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<!DOCTYPE html>


        <title>PageDown Demo Page</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="demo.css" />
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../Markdown.Converter.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../Markdown.Sanitizer.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="../../Markdown.Editor.js"></script>
        <div class="wmd-panel">
            <div id="wmd-button-bar"></div>
            <textarea class="wmd-input" id="wmd-input">
This is the *first* editor.

Just plain **Markdown**, except that the input is sanitized:

<marquee>I'm the ghost from the past!</marquee>
        <div id="wmd-preview" class="wmd-panel wmd-preview"></div>
        <br /> <br />
        <div class="wmd-panel">
            <div id="wmd-button-bar-second"></div>
            <textarea class="wmd-input" id="wmd-input-second">
This is the *second* editor.

It has a plugin hook registered that surrounds all words starting with the
letter A with asterisks before doing the Markdown conversion. Another one gives bare links
a nicer link text. User input isn't sanitized here:

<marquee>I'm the ghost from the past!</marquee>

It also includes a help button.

Finally, note that when you press Ctrl-Q or click the "Blockquote" button (without having a
selection), this editor creates an example text that's different from the first editor.
        <div id="wmd-preview-second" class="wmd-panel wmd-preview"></div>

        <script type="text/javascript">
            (function () {
                var converter1 = Markdown.getSanitizingConverter();
                var editor1 = new Markdown.Editor(converter1);
                var converter2 = new Markdown.Converter();

                converter2.hooks.chain("preConversion", function (text) {
                    return text.replace(/\b(a\w*)/gi, "*$1*");

                converter2.hooks.chain("plainLinkText", function (url) {
                    return "This is a link to " + url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "");
                var help = function () { alert("Do you need help?"); }
                var options = {
                    helpButton: { handler: help },
                    strings: { quoteexample: "whatever you're quoting, put it right here" }
                var editor2 = new Markdown.Editor(converter2, "-second", options);