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# js-to-html

Create HTML text from JS object


language: ![English](
also available in:

## Install

$ npm install js-to-html

## API

### html.TAGNAME([attributes, ]content)
Returns an Html object with TAGNAME, attributes and content.

**content** could be
 * a string expression
 * an array of children. Each child could be
   * a string expression
   * an Html object

**attributes** must be a plain object. Each property of the object will be an html attribute (example: `{colspan:3, id:"abc"}`).
Some attributes names are reserved words, you can use them with the same name (example: `{class:'examples'}`).
Some attributes (like **class**) could contain lists (example: `{class:['examples', 'lists']}`).

### Html.toHtmlText(opts)

Returns an Html Text

opt    |value
pretty | returns a pretty and indented text

## Example

var html = require('js-to-html').html;

        {'class':'the_class', id:'47'},
            html.p('First paragraph'),
            html.p('Second paragraph'),

/* logs:
<div class=the_class id=47>
  <p>First paragraph</p>
  <p>Second paragraph</p>

### Html.toHtmlDoc(opts)

Same as `Html.toHtmlText(opts)` but returns `doctype` in the first line and completes with con HTML, HEAD, BODY and TITLE elements:

var html = require("js-to-html").html;

    html.img({src:'photo.png'}).toHtmlDoc({title:"my photo", pretty:true})

<!doctype html>
    <title>my photo</title>
    <img src=photo.png>

opt        |value
pretty     | returns a pretty and indented text
incomplete | do not complete with  html, head y body tags
title      | text title

## Using with DOM in client-side

All html objects have a `create` method that build a DOM Element ready to append to a existing one.
`create` builds the element and inside elements too.

var html = jsToHtml.html;

        html.h1('Log in'),
            html.input({name: 'user', placeholder:'user'}),
            html.input({name: 'pass', type: 'password'})


## Special behavior

type      |name           |use
function  | html._text    | simple text (like `createTextNode`)
function  | html._comment | html comment (like `< !-- ... -- >`)
attribute | classList     | for a class name list (this module rejects class with spaces like {"class": "una otra separada por espacio"} )

## Insecure mode

html.insecureModeEnabled = true;
console.log(html.div({id:'this'}, html.includeHtml('<svg xml:....> </svg>')));

## Notes
 * In the future it will be smart to handle **style** attribute like `{style:{color: "blue", background: "none"}}`

## Tests with real devices

NPM version |Device                 |OS             |nav                      |obs
0.9.1       | Samsung Galaxy Note 4 | Android 6.0.1 | Chrome Mobile 44.0.2403 |
0.9.1       | Blue Vivo Air LTE     | Android 5.0.2 | Chrome Mobile 50.0.2661 |
0.9.1       | Samsung Galaxy S3     | Android 4.3.0 | Android 4.3.0           |
0.9.1       | HTC Desire            | Android 2.2.2 | Android 2.2.2           | polyfill:classList
0.9.1       | iPad mini Retina      | iOS 8.4.0     | Mobile Safari 8.0.0     |
0.9.1       | VMWare                | WinXP         | IE 8.0.0                | polyfill:many

## License