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package com.trilead.ssh2;

import java.util.List;

 * This extends the {@link ServerHostKeyVerifier} interface by allowing the remote server to indicate it has multiple
 * server key algorithms available. After authentication, the {@link #getKnownKeyAlgorithmsForHost(String, int)} method
 * may be called and compared against the list of server-controller keys. If a key algorithm has been added then
 * {@link #addServerHostKey(String, int, String, byte[])} will be called. If a key algorithm has been removed, then
 * {@link #removeServerHostKey(String, int, String, byte[])} will be called.
 * @author Kenny Root
public abstract class ExtendedServerHostKeyVerifier implements ServerHostKeyVerifier {
     * Called during connection to determine which keys are known for this host.
     * @param hostname the hostname used to create the {@link Connection} object
     * @param port the server's remote TCP port
     * @return list of hostkey algorithms for the given <code>hostname</code> and <code>port</code> combination
     *             or {@code null} if none are known.
    public abstract List<String> getKnownKeyAlgorithmsForHost(String hostname, int port);

     * After authentication, if the server indicates it no longer uses this key, this method will be called
     * for the app to remove its record of it.
     * @param hostname the hostname used to create the {@link Connection} object
     * @param port the server's remote TCP port
     * @param serverHostKeyAlgorithm key algorithm of removed key
     * @param serverHostKey key data of removed key
    public abstract void removeServerHostKey(String hostname, int port, String serverHostKeyAlgorithm,
            byte[] serverHostKey);

     * After authentication, if the server indicates it has another <code>keyAlgorithm</code>, this method will be
     * called for the app to add it to its record of known keys for this <code>hostname</code>.
     * @param hostname the hostname used to create the {@link Connection} object
     * @param port the server's remote TCP port
     * @param keyAlgorithm SSH standard name for the key to be added
     * @param serverHostKey SSH encoding of the key data for the key to be added
    public abstract void addServerHostKey(String hostname, int port, String keyAlgorithm, byte[] serverHostKey);