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# Fields

There are 12 basic model field types and a special `ForeignKey` and `ManyToMany` fields to establish relationships between models.

    For explanation of `ForeignKey` and `ManyToMany` fields check [relations][relations].

Each of the `Fields` has assigned both `sqlalchemy` column class and python type that is used to create `pydantic` model.

## Fields Types

### String

`String(max_length: int, 
        min_length: int = None,
        regex: str = None,)` has a required `max_length` parameter.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.String`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `str` 

    For explanation of other parameters check [pydantic]( documentation.

### Text

`Text()` has no required parameters.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.Text`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `str` 

    For explanation of other parameters check [pydantic][pydantic] documentation.

### Boolean

`Boolean()` has no required parameters.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.Boolean`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `bool` 

### Integer

`Integer(minimum: int = None,
        maximum: int = None,
        multiple_of: int = None)` has no required parameters.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.Integer`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `int` 

    For explanation of other parameters check [pydantic][pydantic] documentation.

### BigInteger

`BigInteger(minimum: int = None,
        maximum: int = None,
        multiple_of: int = None)` has no required parameters.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.BigInteger`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `int` 

    For explanation of other parameters check [pydantic][pydantic] documentation.

### SmallInteger

`SmallInteger(minimum: int = None,
        maximum: int = None,
        multiple_of: int = None)` has no required parameters.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.SmallInteger`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `int` 

    For explanation of other parameters check [pydantic][pydantic] documentation.

### Float

`Float(minimum: float = None,
        maximum: float = None,
        multiple_of: int = None)` has no required parameters.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.Float`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `float` 

    For explanation of other parameters check [pydantic][pydantic] documentation.

### Decimal

`Decimal(minimum: float = None,
        maximum: float = None,
        multiple_of: int = None,
        precision: int = None,
        scale: int = None,
        max_digits: int = None,
        decimal_places: int = None)` has no required parameters
You can use either `length` and `precision` parameters or `max_digits` and `decimal_places`.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.DECIMAL`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `decimal.Decimal` 

    For explanation of other parameters check [pydantic][pydantic] documentation.

### Date

`Date()` has no required parameters.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.Date`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `` 

### Time

`Time(timezone: bool = False)` has no required parameters.  

You can pass `timezone=True` for timezone aware database column.

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.Time`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `datetime.time` 

### DateTime

`DateTime(timezone: bool = False)` has no required parameters.  

You can pass `timezone=True` for timezone aware database column.

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.DateTime`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `datetime.datetime` 

### JSON

`JSON()` has no required parameters.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.JSON`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `pydantic.Json` 

### LargeBinary

`LargeBinary(max_length)` has a required `max_length` parameter.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.LargeBinary`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `bytes`

LargeBinary length is used in some backend (i.e. mysql) to determine the size of the field,
in other backends it's simply ignored yet in ormar it's always required. It should be max
size of the file/bytes in bytes.

`LargeBinary` has also optional `represent_as_base64_str: bool = False` flag. 
When set to `True` `ormar` will auto-convert bytes value to base64 decoded string, 
you can also set value by passing a base64 encoded string. 

That way you can i.e. set the value by API, even if value is not `utf-8` compatible and would otherwise fail during json conversion.

import base64
... # other imports skipped for brevity 

base_ormar_config = ormar.OrmarConfig(

class LargeBinaryStr(ormar.Model):
    ormar_config = base_ormar_config.copy(tablename="my_str_blobs")

    id: int = ormar.Integer(primary_key=True)
    test_binary: str = ormar.LargeBinary(
        max_length=100000, represent_as_base64_str=True

# set non utf-8 compliant value - note this can be passed by api (i.e. fastapi) in json
item = LargeBinaryStr(test_binary=base64.b64encode(b"\xc3\x28").decode())

assert item.test_binary == base64.b64encode(b"\xc3\x28").decode()

# technical note that underlying value is still bytes and will be saved as so
assert item.__dict__["test_binary"] == b"\xc3\x28"

### UUID

`UUID(uuid_format: str = 'hex')` has no required parameters.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `ormar.UUID` based on `sqlalchemy.CHAR(36)` or `sqlalchemy.CHAR(32)` field (for string or hex format respectively)  
* Type (used for pydantic): `uuid.UUID` 

`uuid_format` parameters allow 'hex'(default) or 'string' values.

Depending on the format either 32 or 36 char is used in the database.


*  'hex' format value = `c616ab438cce49dbbf4380d109251dce` (CHAR(32))
*  'string' value = `c616ab43-8cce-49db-bf43-80d109251dce` (CHAR(36))  

When loaded it's always python UUID so you can compare it and compare two formats values between each other.

### Enum

There are two ways to use enums in ormar -> one is a dedicated `Enum` field that uses `sqlalchemy.Enum` column type, while the other is setting `choices` on any field in ormar.

The Enum field uses the database dialect specific Enum column type if it's available, but fallback to varchar if this field type is not available.

The `choices` option always respect the database field type selected.

So which one to use depends on the backend you use and on the column/ data type you want in your Enum field.

#### Enum - Field

`Enum(enum_class=Type[Enum])` has a required `enum_class` parameter.  

* Sqlalchemy column: `sqlalchemy.Enum`  
* Type (used for pydantic): `Type[Enum]`

[relations]: ../relations/
[queries]: ../
[server default]: