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Test Coverage
# Information for engine developers & contributors

## Testing local changes

To run the test suite, use `make test`.

Running `make image` will build `codeclimate/codeclimate-rubocop:latest`
locally. It's a good idea to use a locally-built image to QA engine changes
against real repos using the Code Climate CLI.

## Releasing a new version

If you are upgrading to a new version of RuboCop, please re-run the doc scraper
to get any new or updated docs:

docker run \
  --rm --volume "$PWD:/usr/src/app" --user root --workdir /usr/src/app \
  codeclimate/codeclimate-rubocop bundle exec rake docs:scrape
sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) config

You should add any new cops without docs that fail specs to

When doing QA, it's good to confirm the engine will run successfully when using
the default inferred configuration:

rm .rubocop.yml
codeclimate init --upgrade
codeclimate analyze -e rubocop

If configuration was changed in the release, this might not succeed, and the
default configuration will need to be updated.