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Test Coverage
package suite

import (


// Suite represents the current tests, nodes and configs.
// It is used by the runtime to execute all tests and is an abstraction for the given source.
// In example it could be possible to add more formats like XML or a custom DSL implementation.
type Suite struct {
    TestCases []runtime.TestCase
    Config    runtime.GlobalTestConfig
    Nodes     []runtime.Node

// NewSuite creates a suite structure from two byte slices,
// suiteContent is the file/suite that is under test
// overwriteConfigContent is an optional slice which overwrites the default configurations
// fileName is the file that is under test
func NewSuite(suiteContent, overwriteConfigContent []byte, fileName string) Suite {
    overwriteConfig := ParseYAML(overwriteConfigContent, "default config")
    s := ParseYAML(suiteContent, fileName)

    s.mergeConfigs(overwriteConfig.Config, overwriteConfig.Nodes)

    return s

// GetNodes returns all nodes defined in the suite
func (s Suite) GetNodes() []runtime.Node {
    return s.Nodes

// GetNodeByName returns a node by the given name
func (s Suite) GetNodeByName(name string) (runtime.Node, error) {
    for _, n := range s.Nodes {
        if n.Name == name {
            return n, nil
    return runtime.Node{}, fmt.Errorf("could not find node with name %s", name)

// AddTest pushes a new test to the suite
// if the test was already added it will panic
func (s Suite) AddTest(t runtime.TestCase) {
    if _, err := s.GetTestByTitle(t.Title); err == nil {
        panic(fmt.Sprintf("Tests %s was already added to the suite", t.Title))
    s.TestCases = append(s.TestCases, t)

// GetTests returns all tests of the test suite
func (s Suite) GetTests() []runtime.TestCase {
    return s.TestCases

// GetTestByTitle returns a test by title, if the test was not found an error is returned
func (s Suite) GetTestByTitle(title string) (runtime.TestCase, error) {
    for _, t := range s.GetTests() {
        if t.Title == title {
            return t, nil

    return runtime.TestCase{}, fmt.Errorf("could not find test %s", title)

// FindTests returns a test by the given pattern, if the test was not found an error is returned
func (s Suite) FindTests(pattern string) ([]runtime.TestCase, error) {
    var r []runtime.TestCase
    for _, t := range s.GetTests() {
        matched, err := regexp.Match(pattern, []byte(t.Title))
        if err != nil {
            panic(fmt.Sprintf("Regex error %s: %s", pattern, err.Error()))

        if matched {
            r = append(r, t)

    if len(r) == 0 {
        return []runtime.TestCase{}, fmt.Errorf("could not find test with pattern: %s", pattern)

    return r, nil

// GetGlobalConfig returns the global configuration which applies to the complete suite
func (s Suite) GetGlobalConfig() runtime.GlobalTestConfig {
    return s.Config

// MergeConfigs overwrites a global configuration over an entire suite.
// Config at the lowest level takes precedence
func (s Suite) mergeConfigs(config runtime.GlobalTestConfig, nodes []runtime.Node) {
    s.Config.Env = mergeEnvironmentVariables(s.Config.Env, config.Env)

    if s.Config.Dir == "" {
        s.Config.Dir = config.Dir

    if s.Config.Timeout == "" {
        s.Config.Timeout = config.Timeout

    if s.Config.Retries == 0 {
        s.Config.Retries = config.Retries

    if s.Config.Interval == "" {
        s.Config.Interval = config.Interval

    if !s.Config.InheritEnv {
        s.Config.InheritEnv = config.InheritEnv

    if len(s.Config.Nodes) == 0 {
        s.Config.Nodes = config.Nodes

    // append additional nodes
    s.Nodes = append(s.Nodes, nodes...)


// mergeConfigs will merge the suites runtime.GlobalTestConfig,
// with each runtime.TestCase in the suite
func (s Suite) mergeTestConfigs() {
    for i := range s.TestCases {

        s.TestCases[i].Command.Env = mergeEnvironmentVariables(s.Config.Env, s.TestCases[i].Command.Env)

        if s.TestCases[i].Command.Dir == "" {
            s.TestCases[i].Command.Dir = s.Config.Dir

        if s.TestCases[i].Command.Timeout == "" {
            s.TestCases[i].Command.Timeout = s.Config.Timeout

        if s.TestCases[i].Command.Retries == 0 {
            s.TestCases[i].Command.Retries = s.Config.Retries

        if s.TestCases[i].Command.Interval == "" {
            s.TestCases[i].Command.Interval = s.Config.Interval

        if !s.TestCases[i].Command.InheritEnv {
            s.TestCases[i].Command.InheritEnv = s.Config.InheritEnv

        if len(s.TestCases[i].Nodes) == 0 {
            s.TestCases[i].Nodes = s.Config.Nodes

func mergeEnvironmentVariables(global map[string]string, local map[string]string) map[string]string {
    env := make(map[string]string)
    for k, v := range global {
        env[k] = v
    for k, v := range local {
        env[k] = v
    return env