lib/rules/Hex to Color.js
* Hex to Color
* @author: Corey Hart <>
* @description: Converts hex codes to short color names
* @before:
* .example {
* color: #fffff0;
* }
* @after:
* .example {
* color: ivory;
* }
var CSSCompressor = global.CSSCompressor,
table = CSSCompressor.tables[ 'Hex to Color' ] = {
"#f0ffff": "azure",
"#f5f5dc": "beige",
"#ffe4c4": "bisque",
"#a52a2a": "brown",
"#ff7f50": "coral",
"#ffd700": "gold",
"#808080": "gray",
"#008000": "green",
"#4b0082": "indigo",
"#fffff0": "ivory",
"#f0e68c": "khaki",
"#faf0e6": "linen",
"#800000": "maroon",
"#000080": "navy",
"#808000": "olive",
"#ffa500": "orange",
"#da70d6": "orchid",
"#cd853f": "peru",
"#ffc0cb": "pink",
"#dda0dd": "plum",
"#800080": "purple",
"#ff0000": "red",
"#fa8072": "salmon",
"#a0522d": "sienna",
"#c0c0c0": "silver",
"#fffafa": "snow",
"#d2b48c": "tan",
"#008080": "teal",
"#ff6347": "tomato",
"#ee82ee": "violet",
"#f5deb3": "wheat",
"#f00": "red"
name: 'Hex to Color',
type: CSSCompressor.RULE_TYPE_VALUE,
group: 'Color',
description: "Converts hex codes to short color names",
priority: CSSCompressor.PRIORITY_LOWER,
callback: function( value, position, compressor ) {
var match = table[ value.toLowerCase() ];
if ( match ) {
"Converting hex code to short color name '" + value + "' => '" + match + "'",
return match;