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# MailChimp Bundle

Thin abstraction layer for the MailChimp API 2.0.

All API endpoints are implemented … by not implementing them but taking advantage of the API's naming conventions.


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## Getting started

Install with composer:

    php composer.phar require coderbyheart/mailchimp-bundle

Enable the Bundle:

    // app/AppKernel.php
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new Coderbyheart\MailChimpBundle\CoderbyheartMailChimpBundle(),

Configure the Bundle:

    // app/config/config.yml
        api_key:     123-us1  # the api key provided by mailchimp
        return_type: object   # return response data as 'object' or 'array'

## Usage

    $mailchimp = $container->get('mailchimp');
    $lists = $mailchimp->listsList();

## Documentation

The api endpoints are reached via a method call on the MailChimp API object instance.
The method name is composed by concatenating the endpoint url.
Parameters are provided via a hash as the methods argument.

| API endpoint              | Method                   | Arguments                  |
| ------------------------- | ------------------------ | -------------------------- |
| `lists/list`              | `listsList`              |                            |
| `lists/batch-unsubscribe` | `listsBatch_unsubscribe` | `array('batch' => $batch)` |