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# mini-tools
mini tools for express and others


language: ![English](
also available in:

## Install

$ npm install mini-tools

## Main goal

Have some mini tools for express and others

## API

### serveErr(req, res [, next])

Returns a function that sends a error message to de front-end.
If the error object has setted the property

  * code: is displayed before the message
  * status: is sended in the header (otherwise "400" is sended)

```js'/insert' , function(req,res){
    serveErr(req,res)(new Error("Duplicate name. Can't insert"));

It is promise friendly

app.use('/tools', function(req,res,next){
      throw new Error("next");
    // ...

*catch* expects a function that receive an error.
*serveErr* returns that function.

When err is Error("next") *serveErr* calls next and does not send any result to de front-end;
otherwise it sends a 400 error with the message and stack.

### serveJade(path, opts)

var express = require('express');
var app = express();



Returns an express middleware to serve jade files.

If *opts* is boolean it will be the *any* option.

If `any==true` it serves files adding .jade to req.path; and
if there is no jade file it call `next()`.

If `any==false` it serves that specific file.

Others options in *opts* are pased to `pug.render` function.

**Note**: for use serveJade you must include `"pug"` in `package.json`

### serveStylus(path, any)

var express = require('express');
var app = express();



Returns an express middleware to serve jade files.
If `any==true` it serves files adding .jade to req.path; and
if there is no jade file it call `next()`.

If `any==false` it serves that specific file.

**Note**: for use serveStylus you must include stylus in package.json

### serveText(anyText,contentTypeText)

var express = require('express');
var app = express();

app.use('/about',MiniTools.serveText('<h1>This app</h1>','html'));


Returns an express middleware to serve pain text.
Optionaly you can pass "content type".

### serveJson(object)

var express = require('express');
var app = express();

var config = {devel:false, title: "title"};


Returns an express middleware to serve an object in JSON format.

### serveYaml(object)

var express = require('express');
var app = express();

var config = {devel:false, title: "title"};


Returns an express middleware to serve an object in yaml format
(using [js-yaml](

### readConfig(list, opts)

        {production: true},

Reads the chain of configuration merging with [best-globals.changing](

If the list element is a fileName ending with .json .yaml o .yml, it reads and parse,
if doesn't have extension it search first,
if it is a plain object it uses directly.

 * whenNotExist:'ignore'
 * whenNotExist:'fail'

## License