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// Greyscale.
$black: rgb(0,0,0);

$greyscale_dark: rgb(87,87,87);
$greyscale_midtone: rgb(128,128,128);
$greyscale_light: rgb(171,171,171);
$greyscale_lightest: rgb(252,252,252);

$white: rgb(255,255,255);

// Primary.
$primary: rgb(137,209,226);
$primary-dark: shade($primary, 25);
$primary-darkest: shade($primary, 50);
$primary-light: tint($primary, 25);
$primary-lightest: tint($primary, 50);

// Accents.
$accentA-base: rgb(209,249,148);
$accentA-light: tint($accentA-base, 25);
$accentA-dark: shade($accentA-base, 50);
$accentB: rgb(255,200,56);

// Complements.
$complement-base: rgb(242,144,191);
$complementA: shade($complement-base, 50);
$complementB: tint($complement-base, 50);

// Notification colors.
$alert-error-base: rgb(255,10,50);

// Where possible, we named the variable based on the "role" of the element
// it is used for, as defined by WAI-ARIA
// In some cases, such as pagination, that was not possible. In these cases
// the variable names are patterned on Twitter Bootstrap.
// Some of the variables describe what ARIA refers to as "widget roles,"
// for example $button-color or $link-color.
// Others describe "landmark roles," for example anything starting
// with $search, $banner, or $main.
// Variables should have the shortest possible name that will uniquely identify them
// following this structure:
//     [widget]-[landmark | structure]-[non-WAI-ARIA qualifier]-[state]-rule
//     ... where:
//     [widget] =                 The specific widget. This would usually be
//                                present, but could be [optional]
//                                in cases where the variable was applying a
//                                style (such as a background color)
//                                to the containing landmark area.
//                                See examples at
//     [landmark | structure]   = The [optional] landmark or document structure
//                                the widget appears in.
//     [non-WAI-ARIA qualifier] = An [optional] descriptive qualifier for
//                                differentiating this variable,
//                                which is not covered succinctly in WAI-ARIA.
//                                (e.g. a Twitter Bootstrap-style name might be used.)
//     [state] =                  The [optional] CSS pseudo-class being set
//                                (e.g. hover, active, etc.)
//     rule =                     The CSS rule being set
//                                (e.g. background-color, color, etc.)

// Typography.
// TODO $text-color (this is probably a greyscale value)
$text-accent-color:                 $primary-dark;
$text-accent-hover-color:           $complementA;

// Banner (Header)
// "Popups" in the upper-left of the header area.
$menubutton-popup-color:            $primary-dark;
$menubutton-popup-hover-color:      $complementA;

// Buttons inside the popups.
$button-popup-color:                rgba($black,.5);
$button-popup-hover-color:          $complementA;
$button-popup-fa-color:             $primary-darkest;
$button-popup-bg:                   $accentA-light;
$button-popup-hover-bg:             shade($accentA-light,5);

$button-popup-disabled-color:       $greyscale_light;
$button-popup-disabled-bg:          tint($greyscale_light, 60);

// Buttons.
$button-color:                rgba($black,.5);
$button-hover-color:          $complementA;
$button-fa-color:             $primary-darkest;
$button-bg:                   $accentA-light;
$button-hover-bg:             shade($accentA-light,5);

$button-disabled-color:       $greyscale_light;
$button-disabled-bg:          tint($greyscale_light, 60);

$button-small-color:         tint($black, 25);
$button-small-fa-color:      $primary-darkest;
$button-small-hover-color:   $complementA;
$button-small-bg:            none;
$button-small-bg-hover:      $primary-light;

$button-utility-color:       $complementA;
$button-utility-fa-color:    $primary-darkest;
$button-utility-hover-color: $complementA;
$button-utility-bg:          none;
$button-utility-bg-hover:    $complementB;

// Forms.
$input-border-color:  $primary-dark;
$input-fa-color:      $primary-darkest;

// Search.
// Home page.
$search-bg:                         $primary;

// Sidebar.
$search-sidebar-bg:                 $primary-lightest;
$search-border-color:               $primary;
$search-text-color:                 tint($black, 25);
$search-accent-color:               shade($primary, 50);
$search-accent-hover:               $text-accent-hover-color;
$search-button-color:               $complementA;
$search-button-hover-color:         shade($complement-base, 25);
$search-button-hover-background:    $primary-light;
$search-button-fa-hover-color:      $complementA;

// Boxes of search terms on the home page.
$list-search-border:                $primary-light;
$listitem-search-border:            $primary;
$list-search-important-border:      $complementB;
$listitem-search-important-border:  $accentB;

// Pagination.
$pagination-color:              $complementA;
$pagination-hover-color:        $complementA;
$pagination-bg:                 none;
$pagination-hover-bg:           $complementB;
$pagination-border:             $complementB;

$pagination-active-color:       $white;
$pagination-active-bg:          tint($complement-base, 25);

$pagination-disabled-color:     $greyscale_dark;
$pagination-disabled-bg:        rgba($complementB, 0.1);

$pagination-next-color:         $white;
$pagination-next-hover-color:   $white;
$pagination-next-bg:            $primary-dark;
$pagination-next-hover-bg:      tint($complement-base, 25);

$pagination-highlight:          $black;

// Main
$main-highlight: $complementA;
$main-header-bg: rgba($complementB, 0.2);
$main-header-color: $black;
$main-list-mark-color: $complementB;
$main-border-color: $primary-dark;

// Alert
$alert-color: $black;
$alert-bg: $alert-error-base;
$alert-border-color: $black;

// Popups
$popup-bg: $white;

// Terminology info box — appears for select keywords above the search results.
$terminology-border: $complementA;


// Animation settings.
$animation-duration-slow: 100ms;
$animation-duration-base: 50ms;
$animation-duration-fast: 25ms;

// Positioning settings.
// The default border radius for rounded corners.
$border-radius-base: 4px;

// The stacking order layers (used with z-index).
$layer-11: 11000;
$layer-10: 10000;
$layer-9: 9000;
$layer-8: 8000;
$layer-7: 7000;

// Fonts
$font_serif: 'Libre Baskerville', serif;
$font_san_serif: 'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif;

// Font sizes. Relative numbered names (-80,-90,-100,-110...) are used
// instead of labels (small, medium, large) to allow easy insertion
// of additional intermediate sizes. 100 is the baseline.
// The font sizing mixins in _mixins.scss provide mapping of human-readable labels to font sizes.
// For actual font size rhythm calculations, see
// The settings are rounded values of a 16px baseline at a 3:4 perfect forth ratio.

// tiny
$font_size_80: 9px;
$font_leading_80: 0.75;

// small
$font_size_90: 12px;
$font_leading_90: 0.75;

// base-small
$font_size_95: 14px;
$font_leading_95: 1;

// baseline
$font_size_100: 16px;
$font_leading_100: 1;

// base-medium
$font_size_105: 18px;
$font_leading_105: 1;

// medium
$font_size_110: 21px;
$font_leading_110: 1.25;

// medium-large
$font_size_115: 24px;
$font_leading_110: 1.25;

// large
$font_size_120: 28px;
$font_leading_120: 1.25;

// x-large
$font_size_130: 38px;
$font_leading_130: 1.5;