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# PHP API Client

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A simple API client, written with PHP that's easy to use.

## Requirements

* PHP >= 7.2
* A [HTTP client](
* A [PSR-7 implementation](

## Installation

The preferred way to install this extension is through [composer](

Either run

$ composer require codenix-sv/api-client
or add

"codenix-sv/api-client": "^1.0"

to the require section of your application's `composer.json` file.

Make sure you have installed a PSR-18 HTTP Client and PSR-7 message implementation before you install this package. For example:

$ composer require php-http/curl-client nyholm/psr7

## Examples

*Send GET request*

use Codenixsv\ApiClient\BaseClient;

$client = new BaseClient();
$response = $client->get('');

*Send POST request*

use Codenixsv\ApiClient\BaseClient;

$client = new BaseClient();
$response = $client->post('', 'foo=bar');

## License

`codenix-sv/api-client` is released under the MIT License. See the bundled [LICENSE](./LICENSE) for details.