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# Clearly Query

A library for constructing an sql query from a hash.

From a hash, validate, construct, and execute a query or create Arel conditions.
There are no assumptions or opinions on what is done with the results from the query.

Uses [Arel]( and [ActiveRecord](

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Compatible with ActiveRecord 4.2 and 5, and Arel 6 & 7.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'clearly-query'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install clearly-query

## Usage

There are two main public classes in this gem. 
The Definition class makes use of settings declared in a model.
The Composer converts a hash of options into an Arel query.

### [Clearly::Query::Definition](./lib/clearly/query/definition.rb)

Contains the query specification for ActiveRecord models.

For example:, Customer.clearly_query_def)


    # model/customer.rb
        def self.clearly_query_def
            fields: {
                valid: [:name, :last_contact_at],
                text: [:name],
                mappings: [ # these mappings are built in the database, and are only used for comparison, not projection
                        name: :title,
                        value: Clearly::Query::Helper.string_concat(
                            Clearly::Query::Helper.sql_quoted(' title'))
            associations: [
                    join: Order,
                    on: Order.arel_table[:customer_id].eq(Customer.arel_table[:id]),
                    available: true,
                    associations: []

The available specification keys are detailed below.

All field names that are available to include in a query hash:

    {fields: { valid: [<Symbols>, ...] } }

All fields that contain text (e.g. `varchar`, `text`) that are available to include in a query hash. 
This must be a subset (or equal) to the `valid` field array:

    {fields: { text:  [<Symbols>, ...] } }

Field mappings that specify a calculated value:

    {fields: { mappings: [{ name: <Symbol>, value: <Arel::Nodes::Node, String, Arel::Attribute, others...> }, ... ]  } }

Associations between tables, and whether the association is available in queries or not:

        associations: [
                join: <Model or Arel Table>,
                on: <Arel fragment>,
                available: <true or false>, # is this association available to be used in queries?
                associations: [ <further associations for this table>,  ... ]

### [Clearly::Query::Composer](./lib/clearly/query/composer.rb)

Use the Composer to Construct an Arel query from a hash of options.
See the [query hash specification]( for a comprehensive overview.

There are two ways to do this. Either compose an ActiveRecord query or compose the Arel conditions.

    composer = Clearly::Query::Composer.from_active_record
    query_hash = {and: {name: {contains: 'test'}}} # from e.g. HTTP request
    model = Customer
    arel_conditions = composer.conditions(model, query_hash)
    # or
    query = composer.query(model, query_hash)

### Building custom Arel queries

There is also a class to aid in building Arel queries yourself.

Have a look at the [Clearly::Query::Compose::Custom](./lib/clearly/query/compose/custom.rb) class and the
for more details.

## Helper methods and classes

There are a number of helper methods and classes available to make working with Arel, hashes, and ActiveRecord easier.

[Clearly::Query::Cleaner](./lib/clearly/query/cleaner.rb) validates a hash to make sure all hash keys are symbols (even in nested hashes and arrays):
    cleaned_query_hash =

This library uses the custom error `Clearly::Query::QueryArgumentError` (it inherits from `ArgumentError`).

There are a bunch of validation methods in the `Clearly::Query::Validate` module. Sometimes duck typing is not that great :/

There is also the `Clearly::Query::Graph` class, currently used only for constructing root to leaf routes for building joins.

Class methods in the `Clearly::Query::Helper` class provide abstractions over differences in database string concatenation,
help construct Arel infix operators, EXISTS clauses, literals, and SQL fragments. 
These helper methods are mostly a result of obscure or odd functionality. 
It's a collection of Arel experience that will probably be helpful.

## More Information about Arel

 - [Using Arel to Compose SQL Queries](
 - [The definitive guide to Arel, the SQL manager for Ruby](

## Contributing

1. [Fork this repo](
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create a new [pull request](