:c => 3, 'd' => 4}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: always (default)

# bad
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: never

# bad
{foo:, bar:}

# good
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: either

# good
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# good
{foo: foo, bar:}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: consistent

# bad - `foo` and `bar` values can be omitted
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# bad - `bar` value can be omitted
{foo:, bar: bar}

# bad - mixed syntaxes
{foo:, bar: baz}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

# good - can't omit `baz`
{foo: foo, bar: baz}

Omit the hash value.

    if MeetingInvitation.accepted.where(meeting: meeting, member: member).exists?

Checks hash literal syntax.

It can enforce either the use of the class hash rocket syntax or the use of the newer Ruby 1.9 syntax (when applicable).

A separate offense is registered for each problematic pair.

The supported styles are:

  • ruby19 - forces use of the 1.9 syntax (e.g. {a: 1}) when hashes have all symbols for keys
  • hash_rockets - forces use of hash rockets for all hashes
  • nomixedkeys - simply checks for hashes with mixed syntaxes
  • ruby19nomixed_keys - forces use of ruby 1.9 syntax and forbids mixed syntax hashes

This cop has EnforcedShorthandSyntax option. It can enforce either the use of the explicit hash value syntax or the use of Ruby 3.1's hash value shorthand syntax.

The supported styles are:

  • always - forces use of the 3.1 syntax (e.g. {foo:})
  • never - forces use of explicit hash literal value
  • either - accepts both shorthand and explicit use of hash literal value
  • consistent - forces use of the 3.1 syntax only if all values can be omitted in the hash

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19 (default)

# bad
{:a => 2}
{b: 1, :c => 2}

# good
{a: 2, b: 1}
{:c => 2, 'd' => 2} # acceptable since 'd' isn't a symbol
{d: 1, 'e' => 2} # technically not forbidden

Example: EnforcedStyle: hash_rockets

# bad
{a: 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 5}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: nomixedkeys

# bad
{:a => 1, b: 2}
{c: 1, 'd' => 2}

# good
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 1, d: 2}

Example: EnforcedStyle: ruby19nomixed_keys

# bad
{:a => 1, :b => 2}
{c: 2, 'd' => 3} # should just use hash rockets

# good
{a: 1, b: 2}
{:c => 3, 'd' => 4}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: always (default)

# bad
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: never

# bad
{foo:, bar:}

# good
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: either

# good
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# good
{foo: foo, bar:}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

Example: EnforcedShorthandSyntax: consistent

# bad - `foo` and `bar` values can be omitted
{foo: foo, bar: bar}

# bad - `bar` value can be omitted
{foo:, bar: bar}

# bad - mixed syntaxes
{foo:, bar: baz}

# good
{foo:, bar:}

# good - can't omit `baz`
{foo: foo, bar: baz}

There are no issues that match your filters.
