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Test Coverage
 * Class Gateway
 * @link
 * @filesource   Gateway.php
 * @created      10.06.2017
 * @package      chillerlan\Threema
 * @author       Smiley <>
 * @copyright    2017 Smiley
 * @license      MIT

namespace chillerlan\Threema;

use chillerlan\HTTP\Psr17\RequestFactory;
use chillerlan\HTTP\Psr7\MultipartStream;
use chillerlan\Settings\SettingsContainerInterface;
use finfo;
use Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;

use function chillerlan\HTTP\Psr7\merge_query;

class Gateway{

    protected const API_BASE = '';

    protected const API_ERRORS = [
        400 => 'bad request',
        401 => 'unauthorized',
        402 => 'no credits remain',
        404 => 'not found',
        413 => 'message too large',
        500 => 'internal server error',

    protected const HMAC_KEY_EMAIL_BIN = "\x30\xa5\x50\x0f\xed\x97\x01\xfa\x6d\xef\xdb\x61\x08\x41\x90\x0f\xeb\xb8\xe4\x30\x88\x1f\x7a\xd8\x16\x82\x62\x64\xec\x09\xba\xd7";
    protected const HMAC_KEY_PHONE_BIN = "\x85\xad\xf8\x22\x69\x53\xf3\xd9\x6c\xfd\x5d\x09\xbf\x29\x55\x5e\xb9\x55\xfc\xd8\xaa\x5e\xc4\xf9\xfc\xd8\x69\xe2\x58\x37\x07\x23";

    protected const FILE_NONCE           = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01";
    protected const FILE_THUMBNAIL_NONCE = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x02";

     * @var \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayOptions
    protected $options;

     * @var \Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface
    protected $http;

     * @var \Psr\Http\Message\RequestFactoryInterface
    protected $requestFactory;

     * Gateway constructor.
     * @param \chillerlan\Settings\SettingsContainerInterface $options
     * @param \Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface                $http
    public function __construct(SettingsContainerInterface $options, ClientInterface $http){
        $this->options        = $options;
        $this->http           = $http;
        $this->requestFactory = new RequestFactory;

     * @inheritdoc
    protected function getPadBytes():string{
        $padbytes = 0;

        while($padbytes < 1 || $padbytes > 255){
            $padbytes = ord(random_bytes(1));

        return str_repeat(chr($padbytes), $padbytes);

     * @param string $data
     * @param string $privateKey
     * @param string $publicKey
     * @return array
     * @throws \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayException
    protected function createBox(string $data, string $privateKey, string $publicKey):array{

            throw new GatewayException('invalid data');

        if(!preg_match('/^[a-f\d]{128}$/i', $privateKey.$publicKey)){
            throw new GatewayException('invalid keypair');

        $keypair = sodium_crypto_box_keypair_from_secretkey_and_publickey(sodium_hex2bin($privateKey), sodium_hex2bin($publicKey));

        $nonce = random_bytes(SODIUM_CRYPTO_BOX_NONCEBYTES);
        $box   = sodium_crypto_box($data, $nonce, $keypair);

        $encrypted = ['box' => sodium_bin2hex($box), 'nonce' => sodium_bin2hex($nonce)];

        return $encrypted;

     * @return array
    protected function getAuthParams():array {
        return [
            'from'   => $this->options->gatewayID,
            'secret' => $this->options->gatewaySecret,

     * @param \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request
     * @return string
     * @throws \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayException
    protected function getResponse(RequestInterface $request):string{
        $response = $this->http->sendRequest($request);
        $status   = $response->getStatusCode();

        if($status === 200){
            return $response->getBody()->getContents();

        if(array_key_exists($status, $this::API_ERRORS)){
            throw new GatewayException('gateway error: '.$this::API_ERRORS[$status]);

        throw new GatewayException('unknown error: "compiles on my machine."'); // @codeCoverageIgnore

     * Get remaining credits
     * URL:<gatewayID>&secret=<gatewaySecret>
     * The API identity and secret must be passed in the corresponding GET parameters for authentication (use URL
     * encoding). The number of credits left on the account that the given ID belongs to will be returned as a
     * text/plain response. Note: several IDs may use the same account, and thus share the same credit balance.
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * - 200 (on success)
     * - 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * - 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * @return int
    public function checkCredits():int{
        $url     = $this::API_BASE.'/credits';
        $request = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('GET', merge_query($url, $this->getAuthParams()));

        return (int)$this->getResponse($request);

     *Check file reception capability of an ID
     * Before you send a file to a Threema ID using the blob upload (+ file message), you may want to check whether the
     * recipient uses a Threema version that supports receiving files. The receiver may be using an old version, or a
     * platform where file reception is not supported.
     * URL:<threemaID>?from=<gatewayID>&secret=<gatewaySecret>
     * The API identity and secret must be passed in the corresponding GET parameters for authentication (use URL
     * encoding). The result is a text/plain response of supported capabilities, separated by commas. Currently defined
     * capabilities:
     * - text
     * - image
     * - video
     * - audio
     * - file
     * More capabilities may be added in the future (separated with commas), so you should match on substrings when
     * checking for file. The order in which the capabilities are returned is not defined.
     * Example result: text,image,video,audio,file
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * - 200 (on success)
     * - 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * - 404 (if no matching ID could be found)
     * - 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * @param string $threemaID
     * @return array
    public function checkCapabilities(string $threemaID):array{
        $url      = $this::API_BASE.'/capabilities/'.$this->checkThreemaID($threemaID);
        $request  = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('GET', merge_query($url, $this->getAuthParams()));
        $response = explode(',', $this->getResponse($request));


        return $response;

     * Find ID by phone number
     * URL:<phoneno>?from=<gatewayID>&secret=<gatewaySecret>
     * The phone number must be passed in E.164 format, without the leading +. The API identity and secret must be
     * passed in the corresponding GET parameters for authentication (use URL encoding).
     * The Threema ID corresponding to the phone number will be returned as a text/plain response.
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * - 200 (on success)
     * - 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * - 404 (if no matching ID could be found)
     * - 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * @param string $phoneno
     * @return string
    public function getIdByPhone(string $phoneno):string{
        $url     = $this::API_BASE.'/lookup/phone/'.$this->checkPhoneNo($phoneno);
        $request = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('GET', merge_query($url, $this->getAuthParams()));

        return $this->getResponse($request);

     * URL:<phonenoHash>?from=<gatewayID>&secret=<gatewaySecret>
     * The phone number must be passed as an HMAC-SHA256 hash of the E.164 number without the leading +.
     * The HMAC key is 85adf8226953f3d96cfd5d09bf29555eb955fcd8aa5ec4f9fcd869e258370723 (in hexadecimal).
     * Example: the phone number 41791234567 hashes to
     * ad398f4d7ebe63c6550a486cc6e07f9baa09bd9d8b3d8cb9d9be106d35a7fdbc.
     * The API identity and secret must be passed in the corresponding GET parameters for authentication (use URL
     * encoding). The Threema ID corresponding to the phone number will be returned as a text/plain response.
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * - 200 (on success)
     * - 400 (if the hash length is wrong)
     * - 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * - 404 (if no matching ID could be found)
     * - 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * @param string $phonenoHash
     * @return string
    public function getIdByPhoneHash(string $phonenoHash):string{
        $url     = $this::API_BASE.'/lookup/phone_hash/'.$this->checkHash($phonenoHash);
        $request = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('GET', merge_query($url, $this->getAuthParams()));

        return $this->getResponse($request);

     * URL:<email>?from=<gatewayID>&secret=<gatewaySecret>
     * The API identity and secret must be passed in the corresponding GET parameters for authentication (use URL
     * encoding). The Threema ID corresponding to the email address will be returned as a text/plain response.
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * - 200 (on success)
     * - 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * - 404 (if no matching ID could be found)
     * - 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * @param string $email
     * @return string
    public function getIdByEmail(string $email):string{
        $url     = $this::API_BASE.'/lookup/email/'.$this->checkEmail($email);
        $request = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('GET', merge_query($url, $this->getAuthParams()));

        return $this->getResponse($request);

     * Find ID by email address hash
     * URL:<emailHash>?from=<gatewayID>&secret=<gatewaySecret>
     * The lowercased and whitespace-trimmed email address must be hashed with HMAC-SHA256.
     * The HMAC key is 30a5500fed9701fa6defdb610841900febb8e430881f7ad816826264ec09bad7 (in hexadecimal).
     * Example: the email address hashes to
     * 1ea093239cc5f0e1b6ec81b866265b921f26dc4033025410063309f4d1a8ee2c.
     * The API identity and secret must be passed in the corresponding GET parameters for authentication (use URL
     * encoding). The Threema ID corresponding to the email address will be returned as a text/plain response.
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * - 200 (on success)
     * - 400 (if the hash length is wrong)
     * - 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * - 404 (if no matching ID could be found)
     * - 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * @param string $emailHash
     * @return string
    public function getIdByEmailHash(string $emailHash):string{
        $url     = $this::API_BASE.'/lookup/email_hash/'.$this->checkHash($emailHash);
        $request = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('GET', merge_query($url, $this->getAuthParams()));

        return $this->getResponse($request);

     * @param array $emails
     * @param array $phonenumbers
     * @return mixed
    public function bulkLookup($emails = [], $phonenumbers = []){
        $lookup = [];

        foreach($phonenumbers as $phonenumber){
            $lookup['phoneHashes'][] = $this->hashPhoneNo($phonenumber);

        foreach($emails as $email){
            $lookup['emailHashes'][] = $this->hashEmail($email);

        $r = $this->getResponse('/lookup/bulk', $this->getAuthParams(), json_encode($lookup));

        return json_decode($r);

     * Key lookups
     * For the end-to-end encrypted mode, you need the public key of the recipient in order to encrypt a message. While
     * it's best to obtain this directly from the recipient (extract it from the QR code), this may not be convenient,
     * and therefore you can also look up the key associated with a given ID from the server.
     * URL:<threemaID>?from=<gatewayID>&secret=<gatewaySecret>
     * The API identity and secret must be passed in the corresponding GET parameters for authentication (use URL
     * encoding). The public key corresponding to the ID will be returned as a text/plain response (hex encoded).
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * - 200 (on success)
     * - 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * - 404 (if no matching ID could be found)
     * - 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * It is strongly recommended that you cache the public keys to avoid querying the API for each message.
     * @param string $threemaID
     * @return string
     * @throws \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayException
    public function getPublicKey(string $threemaID):string{
        $threemaID = $this->checkThreemaID($threemaID);

            throw new GatewayException('invalid threema id');

        $url      = $this::API_BASE.'/pubkeys/'.$threemaID;
        $request  = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('GET', merge_query($url, $this->getAuthParams()));
        $response = $this->getResponse($request);

        if(!$response || !$this->checkHash($response)){
            throw new GatewayException('invalid public key');

        return $response;

     * Send Messages, Basic mode
     * URL:
     * POST parameters (application/x-www-form-urlencoded):
     * - recipient:   choose one of the following:
     *   - to           recipient identity (8 characters)
     *   - phone        recipient phone number (E.164), without leading +
     *   - email        recipient email address
     * - text         message text, max. 3500 bytes, UTF-8 encoded
     * - from         your API identity (8 characters, usually starts with '*')
     * - secret       API authentication secret
     * By using the phone or email recipient specifiers, one can avoid having to look up the corresponding ID
     * and instead do everything in one call (may be more suitable for SMS gateway style integration).
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * - 200 (on success)
     * - 400 (if the recipient identity is invalid or the account is not set up for basic mode)
     * - 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * - 402 (if no credits remain)
     * - 404 (if using phone or email as the recipient specifier, and the corresponding recipient could not be found)
     * - 413 (if the message is too long)
     * - 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * On success (HTTP 200), the ID of the new message is returned as text/plain.
     * @param string $to
     * @param string $message
     * @return string
     * @throws \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayException
    public function sendSimple(string $to, string $message):string{
        $params = array_merge($this->getRecipient($to), ['text' => $message], $this->getAuthParams());


        return $this->getResponse('/send_simple', [], $params);

     * @param string $to
     * @return array
     * @throws \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayException
    protected function getRecipient(string $to):array {

            case $x = $this->checkEmail($to):
                return ['email' => $x];
            case $x = $this->checkThreemaID($to):
                return ['to' => $x];
            case $x = $this->checkPhoneNo($to):
                return ['phone' => $x];
                throw new GatewayException('"to" not specified: '.$to);


     * End-to-end encrypted mode
     * URL:
     * POST parameters (application/x-www-form-urlencoded):
     * - to      recipient identity (8 characters)
     * - box     encrypted message data (max. 4000 bytes, hex encoded)
     * - nonce   nonce used for encryption (24 bytes, hex encoded)
     * - from    your API identity (8 characters, usually starts with '*')
     * - secret  API authentication secret
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * - 200 (on success)
     * - 400 (if the recipient identity is invalid or the account is not set up for end-to-end mode)
     * - 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * - 402 (if no credits remain)
     * - 413 (if the message is too long)
     * - 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * On success (HTTP 200), the ID of the new message is returned as text/plain.
     * @param string      $recipientThreemaID
     * @param string      $senderPrivateKey
     * @param string      $data
     * @return string
     * @throws \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayException
    protected function sendE2E(string $recipientThreemaID, string $senderPrivateKey, string $data):string{
        $recipientThreemaID = $this->checkThreemaID($recipientThreemaID);

            throw new GatewayException('no threema id given');

        $recipientPubKey = $this->getPublicKey($recipientThreemaID);

        $params = array_merge(
            ['to' => $recipientThreemaID],
            $this->createBox($data.$this->getPadBytes(), $senderPrivateKey, $recipientPubKey)


        $request = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('POST', merge_query($this::API_BASE.'/send_e2e', $params));

        return $this->getResponse($request);

     * @param string $recipientThreemaID
     * @param string $senderPrivateKey
     * @param string $text
     * @return string
    public function sendE2EText(string $recipientThreemaID, string $senderPrivateKey, string $text):string{
        return $this->sendE2E($recipientThreemaID, $senderPrivateKey, "\x01".$text);

     * @param string      $recipientThreemaID
     * @param string      $senderPrivateKey
     * @param string      $file      (binary content)
     * @param string|null $filename
     * @param string|null $description
     * @param string|null $thumbnail (binary content)
     * @return string
     * @throws \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayException
    public function sendE2EFile(string $recipientThreemaID, string $senderPrivateKey, string $file, string $filename = null, string $description = null, string $thumbnail = null):string{

        if(!in_array('file', $this->checkCapabilities($recipientThreemaID))){
            throw new GatewayException('given threema id is not capable of receiving files');

        $key = random_bytes(SODIUM_CRYPTO_SECRETBOX_KEYBYTES);

        $content = [
            'b' => $this->upload(sodium_crypto_secretbox($file, $this::FILE_NONCE, $key)),
            'k' => sodium_bin2hex($key),
            'm' => (new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE))->buffer($file),
            'n' => $filename ?? '',
            's' => strlen($file),
            'i' => 0,

            $content['d'] = $description;

            // @todo: autocreate thumbnail
            $content['t'] = $this->upload(sodium_crypto_secretbox($thumbnail, $this::FILE_THUMBNAIL_NONCE, $key));

        return $this->sendE2E($recipientThreemaID, $senderPrivateKey, "\x17".json_encode($content));

     * @param string $recipientThreemaID
     * @param string $senderPrivateKey
     * @param string $image (binary content)
     * @return string
     * @throws \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayException
    public function sendE2EImage(string $recipientThreemaID, string $senderPrivateKey, string $image):string{

        if(!in_array('image', $this->checkCapabilities($recipientThreemaID))){
            throw new GatewayException('given threema id is not capable of receiving image');

        if(!in_array((new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE))->buffer($image), ['image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'])){
            throw new GatewayException('invalid image');

        $recipientPubKey = $this->getPublicKey($recipientThreemaID);

        $blob    = $this->createBox($image, $senderPrivateKey, $recipientPubKey);
        $blob_id = $this->upload(sodium_hex2bin($blob['box']));

        $message = sodium_hex2bin($blob_id);
        $message .= pack('V', strlen($image));
        $message .= sodium_hex2bin($blob['nonce']);

        return $this->sendE2E($recipientThreemaID, $senderPrivateKey, "\x02".$message);

     * Upload
     * URL:
     * POST parameters (multipart/form-data):
     * - blob    blob data (binary), max. 20 MB
     * GET parameters:
     * - from    your API identity (8 characters, usually starts with '*')
     * - secret  API authentication secret
     * Please note that the authentication parameters must be passed in the request URL,
     * while the actual blob data needs to be sent as a multipart/form-data parameter.
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * - 200 (on success)
     * - 400 (if required parameters are missing or the blob is empty)
     * - 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * - 402 (if no credits remain)
     * - 413 (if the blob is too big)
     * - 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * The ID of the new blob is returned as text/plain. One credit is deducted for the upload of a blob.
     * @param string $blob
     * @return string
    protected function upload(string $blob):string{
        $url     = $this::API_BASE.'/upload_blob';
        $request = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('POST', merge_query($url, $this->getAuthParams()));

        $body = new MultipartStream([['name' => 'blob', 'contents' => $blob]]);

        $request = $request
            ->withHeader('Content-Type', 'multipart/form-data; boundary='.$body->getBoundary())
            ->withHeader('Content-Disposition', 'form-data; name="blob"');

        return $this->getResponse($request);

     * URL:<blobID>
     * GET parameters:
     * - from your API identity (8 characters, usually starts with '*')
     * - secret API authentication secret
     * Possible HTTP result codes:
     * 200 (on success, body is the blob data as application/octet-stream)
     * 401 (if API identity or secret are incorrect)
     * 404 (if no blob with this ID could be found)
     * 500 (if a temporary internal server error occurs)
     * Please note: after a blob download has first been attempted, the blob may be deleted from the server within an
     * hour.
     * @param string $blobID
     * @return mixed
    public function download(string $blobID):string{
        $url     = $this::API_BASE.'/blobs/'.$blobID;
        $request = $this->requestFactory->createRequest('GET', merge_query($url, $this->getAuthParams()));

        return $this->getResponse($request);

     * Hashes an email address for identity lookup.
     * @param string $email the email address
     * @return string the email hash (hex)
     * @throws \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayException
    public function hashEmail($email):string{
        $email = $this->checkEmail($email);

            throw new GatewayException('invalid email');

        return hash_hmac('sha256', $email, $this::HMAC_KEY_EMAIL_BIN);

     * Hashes an phone number address for identity lookup.
     * @param string $phoneNo the phone number (in E.164 format, no leading +)
     * @return bool|string the phone number hash (hex), false on failure
     * @throws \chillerlan\Threema\GatewayException
    public function hashPhoneNo($phoneNo){
        $phoneNo = $this->checkPhoneNo($phoneNo);

            throw new GatewayException('invalid phonenumber');

        return hash_hmac('sha256', $phoneNo, $this::HMAC_KEY_PHONE_BIN);

     * @param string $threemaID
     * @return null|string
    protected function checkThreemaID(string $threemaID):?string{
        $threemaID = trim($threemaID);

        /** @noinspection RegExpRedundantEscape */
        if(!preg_match('/^[a-z\d\*]{8}$/i', $threemaID)){
            return null;

        return strtoupper($threemaID);

     * @param string $phoneNo
     * @return null|string
    protected function checkPhoneNo(string $phoneNo):?string{
        $phoneNo = trim($phoneNo);

        if(!preg_match('/^[\d]+$/', $phoneNo)){
            return null;

        return $phoneNo;

     * @param $email
     * @return null|string
    protected function checkEmail($email):?string{
        $email = filter_var(trim($email), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);

            return null;

        return strtolower($email);

     * @param string $hash
     * @return null|string
    protected function checkHash(string $hash):?string{
        $hash = trim($hash);

        if(!preg_match('/^[a-f\d]{64}$/i', $hash)){
            return null;

        return $hash;

     * @param string $path
     * @return array|null
    protected function checkFile(string $path):?array{

        $mime = (new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE ))->buffer($path);

        return ['size' => strlen($path), 'mime' => $mime];