%table(cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="left")
An err has just occurred in
= link_to(, app_url(@app), :class => "bold") << ","
on the
%span.bold= @notice.environment_name
This err has occurred #{pluralize @notice.problem.notices_count, 'time'}.
= link_to("Click here to view the error on Errbit", app_problem_url(@app, @notice.problem), :class => "bold") << "."
%table(cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="left")
%p.heading ERROR MESSAGE:
%p= @notice.message
%p.heading WHERE:
= @notice.where
- @notice.in_app_backtrace_lines.each do |line|
= link_to_source_file(line, @notice) do
= line.to_s
- if @notice.app_version.present?
%p.heading APP VERSION:
= @notice.app_version
%p.heading URL:
- if @notice.request['url'].present?
= link_to @notice.request['url'], @notice.request['url']
%p.heading BROWSER:
= user_agent_graph(@notice.problem)
- if @notice.user_attributes.present?
%p.heading USER:
- @notice.user_attributes.each do |key, value|
%td(style="text-align: right; padding-right: 10px; color: #6a6a6a;")= key.to_s.titleize + ":"
%td= auto_link(value.to_s)
- if @notice.backtrace_lines.any?
%p.heading FULL BACKTRACE:
- @notice.backtrace_lines.each do |line|
= link_to_source_file(line, @notice) do
= line.to_s