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# This configuration adds the following overlays:
# docker-compose-sync: setup to speed up OSX using unison under the hood
# docker-compose-portal-proxy: a configuration to connect with a local portal running
#   behind a docker based proxy container with the name of http-proxy.
#   You can learn more about this at the top of docker/dev/docker-compose-portal-proxy.yml
# docker-compose-random-ports: export random exported ports, so it doesn't conflict with
#   the portal or other apps running on portal 3000

# To connect with the portal LARA needs to know the domain of the portal. Using the dinghy
# proxy the domain will be based on the directory name the portal is running in. Some
# developers use a friendly name like 'portal' instead of 'rigse'
# for automation runs we need to update the PORTAL_HOST as
# PORTAL_HOST=app.rigse.docker
# To use SSL:

# Using the dinghy proxy the domain will be based on the directory name that lara is running in.
# But for automation we need portal and lara to be in same super domain.
# use the below naming for automation
# Default protocol will http if we do not specify any value to below variable. If we need https
# we need to set it up explicitly as https as the below value

# To use local Activity Player
# ACTIVITY_PLAYER_URL=http://localhost:8081
# URL of script to create an Activity Player compatible version of resources by converting old embeddables to library interactives

#To connect to reporting service in dev we need the following variables
# Update to be the development token. This can be found in the Cloud Formation lara-ecs-staging stack parameters.

# Report URL is used to generate student report links.