# Localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales.
# See http://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points.
first_name: 'First name'
last_name: 'Last name'
"embeddable/image_question" : "Image Question"
"embeddable/multiple_choice" : "Multiple Choice Question"
"portal/clazz": Class
"portal/nces06_district" : "NCES District"
"portal/nces06_school" : "NCES School"
Investigation: Sequence
zero: sequences
one: sequence
other: sequences
Activity: Activity
zero: activities
one: activity
other: activities
ExternalActivity: External Activity
zero: external activities
one: external activity
other: external activities
Interactive: Model
zero: models
one: model
other: models
collection: collection
investigation: sequence
activity: activity
interactive: model
material: material
instructional_materials: Instructional Materials
assignments: Assignments
title: Recent Updates
no_offerings: 'You need to assign investigations to your classes.'
no_students: 'You have not yet assigned students to your classes.'
no_activity: 'As your students get started, their progress will be displayed here.'
title: Getting Started
no_materials: "No materials assigned to this class."
no_students: "No students have registered for this class yet."
no_assignments: "No materials assigned to this class."
no_assignments: "No materials assigned to this class."
student_report_enabled_description: Show a link to the student so they can see all their answers and see if they are correct
show_score_description: Show the score in the report
is_assessment_item: Student assessment item.
is_assessment_item_description: Materials marked as student assessment items are not displayed to students or visitors in search results.
author_url_description: This is the URL where the resource can be authored.
material_type_label: Material Type
source_type_label: Source Type
tool_label: Tool
material_type_description: Users can see the type of material in various places, use this field to change that type
external_report_label: External Reporting
external_report_description: Specify additional report links to be shown to teachers in the offering view. Unless you know what you are doing selecting none is recommended.
report_client: Report Auth Client
rubric_url_label: Rubric JSON (URL)
rubric_doc_url_label: Rubric Document (URL)
short_description_description: Shown in search results, student listings, and used as a fallback for long description. It is recommended that every activity has this value provided.
long_description_description: Shown in places where activity details are visible (e.g. STEM Resource finder lightbox). Uses Short Description as a fallback.
long_description_for_teachers_description: Variant of Long Description visible only for teachers. Uses Long Description as a fallback.
keywords: Enter a list of keywords this resource should be associated with in the search engine. Only include words that do not already appear in the short and long descriptions above.
assign_to_class: Assign or Share
edit_options: Edit Options
archive: Archive
unarchive: Unarchive
archive_confirm: "Are you sure you want to archive this activity?"
unarchive_confirm: "Are you sure you want to un-archive this activity?"
archive_success: "'%{name}' was successfully archived."
unarchive_success: "'%{name}' was successfully restored."
is_archived: (archived)
remove: "Remove %{name} from the collection '%{collection_name}'"
"Requires download": Requires download
"Runs in browser": Runs in browser
"NotDone": Generate a report of your work.
"Done": Generate a report of your work.
"Waiting": Please wait. Your report will display soon.
StudentHasntRun: Not run yet
RosterNameHeading: Name
RosterUsernameHeading: Username
RosterNoLastLoginHeading: Last login
RosterAssignmentsHeading: Assignments started
RosterNoName: No Name
RosterNoLogin: No Username
RosterNoLastLogin: Unknown
RosterNoAssignments: Unknown
RosterTimeAgo: ago
RosterNeverLoggedIn: Never
RosterConfirmDelete: "This action will remove the student: '%{name}' from the class: %{clazz}. \nAre you sure you want to do this?"
RosterRemoveStudent: "Remove Student"
RosterRemoveStudentLong: "Remove Student %{name} from %{clazz}"
RosterChangePassword: "Change password for %{name}"
UserBadName: "cannot be empty, must include letter characters and cannot use non-printing characters or %{restricted_characters}."
MyClassesNav: My Classes
NeedSettings: |
You need to create a project for this portal. <br/>
One way to do this is run <pre>bin/rake app:setup:new_app</pre>
Intro: |
Since 1994, the Concord Consortium has been developing deeply digital tools and
learning activities that capture the power of curiosity and create revolutionary
new approaches to science, math, and engineering education. Our
STEM Resource Finder is a central repository for our simulations and activities,
giving teachers and students access to open educational resources across our
projects, past and present.
Heading: Getting Started
Instructions_html: |
To get started, <b>Add a New Class</b> by clicking the link on the left and enter
<b>Class Setup Information</b>, including class name, description, and applicable
grade level(s). Create a unique class word, which students will use to enroll in
this class.
You can then assign resources to this class. Click the Concord Consortium logo
in the upper left to search all resources or view curated Collections of
resources by clicking the Collections link above.
only_mine: Resources I authored
only_archived: Archived resources
ErrorLoggedInAsTeacher: |
You are logged in as a teacher in another window.
Please log out, and register again.
ErrorLoggedInAsStudent: |
You are logged in as a student in another window.
Please log out, and register again.
greeting: Hello,
help: Help
recent_updates: Recent updates
getting_started: Getting Started
settings: Settings
favorites: Favorites
admin: Admin
classes: Classes
resources: Resources
assignments: Assignments
student_roster: Student Roster
class_setup: Class Setup
full_status: Full Status
links: Links
switch_back: Switch back
research_projects: Research Projects
ExternalActivity : Activity
zero: activities
one: activity
other: activities
zero: activities
one: activity
other: activities
Intro: |
Welcome to the High-Adventure Science portal.
Instructions_html: |
To get started, <b>Add a New Class</b> by clicking the link on the left and enter
Class Setup Information, including class name, description, and applicable
grade level(s). Create a unique class word, which students will use to enroll in
this class.
Click the “Search Resources” button below to see all of the assignable High-Adventure Science curricular materials!
<a href="/search" class="button search">Search Resources</a>
material: activity
Interactive: Interactive
zero: interactives
one: interactive
other: interactives
interactive: interactive
instructional_materials: Activities
no_materials: "No activities assigned to this class."
no_assignments: "No activities assigned to this class."
no_assignments: "No activities assigned to this class."
Intro: |
The Innovative Technology in Science Inquiry project engages students in STEM activities through
the integrated use of technologies that include modeling, computational thinking, and real-time
data acquisition. This comprehensive project will assist teachers in preparing diverse students
for STEM careers by engaging them in exciting, inquiry-based science projects.
Instructions_html: |
To get started, click the Activities link on the left to view all activities
You can set up a class by clicking the “Add a New Class” link on the left
Intro: |
Welcome to the Next Generation Science Assessment portal.
Instructions_html: |
Now you can use the forum or create a class by clicking the <b>Add a New Class</b> link on the left.
Then find assessment tasks to assign by clicking the <b>Assessment Tasks</b> link above
to browse the <b>NGSA Task Collections</b>.
For help using this portal, click the Help link on the left.