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Test Coverage
package runtime

import (

// Constants for defining the various tested properties
const (
    ExitCode  = "ExitCode"
    Stdout    = "Stdout"
    Stderr    = "Stderr"
    LineCount = "LineCount"

type Filters []string

// NewRuntime creates a new runtime and inits default nodes
func NewRuntime(eh *EventHandler, nodes ...Node) Runtime {
    local := Node{
        Name: "local",
        Type: "local",
        Addr: "localhost",

    nodes = append(nodes, local)
    runner := Runner{
        Nodes: nodes,

    return Runtime{
        Runner:       &runner,
        EventHandler: eh,

// Runtime represents the current runtime, please use NewRuntime() instead of creating an instance directly
type Runtime struct {
    Runner       *Runner
    EventHandler *EventHandler

// EventHandler is a configurable event system that handles events such as test completion
type EventHandler struct {
    TestFinished func(TestResult)
    TestSkipped  func(TestResult)

// TestCase represents a test case which will be executed by the runtime
type TestCase struct {
    Title    string
    Command  CommandUnderTest
    Expected Expected
    Result   CommandResult
    Nodes    []string
    FileName string
    Skip     bool

// GlobalTestConfig represents the configuration for a test
type GlobalTestConfig struct {
    Env        map[string]string
    Dir        string
    Timeout    string
    Retries    int
    Interval   string
    InheritEnv bool
    Nodes      []string

// ResultStatus represents the status code of a test result
type ResultStatus int

// CommandResult holds the result for a specific test
type CommandResult struct {
    Status            ResultStatus
    Stdout            string
    Stderr            string
    ExitCode          int
    FailureProperties []string
    Error             error

// Expected is the expected output of the command under test
type Expected struct {
    Stdout    ExpectedOut
    Stderr    ExpectedOut
    LineCount int
    ExitCode  int

// ExpectedOut represents the assertions on stdout and stderr
type ExpectedOut struct {
    Contains    []string          `yaml:"contains,omitempty"`
    Lines       map[int]string    `yaml:"lines,omitempty"`
    Exactly     string            `yaml:"exactly,omitempty"`
    LineCount   int               `yaml:"line-count,omitempty"`
    NotContains []string          `yaml:"not-contains,omitempty"`
    JSON        map[string]string `yaml:"json,omitempty"`
    XML         map[string]string `yaml:"xml,omitempty"`
    File        string            `yaml:"file,omitempty"`

// CommandUnderTest represents the command under test
type CommandUnderTest struct {
    Cmd        string
    InheritEnv bool
    Env        map[string]string
    Dir        string
    Timeout    string
    Retries    int
    Interval   string

// TestResult represents the TestCase and the ValidationResult
type TestResult struct {
    TestCase         TestCase
    ValidationResult ValidationResult
    FailedProperty   string
    Tries            int
    Node             string
    Skipped          bool

// Result respresents the aggregation of all TestResults/summary of a runtime
type Result struct {
    TestResults []TestResult
    Duration    time.Duration
    Failed      int
    Skipped     int

// Start starts the given test suite and executes all tests
func (r *Runtime) Start(tests []TestCase) Result {
    // Sort tests alphabetically to preserve a reproducible execution order
    sort.SliceStable(tests, func(i, j int) bool {
        return tests[i].Title < tests[j].Title

    result := Result{}
    testCh := r.Runner.Run(tests)
    start := time.Now()
    for tr := range testCh {
        if tr.Skipped {

            log.Println("title: '"+tr.TestCase.Title+"'", " was skipped")
            log.Println("title: '"+tr.TestCase.Title+"'", " Command: ", tr.TestCase.Command.Cmd)
            log.Println("title: '"+tr.TestCase.Title+"'", " Directory: ", tr.TestCase.Command.Dir)
            log.Println("title: '"+tr.TestCase.Title+"'", " Env: ", tr.TestCase.Command.Env)

            result.TestResults = append(result.TestResults, tr)

        if !tr.ValidationResult.Success {

        result.TestResults = append(result.TestResults, tr)
    result.Duration = time.Since(start)

    return result