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2 days
Test Coverage
import copy
import os
from collections import OrderedDict

from conans.model.build_info import DefaultOrderedDict, CppInfoDefaultValues

_DIRS_VAR_NAMES = ["includedirs", "srcdirs", "libdirs", "resdirs", "bindirs", "builddirs",
                   "frameworkdirs", "objects"]
_FIELD_VAR_NAMES = ["system_libs", "frameworks", "libs", "defines", "cflags", "cxxflags",
                    "sharedlinkflags", "exelinkflags"]

class _NewComponent(object):

    def __init__(self, with_defaults=False):
        # ###### PROPERTIES
        self._generator_properties = None

        # ###### DIRECTORIES
        self.includedirs = None  # Ordered list of include paths
        self.srcdirs = None  # Ordered list of source paths
        self.libdirs = None  # Directories to find libraries
        self.resdirs = None  # Directories to find resources, data, etc
        self.bindirs = None  # Directories to find executables and shared libs
        self.builddirs = None
        self.frameworkdirs = None

        # ##### FIELDS
        self.system_libs = None  # Ordered list of system libraries
        self.frameworks = None  # Macos .framework
        self.libs = None  # The libs to link against
        self.defines = None  # preprocessor definitions
        self.cflags = None  # pure C flags
        self.cxxflags = None  # C++ compilation flags
        self.sharedlinkflags = None  # linker flags
        self.exelinkflags = None  # linker flags
        self.objects = None  # objects to link

        self.sysroot = None
        self.requires = None

        if with_defaults:
            self.includedirs = ["include"]
            self.libdirs = ["lib"]
            self.bindirs = ["bin"]

    def required_component_names(self):
        """ Names of the required components of the same package (not scoped with ::)"""
        if self.requires is None:
            return []
        return [r for r in self.requires if "::" not in r]

    def set_property(self, property_name, value):
        if self._generator_properties is None:
            self._generator_properties = {}
        self._generator_properties[property_name] = value

    def get_property(self, property_name):
        if self._generator_properties is None:
            return None
            return self._generator_properties[property_name]
        except KeyError:

    def get_init(self, attribute, default):
        item = getattr(self, attribute)
        if item is not None:
            return item
        setattr(self, attribute, default)
        return default

    def bindir(self):
        bindirs = self.bindirs
        assert bindirs
        assert len(bindirs) == 1
        return bindirs[0]

    def libdir(self):
        libdirs = self.libdirs
        assert libdirs
        assert len(libdirs) == 1
        return libdirs[0]

    def includedir(self):
        includedirs = self.includedirs
        assert includedirs
        assert len(includedirs) == 1
        return includedirs[0]

class NewCppInfo(object):

    def __init__(self, with_defaults=False):
        self.components = DefaultOrderedDict(lambda: _NewComponent(with_defaults))
        # Main package is a component with None key
        self.components[None] = _NewComponent(with_defaults)
        self._aggregated = None  # A _NewComponent object with all the components aggregated

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        return getattr(self.components[None], attr)

    def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
        if attr == "components":
            super(NewCppInfo, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
            setattr(self.components[None], attr, value)

    def has_components(self):
        return len(self.components) > 1

    def component_names(self):
        return filter(None, self.components.keys())

    def merge(self, other):
        """Merge 'other' into self. 'other' can be an old cpp_info object
        Used to merge Layout source + build cpp objects info (editables)
        :type other: NewCppInfo
        def merge_list(o, d):
            d.extend(e for e in o if e not in d)

        for varname in _ALL_NAMES:
            other_values = getattr(other, varname)
            if other_values is not None:
                current_values = self.components[None].get_init(varname, [])
                merge_list(other_values, current_values)

        if self.sysroot is None and other.sysroot:
            self.sysroot = other.sysroot

        if other.requires:
            current_values = self.components[None].get_init("requires", [])
            merge_list(other.requires, current_values)

        if other._generator_properties:
            current_values = self.components[None].get_init("_generator_properties", {})

        # COMPONENTS
        for cname, c in other.components.items():
            if cname is None:
            for varname in _ALL_NAMES:
                other_values = getattr(c, varname)
                if other_values is not None:
                    current_values = self.components[cname].get_init(varname, [])
                    merge_list(other_values, current_values)

            if c.requires:
                current_values = self.components[cname].get_init("requires", [])
                merge_list(c.requires, current_values)

            if c._generator_properties:
                current_values = self.components[cname].get_init("_generator_properties", {})

    def set_relative_base_folder(self, folder):
        """Prepend the folder to all the directories"""
        for component in self.components.values():
            for varname in _DIRS_VAR_NAMES:
                origin = getattr(component, varname)
                if origin is not None:
                    origin[:] = [os.path.join(folder, el) for el in origin]
            if component._generator_properties is not None:
                updates = {}
                for prop_name, value in component._generator_properties.items():
                    if prop_name == "cmake_build_modules":
                        if isinstance(value, list):
                            updates[prop_name] = [os.path.join(folder, v) for v in value]
                            updates[prop_name] = os.path.join(folder, value)

    def get_sorted_components(self):
        """Order the components taking into account if they depend on another component in the
        same package (not scoped with ::). First less dependant
        return:  {component_name: component}
        processed = []  # Names of the components ordered
        # FIXME: Cache the sort
        while (len(self.components) - 1) > len(processed):
            for name, c in self.components.items():
                if name is None:
                req_processed = [n for n in c.required_component_names if n not in processed]
                if not req_processed and name not in processed:

        return OrderedDict([(cname,  self.components[cname]) for cname in processed])

    def aggregated_components(self):
        """Aggregates all the components as global values, returning a new NewCppInfo"""
        if self._aggregated is None:
            if self.has_components:
                result = _NewComponent()
                for n in _ALL_NAMES:  # Initialize all values, from None => []
                    setattr(result, n, [])  # TODO: This is a bit dirty
                # Reversed to make more dependant first
                for name, component in reversed(self.get_sorted_components().items()):
                    for n in _ALL_NAMES:
                        if getattr(component, n):
                            dest = result.get_init(n, [])
                            dest.extend([i for i in getattr(component, n) if i not in dest])

                    # NOTE: The properties are not aggregated because they might refer only to the
                    # component like "cmake_target_name" describing the target name FOR THE component
                    # not the namespace.
                    if component.requires:
                        current_values = result.get_init("requires", [])

                # We copy the properties from the root object, even if we have components
                result._generator_properties = copy.copy(self._generator_properties)
                # FIXME: What to do about sysroot?
                result = copy.copy(self.components[None])
            self._aggregated = NewCppInfo()
            self._aggregated.components[None] = result
        return self._aggregated

    def required_components(self):
        """Returns a list of tuples with (require, component_name) required by the package
        If the require is internal (to another component), the require will be None"""
        # FIXME: Cache the value
        ret = []
        for key, comp in self.components.items():
            ret.extend([r.split("::") for r in comp.requires if "::" in r and r not in ret])
            ret.extend([(None, r) for r in comp.requires if "::" not in r and r not in ret])
        return ret

    def clear_none(self):
        """A field with None meaning is 'not declared' but for consumers, that is irrelevant, an
        empty list is easier to handle and makes perfect sense."""
        for c in self.components.values():
            for varname in _ALL_NAMES:
                if getattr(c, varname) is None:
                    setattr(c, varname, [])
            if c.requires is None:
                c.requires = []
        if self.sysroot is None:
            self.sysroot = ""
        if self._generator_properties is None:
            self._generator_properties = {}

    def __str__(self):
        ret = []
        for cname, c in self.components.items():
            for n in _ALL_NAMES:
                ret.append("Component: '{}' "
                           "Var: '{}' "
                           "Value: '{}'".format(cname, n, getattr(c, n)))
        return "\n".join(ret)

def from_old_cppinfo(old):
    ret = NewCppInfo()
    if old is not None:
    return ret

def fill_old_cppinfo(origin, old_cpp):
    """Copy the values from a new cpp info object to an old one but prioritizing it,
    if the value is not None, then override the declared in the conanfile.cpp_info => (dest)"""

    if origin.has_components:
        # If the user declared components, reset the global values
        origin.components[None] = _NewComponent()
        # COMPONENTS
        for cname, c in origin.components.items():
            if cname is None:
            for varname in _ALL_NAMES:
                value = getattr(c, varname)
                if value is not None:
                    # Override the self.cpp_info component value
                    setattr(old_cpp.components[cname], varname, copy.copy(value))

            if c.requires is not None:
                old_cpp.components[cname].requires = copy.copy(c.requires)
            if c._generator_properties is not None:
                old_cpp.components[cname]._generator_properties = copy.copy(c._generator_properties)
        for varname in _ALL_NAMES:
            value = getattr(origin, varname)
            if value is not None:
                # Override the self.cpp_info value
                setattr(old_cpp, varname, copy.copy(value))
        if origin._generator_properties is not None:
            old_cpp._generator_properties = copy.copy(origin._generator_properties)

    # We change the defaults so the new components the user is going to declare in package_info
    # have also defaults, not only the declared in the `self.cpp.package`
    old_cpp._default_values = CppInfoDefaultValues(includedir="include", libdir="lib", bindir="bin")