# P2S Rugbyworks
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## Data storage and input system for Rugbyworks to help them improve youth lives.
### Description
P2S requires a way to to easily have ther coaches input data about their players, allowing them to keep track on their progress in multiple fields.
- Autonomy
- How do they cope with change
- How was the student in school/session?
- How confident was the student?
- Attitude
- How did they approach tasks and activities?
- Communication
- Reliability
Admins should be able to access and output easy to visualise reports for each student, and overall reports for the entire demographic.
This project may have to be intergrated into an existing domain, but should be isolated to its own system and server.
### Skills
P2S will highly likely be a webapp that takes advantage of industry standard frontend and backend systems.
> Knowledge of these systems is not required to join this project, but any experience in web development will useful.
> All skills will be taught while doing the project, so don't worry if you think you are not capable yet :)
The website will use a NodeJS backend with possible intergration with frameworks like **ExpressJS** or **FeathersJS**.
The database will be developed and tested with **MongoDB** and **Mongoose**, and then shifted to a **SQL** based system in deployment.
Frontend systems will be created with a framework called **VueJS**. This will be quite easy to learn if you have experience in Javascript before, or have used any other front-end framework before.
# Development
## Project setup
npm install
yarn install
### Compiles and hot-reloads for development
npm run serve
yarn serve
### Compiles and minifies for production
npm run build
yarn build
### Run your tests without UI
npm run test
yarn test
### Run your tests
npm run test:e2e
yarn test:e2e
### Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
yarn lint
### Customize configuration
See [Configuration Reference](