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Test Coverage
from import check_using_build_profile
from import architecture_flag, build_type_flags, cppstd_flag, \
    build_type_link_flags, libcxx_flags
from import is_apple_os
from import apple_min_version_flag, to_apple_arch, \
from import cross_building, get_cross_building_settings
from import Environment
from import save_toolchain_args
from import _get_gnu_triplet
from import VCVars, msvc_runtime_flag
from conans.errors import ConanException
from import args_to_string

class AutotoolsToolchain:
    def __init__(self, conanfile, namespace=None, prefix="/"):
        self._conanfile = conanfile
        self._namespace = namespace
        self._prefix = prefix

        # Flags
        self.extra_cxxflags = []
        self.extra_cflags = []
        self.extra_ldflags = []
        self.extra_defines = []

        # Defines
        self.ndebug = None
        build_type = self._conanfile.settings.get_safe("build_type")
        if build_type in ['Release', 'RelWithDebInfo', 'MinSizeRel']:
            self.ndebug = "NDEBUG"

        # TODO: This is also covering compilers like Visual Studio, necessary to test it (&remove?)
        self.build_type_flags = build_type_flags(self._conanfile.settings)
        self.build_type_link_flags = build_type_link_flags(self._conanfile.settings)

        self.cppstd = cppstd_flag(self._conanfile.settings)
        self.arch_flag = architecture_flag(self._conanfile.settings)
        self.libcxx, self.gcc_cxx11_abi = libcxx_flags(self._conanfile)
        self.fpic = self._conanfile.options.get_safe("fPIC")
        self.msvc_runtime_flag = self._get_msvc_runtime_flag()

        # Cross build triplets
        self._host = self._conanfile.conf.get("tools.gnu:host_triplet")
        self._build = None
        self._target = None

        self.apple_arch_flag = self.apple_isysroot_flag = None
        self.apple_min_version_flag = apple_min_version_flag(self._conanfile)

        self.sysroot_flag = None

        if cross_building(self._conanfile):
            # Host triplet
            os_build, arch_build, os_host, arch_host = get_cross_building_settings(self._conanfile)
            compiler = self._conanfile.settings.get_safe("compiler")
            if not self._host:
                self._host = _get_gnu_triplet(os_host, arch_host, compiler=compiler)
            # Build triplet
            self._build = _get_gnu_triplet(os_build, arch_build, compiler=compiler)
            # Apple Stuff
            if os_build == "Macos" and is_apple_os(self._conanfile):
                sdk_path = apple_sdk_path(conanfile)
                apple_arch = to_apple_arch(self._conanfile)
                self.apple_arch_flag = "-arch {}".format(apple_arch) if apple_arch else None
                # -isysroot makes all includes for your library relative to the build directory
                self.apple_isysroot_flag = "-isysroot {}".format(sdk_path) if sdk_path else None

        sysroot = self._conanfile.conf.get("")
        sysroot = sysroot.replace("\\", "/") if sysroot is not None else None
        self.sysroot_flag = "--sysroot {}".format(sysroot) if sysroot else None

        self.configure_args = self._default_configure_shared_flags() + \
                              self._default_configure_install_flags() + \
        self.autoreconf_args = self._default_autoreconf_flags()
        self.make_args = []


    def _get_msvc_runtime_flag(self):
        flag = msvc_runtime_flag(self._conanfile)
        if flag:
            flag = "-{}".format(flag)
        return flag

    def _filter_list_empty_fields(v):
        return list(filter(bool, v))

    def cxxflags(self):
        fpic = "-fPIC" if self.fpic else None
        ret = [self.libcxx, self.cppstd, self.arch_flag, fpic, self.msvc_runtime_flag,
        apple_flags = [self.apple_isysroot_flag, self.apple_arch_flag, self.apple_min_version_flag]
        conf_flags = self._conanfile.conf.get("", default=[], check_type=list)
        ret = ret + self.build_type_flags + apple_flags + conf_flags + self.extra_cxxflags
        return self._filter_list_empty_fields(ret)

    def cflags(self):
        fpic = "-fPIC" if self.fpic else None
        ret = [self.arch_flag, fpic, self.msvc_runtime_flag, self.sysroot_flag]
        apple_flags = [self.apple_isysroot_flag, self.apple_arch_flag, self.apple_min_version_flag]
        conf_flags = self._conanfile.conf.get("", default=[], check_type=list)
        ret = ret + self.build_type_flags + apple_flags + conf_flags + self.extra_cflags
        return self._filter_list_empty_fields(ret)

    def ldflags(self):
        ret = [self.arch_flag, self.sysroot_flag]
        apple_flags = [self.apple_isysroot_flag, self.apple_arch_flag, self.apple_min_version_flag]
        conf_flags = self._conanfile.conf.get("", default=[],
        conf_flags.extend(self._conanfile.conf.get("", default=[],
        linker_scripts = self._conanfile.conf.get("", default=[], check_type=list)
        conf_flags.extend(["-T'" + linker_script + "'" for linker_script in linker_scripts])
        ret = ret + apple_flags + conf_flags + self.build_type_link_flags + self.extra_ldflags
        return self._filter_list_empty_fields(ret)

    def defines(self):
        conf_flags = self._conanfile.conf.get("", default=[], check_type=list)
        ret = [self.ndebug, self.gcc_cxx11_abi] + conf_flags + self.extra_defines
        return self._filter_list_empty_fields(ret)

    def environment(self):
        env = Environment()
        compilers_by_conf = self._conanfile.conf.get("", default={}, check_type=dict)
        if compilers_by_conf:
            compilers_mapping = {"c": "CC", "cpp": "CXX", "cuda": "NVCC", "fortran": "FC"}
            for comp, env_var in compilers_mapping.items():
                if comp in compilers_by_conf:
                    env.define(env_var, compilers_by_conf[comp])
        env.append("CPPFLAGS", ["-D{}".format(d) for d in self.defines])
        env.append("CXXFLAGS", self.cxxflags)
        env.append("CFLAGS", self.cflags)
        env.append("LDFLAGS", self.ldflags)
        env.prepend_path("PKG_CONFIG_PATH", self._conanfile.generators_folder)
        return env

    def vars(self):
        return self.environment().vars(self._conanfile, scope="build")

    def generate(self, env=None, scope="build"):
        env = env or self.environment()
        env = env.vars(self._conanfile, scope=scope)

    def _default_configure_shared_flags(self):
        args = []
        # Just add these flags if there's a shared option defined (never add to exe's)
        # FIXME: For Conan 2.0 use the package_type to decide if adding these flags or not
            if self._conanfile.options.shared:
                args.extend(["--enable-shared", "--disable-static"])
                args.extend(["--disable-shared", "--enable-static"])
        except ConanException:

        return args

    def _default_configure_install_flags(self):
        configure_install_flags = []

        def _get_argument(argument_name, cppinfo_name):
            elements = getattr(self._conanfile.cpp.package, cppinfo_name)
            return "--{}=${{prefix}}/{}".format(argument_name, elements[0]) if elements else ""

        # If someone want arguments but not the defaults can pass them in args manually
                                       _get_argument("bindir", "bindirs"),
                                       _get_argument("sbindir", "bindirs"),
                                       _get_argument("libdir", "libdirs"),
                                       _get_argument("includedir", "includedirs"),
                                       _get_argument("oldincludedir", "includedirs"),
                                       _get_argument("datarootdir", "resdirs")])
        return [el for el in configure_install_flags if el]

    def _default_autoreconf_flags():
        return ["--force", "--install"]

    def _get_triplets(self):
        triplets = []
        for flag, value in (("--host=", self._host), ("--build=", self._build),
                            ("--target=", self._target)):
            if value:
        return triplets

    def update_configure_args(self, updated_flags):
        Helper to update/prune flags from ``self.configure_args``.

        :param updated_flags: ``dict`` with arguments as keys and their argument values.
                              Notice that if argument value is ``None``, this one will be pruned.
        self._update_flags("configure_args", updated_flags)

    def update_make_args(self, updated_flags):
        Helper to update/prune arguments from ``self.make_args``.

        :param updated_flags: ``dict`` with arguments as keys and their argument values.
                              Notice that if argument value is ``None``, this one will be pruned.
        self._update_flags("make_args", updated_flags)

    def update_autoreconf_args(self, updated_flags):
        Helper to update/prune arguments from ``self.autoreconf_args``.

        :param updated_flags: ``dict`` with arguments as keys and their argument values.
                              Notice that if argument value is ``None``, this one will be pruned.
        self._update_flags("autoreconf_args", updated_flags)

    # FIXME: Remove all these update_xxxx whenever xxxx_args are dicts or new ones replace them
    def _update_flags(self, attr_name, updated_flags):

        def _list_to_dict(flags):
            ret = {}
            for flag in flags:
                # Only splitting if "=" is there
                option = flag.split("=", 1)
                if len(option) == 2:
                    ret[option[0]] = option[1]
                    ret[option[0]] = ""
            return ret

        def _dict_to_list(flags):
            return [f"{k}={v}" if v else k for k, v in flags.items() if v is not None]

        self_args = getattr(self, attr_name)
        # FIXME: if xxxxx_args -> dict-type at some point, all these lines could be removed
        options = _list_to_dict(self_args)
        # Add/update/remove the current xxxxx_args with the new flags given
        # Update the current ones
        setattr(self, attr_name, _dict_to_list(options))

    def generate_args(self):
        args = {"configure_args": args_to_string(self.configure_args),
                "make_args":  args_to_string(self.make_args),
                "autoreconf_args": args_to_string(self.autoreconf_args)}
        save_toolchain_args(args, namespace=self._namespace)