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Use && instead of and.
Open { |key, value| children[simple(key)] = simple(value) } if keys and values
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/parser/psych.rb by rubocop

This cop checks for uses of and and or, and suggests using && and || instead. It can be configured to check only in conditions, or in all contexts.

Example: EnforcedStyle: always (default)

# bad and return

# bad
if foo and bar

# good && return

# good
if foo && bar

Example: EnforcedStyle: conditionals

# bad
if foo and bar

# good && return

# good and return

# good
if foo && bar

Use nested module/class definitions instead of compact style.

module CC::Yaml
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/parser/psych.rb by rubocop

This cop checks the style of children definitions at classes and modules. Basically there are two different styles:

Example: EnforcedStyle: nested (default)

# good
# have each child on its own line
class Foo
  class Bar

Example: EnforcedStyle: compact

# good
# combine definitions as much as possible
class Foo::Bar

The compact style is only forced for classes/modules with one child.

Favor format over String#%.

        else raise ArgumentError, "unknown scalar type %p" % type
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/parser/psych.rb by rubocop

This cop enforces the use of a single string formatting utility. Valid options include Kernel#format, Kernel#sprintf and String#%.

The detection of String#% cannot be implemented in a reliable manner for all cases, so only two scenarios are considered - if the first argument is a string literal and if the second argument is an array literal.

Example: EnforcedStyle: format(default)

# bad
puts sprintf('%10s', 'hoge')
puts '%10s' % 'hoge'

# good
puts format('%10s', 'hoge')

Example: EnforcedStyle: sprintf

# bad
puts format('%10s', 'hoge')
puts '%10s' % 'hoge'

# good
puts sprintf('%10s', 'hoge')

Example: EnforcedStyle: percent

# bad
puts format('%10s', 'hoge')
puts sprintf('%10s', 'hoge')

# good
puts '%10s' % 'hoge'

Prefer annotated tokens (like %<foo>s</foo>) over unannotated tokens (like %s).

          node.visit_unexpected self, value, "unexpected tag %p for mapping" % value.tag
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/parser/psych.rb by rubocop

Use a consistent style for named format string tokens.

Note: unannotated style cop only works for strings which are passed as arguments to those methods: sprintf, format, %. The reason is that unannotated format is very similar to encoded URLs or Date/Time formatting strings.

Example: EnforcedStyle: annotated (default)

# bad
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: template

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: unannotated

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%{greeting}', 'Hello')

# good
format('%s', 'Hello')</greeting>

Prefer annotated tokens (like %<foo>s</foo>) over unannotated tokens (like %s).

        else node.visit_unexpected self, value, "unexpected tag %p for scalar %p" % [tag, simple(value)]
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/parser/psych.rb by rubocop

Use a consistent style for named format string tokens.

Note: unannotated style cop only works for strings which are passed as arguments to those methods: sprintf, format, %. The reason is that unannotated format is very similar to encoded URLs or Date/Time formatting strings.

Example: EnforcedStyle: annotated (default)

# bad
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: template

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: unannotated

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%{greeting}', 'Hello')

# good
format('%s', 'Hello')</greeting>

Freeze mutable objects assigned to constants.

      REG_FLAGS = { "i" => Regexp::IGNORECASE, "m" => Regexp::MULTILINE, "x" => Regexp::EXTENDED }
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/parser/psych.rb by rubocop

This cop checks whether some constant value isn't a mutable literal (e.g. array or hash).


# bad
CONST = [1, 2, 3]

# good
CONST = [1, 2, 3].freeze

Use %r around regular expression.

        "!regexp"    => /\A\/(.*)\/([imx]*)\z/,
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/parser/psych.rb by rubocop

This cop enforces using // or %r around regular expressions.

Example: EnforcedStyle: slashes (default)

# bad
snake_case = %r{^[\dA-Z_]+$}

# bad
regex = %r{

# good
snake_case = /^[\dA-Z_]+$/

# good
regex = /

Example: EnforcedStyle: percent_r

# bad
snake_case = /^[\dA-Z_]+$/

# bad
regex = /

# good
snake_case = %r{^[\dA-Z_]+$}

# good
regex = %r{

Example: EnforcedStyle: mixed

# bad
snake_case = %r{^[\dA-Z_]+$}

# bad
regex = /

# good
snake_case = /^[\dA-Z_]+$/

# good
regex = %r{

Example: AllowInnerSlashes: false (default)

# If `false`, the cop will always recommend using `%r` if one or more
# slashes are found in the regexp string.

# bad
x =~ /home\//

# good
x =~ %r{home/}

Example: AllowInnerSlashes: true

# good
x =~ /home\//

Inconsistent indentation detected.

      def serialize_encrypted(value)
        key_value("secure", serialize_str(value.encrypted_string), "{%s}")
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/serializer/json.rb by rubocop

This cops checks for inconsistent indentation.


class A
  def test
    puts 'hello'
     puts 'world'

Prefer to_s over string interpolation.

Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/serializer/json.rb by rubocop

This cop checks for strings that are just an interpolated expression.


# bad

# good

# good if @var is already a String

Avoid the use of double negation (!!).

Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/serializer/generic.rb by rubocop

This cop checks for uses of double negation (!!) to convert something to a boolean value. As this is both cryptic and usually redundant, it should be avoided.


# bad

# good

Please, note that when something is a boolean value !!something and !something.nil? are not the same thing. As you're unlikely to write code that can accept values of any type this is rarely a problem in practice.

Prefer annotated tokens (like %<foo>s</foo>) over unannotated tokens (like %s).

        raise ArgumentError, "unknown node type %p" % key unless name
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/nodes.rb by rubocop

Use a consistent style for named format string tokens.

Note: unannotated style cop only works for strings which are passed as arguments to those methods: sprintf, format, %. The reason is that unannotated format is very similar to encoded URLs or Date/Time formatting strings.

Example: EnforcedStyle: annotated (default)

# bad
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: template

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: unannotated

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%{greeting}', 'Hello')

# good
format('%s', 'Hello')</greeting>

Prefer annotated tokens (like %<foo>s</foo>) over unannotated tokens (like %s).

        INVALID_URL_ERROR = "invalid URL: %s".freeze
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/nodes/fetch.rb by rubocop

Use a consistent style for named format string tokens.

Note: unannotated style cop only works for strings which are passed as arguments to those methods: sprintf, format, %. The reason is that unannotated format is very similar to encoded URLs or Date/Time formatting strings.

Example: EnforcedStyle: annotated (default)

# bad
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: template

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: unannotated

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%{greeting}', 'Hello')

# good
format('%s', 'Hello')</greeting>

Omit pipes for the empty block parameters.

        define_method("#{key}?") { | | !!self[key]     } unless method_defined? "#{key}?"
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/nodes/mapping.rb by rubocop

This cop checks for pipes for empty block parameters. Pipes for empty block parameters do not cause syntax errors, but they are redundant.


# bad
a do ||

# bad
a { || do_something }

# good
a do

# good
a { do_something }

Use nested module/class definitions instead of compact style.

module CC::Yaml
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/nodes/scalar.rb by rubocop

This cop checks the style of children definitions at classes and modules. Basically there are two different styles:

Example: EnforcedStyle: nested (default)

# good
# have each child on its own line
class Foo
  class Bar

Example: EnforcedStyle: compact

# good
# combine definitions as much as possible
class Foo::Bar

The compact style is only forced for classes/modules with one child.

Prefer annotated tokens (like %<foo>s</foo>) over unannotated tokens (like %s).

          error(message || "unexpected %p", value)
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/nodes/node.rb by rubocop

Use a consistent style for named format string tokens.

Note: unannotated style cop only works for strings which are passed as arguments to those methods: sprintf, format, %. The reason is that unannotated format is very similar to encoded URLs or Date/Time formatting strings.

Example: EnforcedStyle: annotated (default)

# bad
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: template

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: unannotated

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%{greeting}', 'Hello')

# good
format('%s', 'Hello')</greeting>

Use %w or %W for an array of words.

  t.libs = ["lib", "spec"]
Severity: Minor
Found in Rakefile by rubocop

This cop can check for array literals made up of word-like strings, that are not using the %w() syntax.

Alternatively, it can check for uses of the %w() syntax, in projects which do not want to include that syntax.

Configuration option: MinSize If set, arrays with fewer elements than this value will not trigger the cop. For example, a MinSize of 3 will not enforce a style on an array of 2 or fewer elements.

Example: EnforcedStyle: percent (default)

# good
%w[foo bar baz]

# bad
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

Example: EnforcedStyle: brackets

# good
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

# bad
%w[foo bar baz]

Space missing after comma.

        flag = $2.chars.inject(0) { |f,c| f | REG_FLAGS.fetch(c, 0) }
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/parser/psych.rb by rubocop

Checks for comma (,) not followed by some kind of space.


# bad
{ foo:bar,}

# good
[1, 2]
{ foo:bar, }

Prefer annotated tokens (like %<foo>s</foo>) over unannotated tokens (like %s).

        PARENT_PATH_ERROR = "relative path elements in \"%s\" are invalid: use \"%s\" instead".freeze
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/nodes/fetch.rb by rubocop

Use a consistent style for named format string tokens.

Note: unannotated style cop only works for strings which are passed as arguments to those methods: sprintf, format, %. The reason is that unannotated format is very similar to encoded URLs or Date/Time formatting strings.

Example: EnforcedStyle: annotated (default)

# bad
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: template

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%s', 'Hello')

# good
format('%{greeting}', greeting: 'Hello')</greeting>

Example: EnforcedStyle: unannotated

# bad
format('%<greeting>s', greeting: 'Hello')
format('%{greeting}', 'Hello')

# good
format('%s', 'Hello')</greeting>

Use == if you meant to do a comparison or wrap the expression in parentheses to indicate you meant to assign in a condition.

        if mapped_key = mapped_key(key)
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/nodes/mapping.rb by rubocop

This cop checks for assignments in the conditions of if/while/until.


# bad

if some_var = true


# good

if some_var == true

Shadowing outer local variable - value.

        value.each { |key, value| self[key] = value }
Severity: Minor
Found in lib/cc/yaml/nodes/mapping.rb by rubocop

This cop looks for use of the same name as outer local variables for block arguments or block local variables. This is a mimic of the warning "shadowing outer local variable - foo" from ruby -cw.


# bad

def some_method
  foo = 1

  2.times do |foo| # shadowing outer `foo`


# good

def some_method
  foo = 1

  2.times do |bar|