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Test Coverage
global.Nlint.Defaults = {

    Settings: {

        // Defines which linters to use
        use: '*',

        // Defines the number of forks to use
        fork: require( 'os' ).cpus().length,

        // Linter specific options
        linters: {
            jscs: {
                requireCurlyBraces: [
                requireSpaceAfterKeywords: [
                disallowLeftStickedOperators: [
                disallowRightStickedOperators: [
                requireRightStickedOperators: [
                requireLeftStickedOperators: [
                disallowImplicitTypeConversion: [
                disallowKeywords: [
                disallowKeywordsOnNewLine: [
                disallowMultipleLineBreaks: true,
                disallowTrailingWhitespace: true,
                requireLineFeedAtFileEnd: true,
                validateJSDoc: {
                    checkParamNames: true,
                    requireParamTypes: true

    argv: [

            name: 'use',
            short: 'u',
            type: 'csv',
            description: 'Defines the linters to use on directory or file. Defaults to all ("*")',
            example: "'nlint --use=jshint,csslint' or 'nlint -u jshint,csslint'"

            name: 'fork',
            short: 'f',
            type: 'int',
            description: 'Defines whether to use a forked process for each linter. Defaults to 4',
            example: "'nlint --fork=4' or 'nlint -f'"

            name: 'ignore',
            short: 'i',
            type: 'list,path',
            description: 'Defines files or directories to ignore',
            example: "'nlint --ignore=/path/to/file' or 'nlint -i /path/to/dir/'"

            name: 'add-linter',
            short: 'l',
            type: 'list,path',
            description: 'Defines scripts that add linters to use',
            example: "'nlint --add-linter=/path/to/file' or 'nlint -l /path/to/file'"

