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# Ohana API

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Ohana API is a Ruby on Rails application that makes it easy for communities to publish and maintain a database of social services, and allows developers to build impactful applications that serve underprivileged residents.

This is the API + Admin Interface portion of the Ohana project, developed by [@monfresh](, [@spara](, and [@anselmbradford]( during their Code for America Fellowship in 2013, in partnership with San Mateo County's Human Services Agency.

Apps built on top of Ohana API include a [web-based search interface]( and an [SMS app] that allow anyone to easily find services that are available in a particular community.

[SMS app]:

## Stack Overview

* Ruby version 2.7.5
* Rails version 5.2.6
* Postgres
* Testing Frameworks: RSpec, Factory Girl, Capybara

## Local Installation

Follow the instructions in [][install] to get the app up and running, and to learn how to import your data.


## Demo
You can see a running version of the different parts of the application here:

**Developer portal**: [](
(see [db/seeds.rb][developer_portal_seeds] for two usernames and passwords you can sign in with).

**API**: [](

**Admin Interface**: [](
(see [db/seeds.rb][admin_interface_seeds] for three usernames and passwords you can sign in with).


## API documentation

## Client libraries

- Ruby: [Ohanakapa][ohanakapa] (our official wrapper)

We would love to see libraries for other programming languages.
If you've built one, let us know and we'll add it here.


## Taxonomy
Out of the box, this project supports the [Open Eligibility](
taxonomy. If you would like to use your own taxonomy, or add more categories to
the Open Eligibility taxonomy, read our Wiki article on [taxonomy basics](

## Deploying to Heroku
See the [Wiki](

## Running the tests

Run tests locally with this simple command:


To see the actual tests, browse through the [spec]( directory.

## Contributing

We'd love to get your help developing this project! Take a look at the [Contribution Document]( to see how you can make a difference.

## Copyright
Copyright (c) 2013 Code for America. See [LICENSE]( for details.