# This is a docker-compose overlay that connects the portal to LARA via a
# proxy container. It assumes the proxy container name is "http-proxy"
# - If you are running dinghy on Mac OS, this is the name the dinghy proxy
# will have if you followed its documentation here:
# - If you are running dory on linux, you will need to change the default
# name of the http proxy container. To do that you will need to tell
# dory to generate a config file. Do that with
# `dory config-file`
# This will write the config file ~/.dory.yml
# Change the following config file line in the "nginx_proxy" section from:
# container_name: dory_dinghy_http_proxy
# to:
# container_name: http-proxy
# LARA host is assumed to be app.lara.docker. If not, you can set LARA_HOST in your environment (e.g. .env file).
version: '3'
# import local LARA_HOST env variable
# use app.lara.docker as the default value
- http-proxy:${LARA_HOST:-app.lara.docker}