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# Interactor Rails


Interactor Rails provides Rails support for the
[Interactor]( gem.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "interactor-rails", "~> 2.0"

Interactor Rails is compatible with Ruby 2.3, 2.4, or 2.5 on Rails 4.2, 5.0,
5.1, 5.2 or 6.0.

## Usage

Interactor Rails ensures that `app/interactors` is included in your autoload
paths, and provides generators for your convenience.

rails generate interactor authenticate_user

adds to `app/interactors/authenticate_user.rb`:

class AuthenticateUser
  include Interactor

  def call
    # TODO

There is also a generator for organizers.

rails generate interactor:organizer place_order charge_card send_thank_you fulfill_order

adds to `app/interactors/place_order.rb`:

class PlaceOrder
  include Interactor::Organizer

  organize ChargeCard, SendThankYou, FulfillOrder

## Contributions

Interactor Rails is open source and contributions from the community are
encouraged! No contribution is too small.

See Interactor Rails'
[contribution guidelines]( for more information.

## Thank You!

A very special thank you to [Attila Domokos]( for
his fantastic work on [LightService](
Interactor is inspired heavily by the concepts put to code by Attila.