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## Changelog

### 2.0.1 (Next)

* [#298]( Upgraded rubocop to 1.63.5 - [@dblock](
* Your contribution here.

### 2.0.0 (2024/02/01)

* [#268]( Replace Travis-CI with GHA - [@dblock](
* [#269]( Re-add code coverage - [@dblock](
* [#270]( Upgrade Rubocop to 1.45 - [@dblock](
* [#271]( Test against Ruby 3.2 - [@dblock](
* [#285]( Support Faraday 2.x - [@dblock](

### 1.0.1 (2021/01/02)

* [#193]( Auto-paginate collections - [@dblock](
* [#163]( Test against Faraday 0.9, 0.17 and 1.0+ - [@dblock](
* [#199]( Use digest_auth from faraday-digestauth - [@dblock](

### 1.0.0 (2021/01/02)

* NOTE: **⚠ This version has been yanked ⚠** - [@dblock](

### 0.9.3 (2020/05/14)

* [#149]( Address Faraday warnings - [@yuki24](
* [#160]( Require newer 'faraday-digestauth' - [@dblock](

### 0.9.2 (2020/05/12)

* NOTE: **⚠ This version has been yanked ⚠** - [@dblock](

### 0.9.1 (2019/08/25)

* NOTE: **⚠ This version is no longer tested with Ruby < 2.3 ⚠** - [@ivoanjo](

* [#135]( Fix validation for empty body responses - [@paulocdf](
* [#139]( Test `hyperclient` against newer versions of MRI Ruby, up until 2.6.x - [@mrcasals](
* [#141]( Replace `uri_template` with `addressable` library - [@mrcasals](
* [#136](, [#146]( Upgraded Danger plugins - [@dblock](, [@ivoanjo](

### 0.9.0 (2018/01/10)

* [#133]( Removed futuroscope - [@dblock](
* [#131]( Upgrade to Rubocop 0.50.0, fix Bundler's insecure git source warning - [@nebolsin](
* [#132]( Swapped yard dependency for danger-toc - [@dblock](

### 0.8.6 (2017/08/27)

* [#122]( Improve error message when server returns invalid data - [@ivoanjo](
* [#125]( Add table of contents to readme and add note asking users to add their projects to the wiki - [@ivoanjo](
* [#127]( Minor fixes: Fix warnings, and pry-byebug to dev Gemfile and tweak rubocop execution - [@ivoanjo](
* [#128]( Fix link delegation returning nil for field with value false - [@ivoanjo](

### 0.8.5 (2017/07/05)

* [#120]( Replace non-working homepage link in gemspec - [@ivoanjo](

### 0.8.4 (2017/05/16)

* [#117]( Require Faraday >= 0.9.0 in gemspec - [@ivoanjo](

### 0.8.3 (2017/03/30)

* [#115]( Fix dropped values from queries by using FlatParamsEncoder - [@ivoanjo](

### 0.8.2 (2016/12/31)

* NOTE: **⚠ This version is no longer tested with Ruby < 2.2 ⚠** - [@dblock](

* [#105](, [#108]( Added Danger, PR linter - [@dblock](
* [#109]( Allow disabling asynchronous behavior per-instance - [@Talkdesk](
* [#110]( Fixed ruby warnings - [@ivoanjo](

### 0.8.1 (2016/03/15)

* [#97]( Fix: curies are no longer used as link shorteners - [@joshco](, [@dblock](
* [#95]( Fix: re-add eager delegation for `resource.each` - [@dblock](

### 0.7.2 (2015/08/23)

* [#95]( Fix: re-add eager delegation for `resource.x._embeddded.x` - [@dblock](

### 0.7.1 (2015/08/15)

* [#89]( Added `Hyperclient::Resource#fetch` - [@alabeduarte](
* [#87]( Fix: eager delegation causes link skipping - [@dblock](

### 0.7.0 (2015/02/23)

* NOTE: **⚠ This version introduces several backwards incompatible changes. See [UPGRADING]( for details ⚠** - [@dblock](

* [#80]( Faraday options can be passed to the connection on initialization - [@koenpunt](
* [#81]( The default Content-Type is now `application/hal+json` - [@koenpunt](

### 0.6.1 (2014/10/17)

* NOTE: **⚠ This version introduces several backwards incompatible changes. See [UPGRADING]( for details ⚠** - [@dblock](

* [#51](, [#75]( Added support for setting headers and overriding or extending the default Faraday connection block before a connection is constructed - [@dblock](
* [#41](, [#73]( All Link HTTP methods now return a Resource, including `_get`, which has been aliased to `_resource`, `_post`, `_put`, `_patch`, `_head` and `_options` - [@dblock](
* [#72]( The default Faraday block now uses `Faraday::Response::RaiseError` and will cause HTTP errors to be raised as exceptions - [@dblock](
* [#77]( Added support for templated links with all optional arguments - [@dblock](

### 0.5.0 (2014/10/01)

* NOTE: **⚠ This version introduces several backwards incompatible changes. See [UPGRADING]( for details ⚠** - [@dblock](

* [#63]( Navigational methods, including `links`, `get` or `post`, have been renamed to `_links`, `_get`, or `_post` respectively - [@dblock](
* [#64]( Added support for curies - [@dblock](
* [#58]( Automatically follow redirects - [@dblock](
* [#63]( You can omit the navigational elements, `api.links.products` is now equivalent to `api.products` - [@dblock](
* [#61]( Implemented Rubocop, Ruby-style linter - [@dblock](

### 0.4.0 (2014/05/05)

* [#54]( Support Faraday 0.9.0 - [@lucianapazos](
* [#30]( Use futuroscope to run API calls in the background - [@josepjaume](

### 0.3.2 (2013/12/20)

* [#48]( Added support for fetch on the collection class - [@col](
* [#50]( Fixed Resource/Attributes mutating the response body - [@col](
* [#46]( Made response available inside Resource, provide access to status codes - [@benhamill](
* [#43]( Fixed LinkCollection#include? - [@benhamill](
* [#47]( Fixed uninitialized constant Hyperclient::Resource::Forwardable - [@benhamill](
* [#39]( Exposed templated link properties - [@txus](
* [#38]( Defaulted POST, PUT and PATCH parameters - [@bkeepers](
* [#37]( Fixed calling #flatten on an array of links - [@bkeepers](
* [#36]( Exposed link properties - [@bkeepers](
* [#31]( Allowed underscored attribute names other than the ones reserved by the HAL spec - [@karlin](
* [#29]( Handled JSON that includes a link with a null value - [@arbylee](

### 0.3.1 (2013/04/03)

* [#27]( Added support for collections of links - [@rehevkor5](

### 0.3.0 (2013/02/03)

* Initial public release - [@oriolgual](