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Test Coverage
import os
import re
import textwrap
from collections import namedtuple

from jinja2 import Template, StrictUndefined

from conan.errors import ConanException
from import check_using_build_profile
from conans.util.files import save

_BazelTargetInfo = namedtuple("DepInfo", ['repository_name', 'name', 'requires', 'cpp_info'])
_LibInfo = namedtuple("LibInfo", ['name', 'is_shared', 'lib_path', 'interface_lib_path'])

def _get_name_with_namespace(namespace, name):
    Build a name with a namespace, e.g., openssl-crypto
    return f"{namespace}-{name}"

def _get_package_reference_name(dep):
    Get the reference name for the given package

def _get_repository_name(dep):
    pkg_name = dep.cpp_info.get_property("bazel_repository_name") or _get_package_reference_name(dep)
    return f"build-{pkg_name}" if dep.context == "build" else pkg_name

def _get_target_name(dep):
    pkg_name = dep.cpp_info.get_property("bazel_target_name") or _get_package_reference_name(dep)
    return pkg_name

def _get_component_name(dep, comp_ref_name):
    pkg_name = _get_target_name(dep)
    if comp_ref_name not in dep.cpp_info.components:
        # foo::foo might be referencing the root cppinfo
        if _get_package_reference_name(dep) == comp_ref_name:
            return pkg_name
        raise ConanException("Component '{name}::{cname}' not found in '{name}' "
                             "package requirement".format(name=_get_package_reference_name(dep),
    comp_name = dep.cpp_info.components[comp_ref_name].get_property("bazel_target_name")
    # If user did not set bazel_target_name, let's create a component name
    # with a namespace, e.g., dep-comp1
    return comp_name or _get_name_with_namespace(pkg_name, comp_ref_name)

# FIXME: This function should be a common one to be used by PkgConfigDeps, CMakeDeps?, etc.
def _get_requirements(conanfile, build_context_activated):
    Simply save the activated requirements (host + build + test), and the deactivated ones
    # All the requirements
    host_req =
    build_req = conanfile.dependencies.direct_build  # tool_requires
    test_req = conanfile.dependencies.test

    for require, dep in list(host_req.items()) + list(build_req.items()) + list(test_req.items()):
        # Require is not used at the moment, but its information could be used,
        # and will be used in Conan 2.0
        # Filter the build_requires not activated with self.build_context_activated
        if and not in build_context_activated:
        yield require, dep

def _get_libs(dep, cpp_info=None) -> list:
    Get the static/shared library paths

    :param dep: normally a <ConanFileInterface obj>
    :param cpp_info: <CppInfo obj> of the component.
    :return: list of tuples per static/shared library ->
             [(lib_name, is_shared, library_path, interface_library_path)]
             Note: ``library_path`` could be both static and shared ones in case of UNIX systems.
                    Windows would have:
                        * shared: library_path as DLL, and interface_library_path as LIB
                        * static: library_path as LIB, and interface_library_path as None
    def _is_shared():
        Checking traits and shared option
        default_value = dep.options.get_safe("shared") if dep.options else False
        # Conan 2.x
        # return {"shared-library": True,
        #         "static-library": False}.get(str(dep.package_type), default_value)
        return default_value

    def _save_lib_path(lib_, lib_path_):
        """Add each lib with its full library path"""
        formatted_path = lib_path_.replace("\\", "/")
        _, ext_ = os.path.splitext(formatted_path)
        if is_shared and ext_ == ".lib":  # Windows interface library
            interface_lib_paths[lib_] = formatted_path
            lib_paths[lib_] = formatted_path

    cpp_info = cpp_info or dep.cpp_info
    is_shared = _is_shared()
    libdirs = cpp_info.libdirs
    bindirs = cpp_info.bindirs if is_shared else []  # just want to get shared libraries
    libs = cpp_info.libs[:]  # copying the values
    lib_paths = {}
    interface_lib_paths = {}
    for libdir in set(libdirs + bindirs):
        if not os.path.exists(libdir):
        files = os.listdir(libdir)
        for f in files:
            full_path = os.path.join(libdir, f)
            if not os.path.isfile(full_path):  # Make sure that directories are excluded
            name, ext = os.path.splitext(f)
            # Users may not name their libraries in a conventional way. For example, directly
            # use the basename of the lib file as lib name, e.g., cpp_info.libs = ["liblib1.a"]
            # Issue related:
            if ext and f in libs:  # let's ensure that it has any extension
                _save_lib_path(f, full_path)
            if name not in libs and name.startswith("lib"):
                name = name[3:]  # libpkg -> pkg
            # FIXME: Should it read a conf variable to know unexpected extensions?
            if (is_shared and ext in (".so", ".dylib", ".lib", ".dll")) or \
               (not is_shared and ext in (".a", ".lib")):
                if name in libs:
                    _save_lib_path(name, full_path)
                else:  # last chance: some cases the name could be pkg.if instead of pkg
                    name = name.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0]
                    if name in libs:
                        _save_lib_path(name, full_path)

    libraries = []
    for lib, lib_path in lib_paths.items():
        interface_lib_path = None
        if lib_path.endswith(".dll"):
            if lib not in interface_lib_paths:
                raise ConanException(f"Windows needs a .lib for link-time and .dll for runtime."
                                     f" Only found {lib_path}")
            interface_lib_path = interface_lib_paths.pop(lib)
        libraries.append((lib, is_shared, lib_path, interface_lib_path))
    # TODO: Would we want to manage the cases where DLLs are provided by the system?
    return libraries

def _get_headers(cpp_info, package_folder_path):
    return ['"{}/**"'.format(_relativize_path(path, package_folder_path))
            for path in cpp_info.includedirs]

def _get_includes(cpp_info, package_folder_path):
    return ['"{}"'.format(_relativize_path(path, package_folder_path))
            for path in cpp_info.includedirs]

def _get_defines(cpp_info):
    return ['"{}"'.format(define.replace('"', '\\' * 3 + '"'))
            for define in cpp_info.defines]

def _get_linkopts(cpp_info, os_build):
    link_opt = '/DEFAULTLIB:{}' if os_build == "Windows" else '-l{}'
    system_libs = [link_opt.format(lib) for lib in cpp_info.system_libs]
    shared_flags = cpp_info.sharedlinkflags + cpp_info.exelinkflags
    return [f'"{flag}"' for flag in (system_libs + shared_flags)]

def _get_copts(cpp_info):
    # FIXME: long discussions between copts (-Iflag) vs includes in Bazel. Not sure yet
    # includedirsflags = ['"-I{}"'.format(_relativize_path(d, package_folder_path))
    #                     for d in cpp_info.includedirs]
    cxxflags = [var.replace('"', '\\"') for var in cpp_info.cxxflags]
    cflags = [var.replace('"', '\\"') for var in cpp_info.cflags]
    return [f'"{flag}"' for flag in (cxxflags + cflags)]

def _relativize_path(path, pattern):
    Returns a relative path with regard to pattern given.

    :param path: absolute or relative path
    :param pattern: either a piece of path or a pattern to match the leading part of the path
    :return: Unix-like path relative if matches to the given pattern.
             Otherwise, it returns the original path.
    if not path or not pattern:
        return path
    path_ = path.replace("\\", "/").replace("/./", "/")
    pattern_ = pattern.replace("\\", "/").replace("/./", "/")
    match = re.match(pattern_, path_)
    if match:
        matching = match[0]
        if path_.startswith(matching):
            path_ = path_.replace(matching, "").strip("/")
            return path_.strip("./") or "./"
    return path

class _BazelDependenciesBZLGenerator:
    Bazel needs to know all the dependencies for its current project. So, the only way
    to do that is to tell the WORKSPACE file how to load all the Conan ones. This is the goal
    of the function created by this class, the ``load_conan_dependencies`` one.

    More information:

    filename = "dependencies.bzl"
    template = textwrap.dedent("""\
        # This Bazel module should be loaded by your WORKSPACE file.
        # Add these lines to your WORKSPACE one (assuming that you're using the "bazel_layout"):
        # load("@//conan:dependencies.bzl", "load_conan_dependencies")
        # load_conan_dependencies()

        def load_conan_dependencies():
        {% for repository_name, pkg_folder, pkg_build_file_path in dependencies %}
        {% endfor %}

    def __init__(self, conanfile, dependencies):
        self._conanfile = conanfile
        self._dependencies = dependencies

    def generate(self):
        template = Template(self.template, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True,
        content = template.render(dependencies=self._dependencies)
        # Saving the BUILD (empty) and dependencies.bzl files
        save(self.filename, content)
        save("BUILD.bazel", "# This is an empty BUILD file to be able to load the "
                            "dependencies.bzl one.")

class _BazelBUILDGenerator:
    This class creates the BUILD.bazel for each dependency where it's declared all the
    necessary information to load the libraries

    # If both files exist, BUILD.bazel takes precedence over BUILD
    filename = "BUILD.bazel"
    template = textwrap.dedent("""\
    {% macro cc_import_macro(libs) %}
    {% for lib_info in libs %}
        name = "{{ }}_precompiled",
        {% if lib_info.is_shared %}
        shared_library = "{{ lib_info.lib_path }}",
        {% else %}
        static_library = "{{ lib_info.lib_path }}",
        {% endif %}
        {% if lib_info.interface_lib_path %}
        interface_library = "{{ lib_info.interface_lib_path }}",
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
    {% endmacro %}
    {% macro cc_library_macro(obj) %}
        name = "{{ obj["name"] }}",
        {% if obj["headers"] %}
        hdrs = glob([
            {% for header in obj["headers"] %}
            {{ header }},
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if obj["includes"] %}
        includes = [
            {% for include in obj["includes"] %}
            {{ include }},
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if obj["defines"] %}
        defines = [
            {% for define in obj["defines"] %}
            {{ define }},
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if obj["linkopts"] %}
        linkopts = [
            {% for linkopt in obj["linkopts"] %}
            {{ linkopt }},
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        {% if obj["copts"] %}
        copts = [
            {% for copt in obj["copts"] %}
            {{ copt }},
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
        visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
        {% if obj["libs"] or obj["dependencies"] or obj["component_names"] %}
        deps = [
            {% for lib in obj["libs"] %}
            ":{{ }}_precompiled",
            {% endfor %}
            {% for name in obj["component_names"] %}
            ":{{ name }}",
            {% endfor %}
            {% for dep in obj["dependencies"] %}
            "{{ dep }}",
            {% endfor %}
        {% endif %}
    {% endmacro %}
    {% macro filegroup_bindirs_macro(obj) %}
    {% if obj["bindirs"] %}
        name = "{{ obj["name"] }}_binaries",
        srcs = glob([
            {% for bindir in obj["bindirs"] %}
            "{{ bindir }}/**",
            {% endfor %}
        visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
    {% endif %}
    {% endmacro %}
    load("@rules_cc//cc:defs.bzl", "cc_import", "cc_library")

    # Components precompiled libs
    {% for component in components %}
    {{ cc_import_macro(component["libs"]) }}
    {% endfor %}
    # Root package precompiled libs
    {{ cc_import_macro(root["libs"]) }}
    # Components libraries declaration
    {% for component in components %}
    {{ cc_library_macro(component) }}
    {% endfor %}
    # Package library declaration
    {{ cc_library_macro(root) }}
    # Filegroup library declaration
    {{ filegroup_bindirs_macro(root) }}

    def __init__(self, conanfile, dep, root_package_info, components_info):
        self._conanfile = conanfile
        self._dep = dep
        self._root_package_info = root_package_info
        self._components_info = components_info

    def build_file_pah(self):
        Returns the absolute path to the BUILD file created by Conan
        folder = os.path.join(self._root_package_info.repository_name, self.filename)
        return folder.replace("\\", "/")

    def absolute_build_file_pah(self):
        Returns the absolute path to the BUILD file created by Conan
        folder = os.path.join(self._conanfile.generators_folder, self.build_file_pah)
        return folder.replace("\\", "/")

    def package_folder(self):
        Returns the package folder path
        # If editable, package_folder can be None
        root_folder = self._dep.recipe_folder if self._dep.package_folder is None \
            else self._dep.package_folder
        return root_folder.replace("\\", "/")

    def repository_name(self):
        Wrapper to get the final name used for the root dependency cc_library declaration
        return self._root_package_info.repository_name

    def _get_context(self):
        def fill_info(info):
            ret = {
                "name":,  # package name and components name
                "libs": {},
                "headers": "",
                "includes": "",
                "defines": "",
                "linkopts": "",
                "copts": "",
                "dependencies": info.requires,
                "component_names": []  # filled only by the root
            if info.cpp_info is not None:
                cpp_info = info.cpp_info
                headers = _get_headers(cpp_info, package_folder_path)
                includes = _get_includes(cpp_info, package_folder_path)
                copts = _get_copts(cpp_info)
                defines = _get_defines(cpp_info)
                # Conan 2
                # os_build = self._dep.settings_build.get_safe("os")
                os_build = self._dep.settings.get_safe("os")
                linkopts = _get_linkopts(cpp_info, os_build)
                libs = _get_libs(self._dep, cpp_info)
                libs_info = []
                bindirs = [_relativize_path(bindir, package_folder_path)
                           for bindir in cpp_info.bindirs]
                for (lib, is_shared, lib_path, interface_lib_path) in libs:
                    # Bazel needs to relativize each path
                        _LibInfo(lib, is_shared,
                                 _relativize_path(lib_path, package_folder_path),
                                 _relativize_path(interface_lib_path, package_folder_path))
                    "libs": libs_info,
                    "bindirs": bindirs,
                    "headers": headers,
                    "includes": includes,
                    "defines": defines,
                    "linkopts": linkopts,
                    "copts": copts
            return ret

        package_folder_path = self.package_folder
        context = dict()
        context["root"] = fill_info(self._root_package_info)
        context["components"] = []
        for component in self._components_info:
            component_context = fill_info(component)
        return context

    def generate(self):
        context = self._get_context()
        template = Template(self.template, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True,
        content = template.render(context)
        save(self.build_file_pah, content)

class _InfoGenerator:

    def __init__(self, conanfile, dep):
        self._conanfile = conanfile
        self._dep = dep
        # Conan 2.x
        # self._transitive_reqs = get_transitive_requires(self._conanfile, dep)
        self._transitive_reqs = self._dep.dependencies.direct_host

    def _get_cpp_info_requires_names(self, cpp_info):
        Get all the valid names from the requirements ones given a CppInfo object.

        For instance, those requirements could be coming from:

        from conan import ConanFile
        class PkgConan(ConanFile):
            requires = "other/1.0"

            def package_info(self):
                self.cpp_info.requires = ["other::cmp1"]

            # Or:

            def package_info(self):
                self.cpp_info.components["cmp"].requires = ["other::cmp1"]
        dep_ref_name = _get_package_reference_name(self._dep)
        ret = []
        for req in cpp_info.requires:
            pkg_ref_name, comp_ref_name = req.split("::") if "::" in req else (dep_ref_name, req)
            prefix = ":"  # Requirements declared in the same BUILD file
            # For instance, dep == "hello/1.0" and req == "other::cmp1" -> hello != other
            if dep_ref_name != pkg_ref_name:
                    req_conanfile = self._transitive_reqs[pkg_ref_name]
                    # Requirements declared in another dependency BUILD file
                    prefix = f"@{_get_repository_name(req_conanfile)}//:"
                except KeyError:
                    continue  # If the dependency is not in the transitive, might be skipped
            else:  # For instance, dep == "hello/1.0" and req == "hello::cmp1" -> hello == hello
                req_conanfile = self._dep
            comp_name = _get_component_name(req_conanfile, comp_ref_name)
        return ret

    def components_info(self):
        Get the whole package and its components information like their own requires, names and even
        the cpp_info for each component.

        :return: `list` of `_BazelTargetInfo` objects with all the components information
        if not self._dep.cpp_info.has_components:
            return []
        components_info = []
        # Loop through all the package's components
        for comp_ref_name, cpp_info in self._dep.cpp_info.get_sorted_components().items():
            # At first, let's check if we have defined some components requires, e.g., "dep::cmp1"
            comp_requires_names = self._get_cpp_info_requires_names(cpp_info)
            comp_name = _get_component_name(self._dep, comp_ref_name)
            # Save each component information
            components_info.append(_BazelTargetInfo(None, comp_name, comp_requires_names, cpp_info))
        return components_info

    def root_package_info(self):
        Get the whole package information

        :return: `_BazelTargetInfo` object with the package information
        repository_name = _get_repository_name(self._dep)
        pkg_name = _get_target_name(self._dep)
        # At first, let's check if we have defined some global requires, e.g., "other::cmp1"
        requires = self._get_cpp_info_requires_names(self._dep.cpp_info)
        # If we have found some component requires it would be enough
        if not requires:
            # If no requires were found, let's try to get all the direct dependencies,
            # e.g., requires = "other_pkg/1.0"
            requires = [f"@{_get_repository_name(req)}//:{_get_target_name(req)}"
                        for req in self._transitive_reqs.values()]
        cpp_info = self._dep.cpp_info
        return _BazelTargetInfo(repository_name, pkg_name, requires, cpp_info)

class BazelDeps:

    def __init__(self, conanfile):
        self._conanfile = conanfile
        # TODO: Remove in Conan 2.x
        # Activate the build context for the specified libraries
        self.build_context_activated = []

    def generate(self):
        Save all the targets BUILD files and the dependencies.bzl one.

        Important! The dependencies.bzl file should be loaded by the WORKSPACE Bazel file.
        # Conan 2
        # check_duplicated_generator(self, self._conanfile)
        requirements = _get_requirements(self._conanfile, self.build_context_activated)
        deps_info = []
        for require, dep in requirements:
            # Bazel info generator
            info_generator = _InfoGenerator(self._conanfile, dep)
            root_package_info = info_generator.root_package_info
            components_info = info_generator.components_info
            # Generating single BUILD files per dependency
            bazel_generator = _BazelBUILDGenerator(self._conanfile, dep,
                                                   root_package_info, components_info)
            # Saving pieces of information from each BUILD file
                bazel_generator.repository_name,  # Bazel repository name == @repository_name
                bazel_generator.package_folder,  # path to the Conan dependency folder
                bazel_generator.absolute_build_file_pah  # path to the BUILD.bazel file created
        if deps_info:
            # dependencies.bzl has all the information about where to look for the dependencies
            bazel_dependencies_module_generator = _BazelDependenciesBZLGenerator(self._conanfile,