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const { JSONPath: jsonPath } = require('jsonpath-plus'),
    ResultType = require('../../const/result-type');

module.exports = {

 * @typedef {{
 *     path: String,
 *     value: Object,
 *     parent: Object,
 *     parentProperty: String,
 *     hasArrExpr: Boolean
 * }} JsonPathMatchData

 * Callback that is applied to a JSONPath-match.
 * @callback JsonPathMatchCallback
 * @param {Object}              value       Value of the matched property
 * @param {String}              resultType  Result-type of the query
 * @param {JsonPathMatchData}   data        Object that contains additional data to the match

 * Function to build a callback that is applied to a JSONPath-match.
 * @callback JsonPathMatchCallbackBuilder
 * @param {string}                 jsPath  Path to the property that matched
 * @return {JsonPathMatchCallback}         Callback that is applied to a JSONPath-match

 * Apply the input rule to all models of type object in the input openApiSpec
 * @param {Object}                 openApiSpec           The to-be-modified schema
 * @param {Array.<String>}         [examplePaths]        The paths to the examples, which's content must not be modified
 * @param {JsonPathMatchCallbackBuilder}  [matchCallbackBuilder]  Function to build a callback
 *                                                                that will be called on each match
function applyCallbackToAllObjectModels(openApiSpec, examplePaths, matchCallbackBuilder) {
    // Find all matches
    const paths = new Set();
    _find(openApiSpec, '$..schema..')
        .forEach(match => {
            if (_isPropertiesDefinition(match)) { return; }
    // Exclude examples
    _excludeExamples(openApiSpec, paths, examplePaths);
    // Set flag
    for (const jsPath of paths) {
        const callback = matchCallbackBuilder(jsPath);
        _find(openApiSpec, jsPath, ResultType.value, (result, resultType, data) => {
            if (!_isObjectDefinition(result)) { return; }
            callback(result, resultType, data);

 * Find matching elements in JSON.
 * @param {Object}                  json                JSON to be searched
 * @param {String}                  path                JSON-path to search
 * @param {String}                  [resultType="path"] Result-type of the query
 * @param {JsonPathMatchCallback}   [callback]          Function to be called on a match
 * @returns {any} Result of the query, depending on the `resultType`
 * @private
function _find(json, path, resultType = ResultType.path, callback) {
    return jsonPath({
        flatten: true,

 * Remove JSON-paths from `paths` that are included in `examplePaths`
 * @param {Object}          openApiSpec     Open-API spec to search in
 * @param {Set.<String>}    paths           Paths where the examples have to be removed from
 * @param {Array.<String>}  examplePaths    JSON-paths of the examples
 * @private
function _excludeExamples(openApiSpec, paths, examplePaths) {
        .forEach(examplePath => {
            _find(openApiSpec, examplePath)
                .forEach(exampleMatch => {
                    for (const jsPath of paths) {
                        jsPath.startsWith(exampleMatch) && paths.delete(jsPath);

function _isPropertiesDefinition(path) {
    // Path has to end with `properties`
    if (!path.match(/\['properties']$/)) { return; }
    // Every second consecutive `properties` actually is not a property-definition, but a property itself
    const consecutiveMatch = path.match(/(?<!\['properties'])(\['properties']\['properties'])+$/);
    return !consecutiveMatch || consecutiveMatch.length % 2 !== 0;

function _isObjectDefinition(entity) {
    return entity.type === 'object' ||;