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Test Coverage
package output

import (


var resultTmpl = `
// Mark Template
{{define "mark" -}}
    {{if .Success -}}
    {{- else -}}
    {{- end}}
{{- end -}}

// Add File Template
{{define "file" -}}
    {{with .FileName}} [{{.}}]{{- end}}
{{- end -}}

// Add Tries Template
{{define "tries" -}}
    {{if gt .Tries 1 }}, retries {{.Tries }}{{- end}}
{{- end -}}

// BaseResult
{{define "baseResult" -}}
    {{template "mark" .}}{{template "file" .}} [{{ .Node }}]
{{- end -}}`

var commanderTmpl = `
// Duration
{{define "duration" -}}
    Duration: {{printf "%.3fs" .Duration.Seconds}}
{{- end -}}

// Summary
{{define "summary" -}}
    Count: {{len .TestResults}}, Failed: {{ .Failed }}, Skipped: {{ .Skipped }}
{{- end -}}

// Result
{{define "result" -}}
    {{template "baseResult" .}} {{ .Title }}{{template "tries" .}}
{{- end -}}

// Failure
{{- define "failure" -}}
    {{- template "baseResult" .}} '{{ .Title }}', on property '{{ .FailedProperty }}'
{{- end -}}

// Error
{{define "error" -}}
        {{template "baseResult" .}} '{{ .Title }}' could not be executed with error message:
{{- end}}`

// cliTemplate template object for all of commanders cli tenplate
// each methood is designed to be a wrapper on each commander template
type cliTemplate struct {
    template *template.Template

func newCliTemplate() cliTemplate {
    t := template.Must(template.New("").Parse(resultTmpl))
    t = template.Must(t.New("").Parse(commanderTmpl))

    return cliTemplate{
        template: t,

func (t cliTemplate) duration(result runtime.Result) string {
    tpl := t.getTemplatedString("duration", result)
    return tpl.String()

func (t cliTemplate) summary(result runtime.Result) string {
    tpl := t.getTemplatedString("summary", result)
    return tpl.String()

func (t cliTemplate) testResult(testResult TestResult) string {
    tpl := t.getTemplatedString("result", testResult)
    return tpl.String()

func (t cliTemplate) failures(testResult TestResult) string {
    tpl := t.getTemplatedString("failure", testResult)
    return tpl.String()

func (t cliTemplate) errors(testResult TestResult) string {
    tpl := t.getTemplatedString("error", testResult)
    return tpl.String()

func (t cliTemplate) getTemplatedString(name string, data interface{}) bytes.Buffer {
    var tpl bytes.Buffer
    err := t.template.ExecuteTemplate(&tpl, name, data)
    if err != nil {

    return tpl