class InvalidPayload(Exception):
class PayloadValidator:
def __init__(self, payload):
self.payload = payload
def validate(self):
if not self.__commit_sha():
raise InvalidPayload("A git commit sha was not found in the test report payload")
elif not self.__committed_at():
raise InvalidPayload("A git commit timestamp was not found in the test report payload")
elif not self.__run_at():
raise InvalidPayload("A run at timestamp was not found in the test report payload")
elif not self.__source_files():
raise InvalidPayload("No source files were found in the test report payload")
elif not self.__valid_source_files():
raise InvalidPayload("Invalid source files were found in the test report payload")
return True
def __commit_sha(self):
return self.__commit_sha_from_git() or self.__commit_sha_from_ci_service()
def __commit_sha_from_git(self):
return self.__validate_payload_value(["git", "head"])
def __commit_sha_from_ci_service(self):
return self.__validate_payload_value(["ci_service", "commit_sha"])
def __committed_at(self):
return self.__validate_payload_value(["git", "committed_at"])
def __run_at(self):
return self.payload.get("run_at")
def __source_files(self):
return self.payload.get("source_files")
def __validate_payload_value(self, keys):
current = self.payload
for key in keys:
next = current.get(key)
if next:
current = next
return False
return True
def __valid_source_files(self):
return all(self.__valid_source_file(source_file) for source_file in self.__source_files())
def __valid_source_file(self, source_file):
return type(source_file) is dict and source_file.get("name") and source_file.get("coverage")