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Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

        if (aSourceFile == null) {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

              if (aSourceMapPath != null) {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

          if (source != null && !newSources.has(source)) {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Unnecessary semicolon.

Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

disallow unnecessary semicolons (no-extra-semi)

Typing mistakes and misunderstandings about where semicolons are required can lead to semicolons that are unnecessary. While not technically an error, extra semicolons can cause confusion when reading code.

Rule Details

This rule disallows unnecessary semicolons.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/

var x = 5;;

function foo() {
    // code

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-extra-semi: "error"*/

var x = 5;

var foo = function() {
    // code

When Not To Use It

If you intentionally use extra semicolons then you can disable this rule.

Related Rules

Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

              if ( != null) {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

          if (source != null && sourceRoot != null) {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Use the global form of 'use strict'.

      'use strict';
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

require or disallow strict mode directives (strict)

A strict mode directive is a "use strict" literal at the beginning of a script or function body. It enables strict mode semantics.

When a directive occurs in global scope, strict mode applies to the entire script:

"use strict";

// strict mode

function foo() {
    // strict mode

When a directive occurs at the beginning of a function body, strict mode applies only to that function, including all contained functions:

function foo() {
    "use strict";
    // strict mode

function foo2() {
    // not strict mode

(function() {
    "use strict";
    function bar() {
        // strict mode

In the CommonJS module system, a hidden function wraps each module and limits the scope of a "global" strict mode directive.

In ECMAScript modules, which always have strict mode semantics, the directives are unnecessary.

Rule Details

This rule requires or disallows strict mode directives.

This rule disallows strict mode directives, no matter which option is specified, if ESLint configuration specifies either of the following as [parser options](../user-guide/configuring#specifying-parser-options):

  • "sourceType": "module" that is, files are ECMAScript modules
  • "impliedStrict": true property in the ecmaFeatures object

This rule disallows strict mode directives, no matter which option is specified, in functions with non-simple parameter lists (for example, parameter lists with default parameter values) because that is a syntax error in ECMAScript 2016 and later. See the examples of the function option.


This rule has a string option:

  • "safe" (default) corresponds either of the following options:
    • "global" if ESLint considers a file to be a CommonJS module
    • "function" otherwise
  • "global" requires one strict mode directive in the global scope (and disallows any other strict mode directives)
  • "function" requires one strict mode directive in each top-level function declaration or expression (and disallows any other strict mode directives)
  • "never" disallows strict mode directives


The "safe" option corresponds to the "global" option if ESLint considers a file to be a Node.js or CommonJS module because the configuration specifies either of the following:

  • node or commonjs [environments](../user-guide/configuring#specifying-environments)
  • "globalReturn": true property in the ecmaFeatures object of [parser options](../user-guide/configuring#specifying-parser-options)

Otherwise the "safe" option corresponds to the "function" option.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "global" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

function foo() {
/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

function foo() {
    "use strict";
/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
    "use strict";

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "global" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {


This option ensures that all function bodies are strict mode code, while global code is not. Particularly if a build step concatenates multiple scripts, a strict mode directive in global code of one script could unintentionally enable strict mode in another script that was not intended to be strict code.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "function" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

function foo() {

(function() {
    function bar() {
        "use strict";
/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// Illegal "use strict" directive in function with non-simple parameter list.
// This is a syntax error since ES2016.
function foo(a = 1) {
    "use strict";

// We cannot write "use strict" directive in this function.
// So we have to wrap this function with a function with "use strict" directive.
function foo(a = 1) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "function" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

function foo() {
    "use strict";

(function() {
    "use strict";

    function bar() {

    function baz(a = 1) {

var foo = (function() {
    "use strict";

    return function foo(a = 1) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "never" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

function foo() {
    "use strict";

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "never" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

function foo() {

earlier default (removed)

(removed) The default option (that is, no string option specified) for this rule was removed in ESLint v1.0. The "function" option is most similar to the removed option.

This option ensures that all functions are executed in strict mode. A strict mode directive must be present in global code or in every top-level function declaration or expression. It does not concern itself with unnecessary strict mode directives in nested functions that are already strict, nor with multiple strict mode directives at the same level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the earlier default option which has been removed:

// "strict": "error"

function foo() {
// "strict": "error"

(function() {
    function bar() {
        "use strict";

Examples of correct code for this rule with the earlier default option which has been removed:

// "strict": "error"

"use strict";

function foo() {
// "strict": "error"

function foo() {
    "use strict";
// "strict": "error"

(function() {
    "use strict";
    function bar() {
        "use strict";

When Not To Use It

In a codebase that has both strict and non-strict code, either turn this rule off, or selectively disable it where necessary. For example, functions referencing arguments.callee are invalid in strict mode. A full list of strict mode differences is available on MDN. Source:

Wrap an immediate function invocation in parentheses.

      objectCreate = Object.create || function () {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Require IIFEs to be Wrapped (wrap-iife)

You can immediately invoke function expressions, but not function declarations. A common technique to create an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) is to wrap a function declaration in parentheses. The opening parentheses causes the contained function to be parsed as an expression, rather than a declaration.

// function expression could be unwrapped
var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}();

// function declaration must be wrapped
function () { /* side effects */ }(); // SyntaxError

Rule Details

This rule requires all immediately-invoked function expressions to be wrapped in parentheses.


This rule has two options, a string option and an object option.

String option:

  • "outside" enforces always wrapping the call expression. The default is "outside".
  • "inside" enforces always wrapping the function expression.
  • "any" enforces always wrapping, but allows either style.

Object option:

  • "functionPrototypeMethods": true additionally enforces wrapping function expressions invoked using .call and .apply. The default is false.


Examples of incorrect code for the default "outside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "outside"]*/

var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped
var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression

Examples of correct code for the default "outside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "outside"]*/

var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression


Examples of incorrect code for the "inside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "inside"]*/

var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped
var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression

Examples of correct code for the "inside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "inside"]*/

var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression


Examples of incorrect code for the "any" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "any"]*/

var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped

Examples of correct code for the "any" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "any"]*/

var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression
var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "inside", { "functionPrototypeMethods": true } options:

/* eslint wrap-iife: [2, "inside", { functionPrototypeMethods: true }] */

var x = function(){ foo(); }()
var x = (function(){ foo(); }())
var x = function(){ foo(); }.call(bar)
var x = (function(){ foo(); }.call(bar))

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "inside", { "functionPrototypeMethods": true } options:

/* eslint wrap-iife: [2, "inside", { functionPrototypeMethods: true }] */

var x = (function(){ foo(); })()
var x = (function(){ foo(); }).call(bar)


Use the global form of 'use strict'.

global.describe = function(){};
Severity: Minor
Found in demo/demo.js by eslint

require or disallow strict mode directives (strict)

A strict mode directive is a "use strict" literal at the beginning of a script or function body. It enables strict mode semantics.

When a directive occurs in global scope, strict mode applies to the entire script:

"use strict";

// strict mode

function foo() {
    // strict mode

When a directive occurs at the beginning of a function body, strict mode applies only to that function, including all contained functions:

function foo() {
    "use strict";
    // strict mode

function foo2() {
    // not strict mode

(function() {
    "use strict";
    function bar() {
        // strict mode

In the CommonJS module system, a hidden function wraps each module and limits the scope of a "global" strict mode directive.

In ECMAScript modules, which always have strict mode semantics, the directives are unnecessary.

Rule Details

This rule requires or disallows strict mode directives.

This rule disallows strict mode directives, no matter which option is specified, if ESLint configuration specifies either of the following as [parser options](../user-guide/configuring#specifying-parser-options):

  • "sourceType": "module" that is, files are ECMAScript modules
  • "impliedStrict": true property in the ecmaFeatures object

This rule disallows strict mode directives, no matter which option is specified, in functions with non-simple parameter lists (for example, parameter lists with default parameter values) because that is a syntax error in ECMAScript 2016 and later. See the examples of the function option.


This rule has a string option:

  • "safe" (default) corresponds either of the following options:
    • "global" if ESLint considers a file to be a CommonJS module
    • "function" otherwise
  • "global" requires one strict mode directive in the global scope (and disallows any other strict mode directives)
  • "function" requires one strict mode directive in each top-level function declaration or expression (and disallows any other strict mode directives)
  • "never" disallows strict mode directives


The "safe" option corresponds to the "global" option if ESLint considers a file to be a Node.js or CommonJS module because the configuration specifies either of the following:

  • node or commonjs [environments](../user-guide/configuring#specifying-environments)
  • "globalReturn": true property in the ecmaFeatures object of [parser options](../user-guide/configuring#specifying-parser-options)

Otherwise the "safe" option corresponds to the "function" option.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "global" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

function foo() {
/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

function foo() {
    "use strict";
/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
    "use strict";

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "global" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {


This option ensures that all function bodies are strict mode code, while global code is not. Particularly if a build step concatenates multiple scripts, a strict mode directive in global code of one script could unintentionally enable strict mode in another script that was not intended to be strict code.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "function" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

function foo() {

(function() {
    function bar() {
        "use strict";
/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// Illegal "use strict" directive in function with non-simple parameter list.
// This is a syntax error since ES2016.
function foo(a = 1) {
    "use strict";

// We cannot write "use strict" directive in this function.
// So we have to wrap this function with a function with "use strict" directive.
function foo(a = 1) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "function" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

function foo() {
    "use strict";

(function() {
    "use strict";

    function bar() {

    function baz(a = 1) {

var foo = (function() {
    "use strict";

    return function foo(a = 1) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "never" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

function foo() {
    "use strict";

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "never" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

function foo() {

earlier default (removed)

(removed) The default option (that is, no string option specified) for this rule was removed in ESLint v1.0. The "function" option is most similar to the removed option.

This option ensures that all functions are executed in strict mode. A strict mode directive must be present in global code or in every top-level function declaration or expression. It does not concern itself with unnecessary strict mode directives in nested functions that are already strict, nor with multiple strict mode directives at the same level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the earlier default option which has been removed:

// "strict": "error"

function foo() {
// "strict": "error"

(function() {
    function bar() {
        "use strict";

Examples of correct code for this rule with the earlier default option which has been removed:

// "strict": "error"

"use strict";

function foo() {
// "strict": "error"

function foo() {
    "use strict";
// "strict": "error"

(function() {
    "use strict";
    function bar() {
        "use strict";

When Not To Use It

In a codebase that has both strict and non-strict code, either turn this rule off, or selectively disable it where necessary. For example, functions referencing arguments.callee are invalid in strict mode. A full list of strict mode differences is available on MDN. Source:

Comparing to itself is potentially pointless.

        if (value !== value) {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Self Compare (no-self-compare)

Comparing a variable against itself is usually an error, either a typo or refactoring error. It is confusing to the reader and may potentially introduce a runtime error.

The only time you would compare a variable against itself is when you are testing for NaN. However, it is far more appropriate to use typeof x === 'number' && isNaN(x) or the Number.isNaN ES2015 function for that use case rather than leaving the reader of the code to determine the intent of self comparison.

Rule Details

This error is raised to highlight a potentially confusing and potentially pointless piece of code. There are almost no situations in which you would need to compare something to itself.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-self-compare: "error"*/

var x = 10;
if (x === x) {
    x = 20;


Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

        this.source = aSource == null ? null : aSource;
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

            if (aRelativePath != null) {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

          originalLine: original != null && original.line,
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Wrap only the function expression in parens.

    (function () {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Require IIFEs to be Wrapped (wrap-iife)

You can immediately invoke function expressions, but not function declarations. A common technique to create an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) is to wrap a function declaration in parentheses. The opening parentheses causes the contained function to be parsed as an expression, rather than a declaration.

// function expression could be unwrapped
var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}();

// function declaration must be wrapped
function () { /* side effects */ }(); // SyntaxError

Rule Details

This rule requires all immediately-invoked function expressions to be wrapped in parentheses.


This rule has two options, a string option and an object option.

String option:

  • "outside" enforces always wrapping the call expression. The default is "outside".
  • "inside" enforces always wrapping the function expression.
  • "any" enforces always wrapping, but allows either style.

Object option:

  • "functionPrototypeMethods": true additionally enforces wrapping function expressions invoked using .call and .apply. The default is false.


Examples of incorrect code for the default "outside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "outside"]*/

var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped
var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression

Examples of correct code for the default "outside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "outside"]*/

var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression


Examples of incorrect code for the "inside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "inside"]*/

var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped
var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression

Examples of correct code for the "inside" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "inside"]*/

var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression


Examples of incorrect code for the "any" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "any"]*/

var x = function () { return { y: 1 };}(); // unwrapped

Examples of correct code for the "any" option:

/*eslint wrap-iife: ["error", "any"]*/

var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };}()); // wrapped call expression
var x = (function () { return { y: 1 };})(); // wrapped function expression


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "inside", { "functionPrototypeMethods": true } options:

/* eslint wrap-iife: [2, "inside", { functionPrototypeMethods: true }] */

var x = function(){ foo(); }()
var x = (function(){ foo(); }())
var x = function(){ foo(); }.call(bar)
var x = (function(){ foo(); }.call(bar))

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "inside", { "functionPrototypeMethods": true } options:

/* eslint wrap-iife: [2, "inside", { functionPrototypeMethods: true }] */

var x = (function(){ foo(); })()
var x = (function(){ foo(); }).call(bar)


Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

        if (node == null) {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Use the global form of 'use strict'.

      'use strict';
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

require or disallow strict mode directives (strict)

A strict mode directive is a "use strict" literal at the beginning of a script or function body. It enables strict mode semantics.

When a directive occurs in global scope, strict mode applies to the entire script:

"use strict";

// strict mode

function foo() {
    // strict mode

When a directive occurs at the beginning of a function body, strict mode applies only to that function, including all contained functions:

function foo() {
    "use strict";
    // strict mode

function foo2() {
    // not strict mode

(function() {
    "use strict";
    function bar() {
        // strict mode

In the CommonJS module system, a hidden function wraps each module and limits the scope of a "global" strict mode directive.

In ECMAScript modules, which always have strict mode semantics, the directives are unnecessary.

Rule Details

This rule requires or disallows strict mode directives.

This rule disallows strict mode directives, no matter which option is specified, if ESLint configuration specifies either of the following as [parser options](../user-guide/configuring#specifying-parser-options):

  • "sourceType": "module" that is, files are ECMAScript modules
  • "impliedStrict": true property in the ecmaFeatures object

This rule disallows strict mode directives, no matter which option is specified, in functions with non-simple parameter lists (for example, parameter lists with default parameter values) because that is a syntax error in ECMAScript 2016 and later. See the examples of the function option.


This rule has a string option:

  • "safe" (default) corresponds either of the following options:
    • "global" if ESLint considers a file to be a CommonJS module
    • "function" otherwise
  • "global" requires one strict mode directive in the global scope (and disallows any other strict mode directives)
  • "function" requires one strict mode directive in each top-level function declaration or expression (and disallows any other strict mode directives)
  • "never" disallows strict mode directives


The "safe" option corresponds to the "global" option if ESLint considers a file to be a Node.js or CommonJS module because the configuration specifies either of the following:

  • node or commonjs [environments](../user-guide/configuring#specifying-environments)
  • "globalReturn": true property in the ecmaFeatures object of [parser options](../user-guide/configuring#specifying-parser-options)

Otherwise the "safe" option corresponds to the "function" option.


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "global" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

function foo() {
/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

function foo() {
    "use strict";
/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
    "use strict";

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "global" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "global"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {


This option ensures that all function bodies are strict mode code, while global code is not. Particularly if a build step concatenates multiple scripts, a strict mode directive in global code of one script could unintentionally enable strict mode in another script that was not intended to be strict code.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "function" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

function foo() {

(function() {
    function bar() {
        "use strict";
/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// Illegal "use strict" directive in function with non-simple parameter list.
// This is a syntax error since ES2016.
function foo(a = 1) {
    "use strict";

// We cannot write "use strict" directive in this function.
// So we have to wrap this function with a function with "use strict" directive.
function foo(a = 1) {

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "function" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "function"]*/

function foo() {
    "use strict";

(function() {
    "use strict";

    function bar() {

    function baz(a = 1) {

var foo = (function() {
    "use strict";

    return function foo(a = 1) {


Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the "never" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

"use strict";

function foo() {
/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

function foo() {
    "use strict";

Examples of correct code for this rule with the "never" option:

/*eslint strict: ["error", "never"]*/

function foo() {

earlier default (removed)

(removed) The default option (that is, no string option specified) for this rule was removed in ESLint v1.0. The "function" option is most similar to the removed option.

This option ensures that all functions are executed in strict mode. A strict mode directive must be present in global code or in every top-level function declaration or expression. It does not concern itself with unnecessary strict mode directives in nested functions that are already strict, nor with multiple strict mode directives at the same level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule with the earlier default option which has been removed:

// "strict": "error"

function foo() {
// "strict": "error"

(function() {
    function bar() {
        "use strict";

Examples of correct code for this rule with the earlier default option which has been removed:

// "strict": "error"

"use strict";

function foo() {
// "strict": "error"

function foo() {
    "use strict";
// "strict": "error"

(function() {
    "use strict";
    function bar() {
        "use strict";

When Not To Use It

In a codebase that has both strict and non-strict code, either turn this rule off, or selectively disable it where necessary. For example, functions referencing arguments.callee are invalid in strict mode. A full list of strict mode differences is available on MDN. Source:

Unexpected string concatenation of literals.

            throw new Error('SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, ' + 'or the source map\'s "file" property. Both were omitted.');
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow unnecessary concatenation of strings (no-useless-concat)

It's unnecessary to concatenate two strings together, such as:

var foo = "a" + "b";

This code is likely the result of refactoring where a variable was removed from the concatenation (such as "a" + b + "b"). In such a case, the concatenation isn't important and the code can be rewritten as:

var foo = "ab";

Rule Details

This rule aims to flag the concatenation of 2 literals when they could be combined into a single literal. Literals can be strings or template literals.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-useless-concat: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// these are the same as "10"
var a = `some` + `string`;
var a = '1' + '0';
var a = '1' + `0`;
var a = `1` + '0';
var a = `1` + `0`;

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-useless-concat: "error"*/

// when a non string is included
var c = a + b;
var c = '1' + a;
var a = 1 + '1';
var c = 1 - 2;
// when the string concatenation is multiline
var c = "foo" +

When Not To Use It

If you don't want to be notified about unnecessary string concatenation, you can safely disable this rule. Source:

Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

          if (mapping.source != null) {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Use ‘===’ to compare with ‘null’.

        if (node.alternate == null) {
Severity: Minor
Found in dist/escodegen.browser.js by eslint

Disallow Null Comparisons (no-eq-null)

Comparing to null without a type-checking operator (== or !=), can have unintended results as the comparison will evaluate to true when comparing to not just a null, but also an undefined value.

if (foo == null) {

Rule Details

The no-eq-null rule aims reduce potential bug and unwanted behavior by ensuring that comparisons to null only match null, and not also undefined. As such it will flag comparisons to null when using == and !=.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo == null) {

while (qux != null) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint no-eq-null: "error"*/

if (foo === null) {

while (qux !== null) {


Unexpected require().

    var karma = require('karma');
Severity: Minor
Found in server/karma-server.js by eslint

Enforce require() on the top-level module scope (global-require)

In Node.js, module dependencies are included using the require() function, such as:

var fs = require("fs");

While require() may be called anywhere in code, some style guides prescribe that it should be called only in the top level of a module to make it easier to identify dependencies. For instance, it's arguably harder to identify dependencies when they are deeply nested inside of functions and other statements:

function foo() {

    if (condition) {
        var fs = require("fs");

Since require() does a synchronous load, it can cause performance problems when used in other locations.

Further, ES6 modules mandate that import and export statements can only occur in the top level of the module's body.

Rule Details

This rule requires all calls to require() to be at the top level of the module, similar to ES6 import and export statements, which also can occur only at the top level.

Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/
/*eslint-env es6*/

// calling require() inside of a function is not allowed
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    var fs = require('fs');
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// conditional requires like this are also not allowed
if (DEBUG) { require('debug'); }

// a require() in a switch statement is also flagged
switch(x) { case '1': require('1'); break; }

// you may not require() inside an arrow function body
var getModule = (name) => require(name);

// you may not require() inside of a function body as well
function getModule(name) { return require(name); }

// you may not require() inside of a try/catch block
try {
} catch(e) {

Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint global-require: "error"*/

// all these variations of require() are ok
var y = require('y');
var z;
z = require('z').initialize();

// requiring a module and using it in a function is ok
var fs = require('fs');
function readFile(filename, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, callback)

// you can use a ternary to determine which module to require
var logger = DEBUG ? require('dev-logger') : require('logger');

// if you want you can require() at the end of your module
function doSomethingA() {}
function doSomethingB() {}
var x = require("x"),
    z = require("z");

When Not To Use It

If you have a module that must be initialized with information that comes from the file-system or if a module is only used in very rare situations and will cause significant overhead to load it may make sense to disable the rule. If you need to require() an optional dependency inside of a try/catch, you can disable this rule for just that dependency using the // eslint-disable-line global-require comment. Source:
