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var each = require('each');
var debug = require('debug')('transitive:network');
var Emitter = require('emitter');

var NetworkPath = require('./path');
var Route = require('./route');
var RoutePattern = require('./pattern');
var Journey = require('./journey');

var Stop = require('../point/stop');
var Place = require('../point/place');
var PointClusterMap = require('../point/pointclustermap');
var RenderedEdge = require('../renderer/renderededge');
var RenderedSegment = require('../renderer/renderedsegment');

var Graph = require('../graph');

var Polyline = require('../util/polyline.js');
var SphericalMercator = require('../util/spherical-mercator');
var sm = new SphericalMercator();

 * Expose `Network`

module.exports = Network;


function Network(transitive, data) {
  this.transitive = transitive;

  this.routes = {};
  this.stops = {};
  this.patterns = {};
  this.places = {};
  this.journeys = {};
  this.paths = [];
  this.baseVertexPoints = [];
  this.graph = new Graph(this, []);

  if (data) this.load(data);

 * Mixin `Emitter`


 * Load
 * @param {Object} data

Network.prototype.load = function(data) {
  debug('loading', data);
  var self = this;

  // check data
  if (!data) data = {};

  // Store data = data;

  // A list of points (stops & places) that will always become vertices in the network
  // graph (regardless of zoom scale). This includes all points that serve as a segment
  // endpoint and/or a convergence/divergence point between segments
  this.baseVertexPoints = [];

  // object maps stop ids to arrays of unique stop_ids reachable from that stop
  this.adjacentStops = {};

  // maps lat_lon key to unique TurnPoint object
  this.turnPoints = {};

  // Copy/decode the streetEdge objects
  this.streetEdges = {};
  each(data.streetEdges, function(data) {
    var latLons = Polyline.decode(data.geometry.points);
    var coords = [];
    each(latLons, function(latLon) {
      coords.push(sm.forward([latLon[1], latLon[0]]));
    this.streetEdges[data.edge_id] = {
      latLons: latLons,
      worldCoords: coords,
      length: data.geometry.length
  }, this);

  // Generate the route objects
  this.routes = {};
  each(data.routes, function(data) {
    this.routes[data.route_id] = new Route(data);
  }, this);

  // Generate the stop objects
  this.stops = {};
  each(data.stops, function(data) {
    this.stops[data.stop_id] = new Stop(data);
  }, this);

  // Generate the pattern objects
  this.patterns = {};
  each(data.patterns, function(data) {
    var pattern = new RoutePattern(data, this);
    this.patterns[data.pattern_id] = pattern;
    var route = this.routes[data.route_id];
    if (route) {
      pattern.route = route;
    } else {
      debug('Error: pattern ' + data.pattern_id +
        ' refers to route that was not found: ' + data.route_id);
    if (pattern.render) this.paths.push(pattern.createPath());
  }, this);

  // Generate the place objects
  this.places = {};
  each(data.places, function(data) {
    var place = this.places[data.place_id] = new Place(data, this);
  }, this);

  // Generate the internal Journey objects
  this.journeys = {};
  each(data.journeys, function(journeyData) {
    var journey = new Journey(journeyData, this);
    this.journeys[journeyData.journey_id] = journey;
  }, this);

  // process the path segments
  for (var p = 0; p < this.paths.length; p++) {
    var path = this.paths[p];
    for (var s = 0; s < path.segments.length; s++) {

  // when rendering pattern paths only, determine convergence/divergence vertex
  // stops by looking for stops w/ >2 adjacent stops
  if (!data.journeys || data.journeys.length === 0) {
    for (var stopId in this.adjacentStops) {
      if (this.adjacentStops[stopId].length > 2) {

  // determine which TurnPoints should be base vertices
  var turnLookup = {};
  var addTurn = function(turn1, turn2) {
    if (!(turn1.getId() in turnLookup)) turnLookup[turn1.getId()] = [];
    if (turnLookup[turn1.getId()].indexOf(turn2) === -1) turnLookup[turn1.getId()].push(turn2);
  each(this.streetEdges, function(streetEdgeId) {
    var streetEdge = self.streetEdges[streetEdgeId];
    if (streetEdge.fromTurnPoint && streetEdge.toTurnPoint) {
      addTurn(streetEdge.toTurnPoint, streetEdge.fromTurnPoint);
      addTurn(streetEdge.fromTurnPoint, streetEdge.toTurnPoint);
  each(turnLookup, function(turnPointId) {
    var count = turnLookup[turnPointId].length;
    if (count > 2) self.addVertexPoint(self.turnPoints[turnPointId]);


  this.loaded = true;
  this.emit('load', this);
  return this;

/** Graph Creation/Processing Methods **/

Network.prototype.clearGraphData = function() {
  each(this.paths, function(path) {

Network.prototype.createGraph = function() {

  // clear previous graph-specific data
  if (this.pointClusterMap) this.pointClusterMap.clearMultiPoints();
  each(this.stops, function(stopId) {
  }, this);

  // create the list of vertex points
  var vertexPoints;
  if (this.mergeVertexThreshold && this.mergeVertexThreshold > 0) {
    this.pointClusterMap = new PointClusterMap(this, this.mergeVertexThreshold);
    vertexPoints = this.pointClusterMap.getVertexPoints(this.baseVertexPoints);
  } else vertexPoints = this.baseVertexPoints;

  // core graph creation steps
  this.graph = new Graph(this, vertexPoints);
  if (this.isSnapping()) this.graph.snapToGrid(this.gridCellSize);

  // other post-processing actions

Network.prototype.isSnapping = function() {
  return this.gridCellSize && this.gridCellSize !== 0;

 * identify and populate the 'internal' vertex points, which is zoom-level specfic

Network.prototype.createInternalVertexPoints = function() {

  this.internalVertexPoints = [];

  for (var i in this.graph.edgeGroups) {
    var edgeGroup = this.graph.edgeGroups[i];

    var wlen = edgeGroup.getWorldLength();

    var splitPoints = [];

    // compute the maximum number of internal points for this edge to add as graph vertices
    if (edgeGroup.hasTransit()) {
      var vertexFactor = this.internalVertexFactor; //!edgeGroup.hasTransit() ? 1 : this.internalVertexFactor;
      var newVertexCount = Math.floor(wlen / vertexFactor);

      // get the priority queue of the edge's internal points
      var pq = edgeGroup.getInternalVertexPQ();

      // pull the 'best' points from the queue until we reach the maximum
      while (splitPoints.length < newVertexCount && pq.size() > 0) {
        var el = pq.deq();

    // perform the split operation (if needed)
    if (splitPoints.length > 0) {
      for (var e = 0; e < edgeGroup.edges.length; e++) {
        var edge = edgeGroup.edges[e];
        this.graph.splitEdgeAtInternalPoints(edge, splitPoints);


Network.prototype.updateGeometry = function() {

  // clear the stop render data
  //for (var key in this.stops) this.stops[key].renderData = [];

  this.graph.vertices.forEach(function(vertex) {
    //vertex.snapped = false;

  // refresh the edge-based points
  this.graph.edges.forEach(function(edge) {
    edge.pointArray.forEach(function(point) {

  this.renderedEdges.forEach(function(rEdge) {

  //if (snapGrid)
  //if(this.gridCellSize && this.gridCellSize !== 0) this.graph.snapToGrid(this.gridCellSize);


  this.graph.calculateGeometry(this.gridCellSize, this.angleConstraint);


Network.prototype.applyZoomFactors = function(factors) {
  this.gridCellSize = factors.gridCellSize;
  this.internalVertexFactor = factors.internalVertexFactor;
  this.angleConstraint = factors.angleConstraint;
  this.mergeVertexThreshold = factors.mergeVertexThreshold;


Network.prototype.processSegment = function(segment) {

  // iterate through this pattern's stops, associating stops/patterns with
  // each other and initializing the adjacentStops table
  var previousStop = null;
  for (var i = 0; i < segment.points.length; i++) {
    var point = segment.points[i];
    point.used = true;

    // called for each pair of adjacent stops in sequence
    if (previousStop && point.getType() === 'STOP') {
      this.addStopAdjacency(point.getId(), previousStop.getId());
      this.addStopAdjacency(previousStop.getId(), point.getId());

    previousStop = (point.getType() === 'STOP') ? point : null;

    // add the start and end points to the vertexStops collection
    var startPoint = segment.points[0];
    startPoint.isSegmentEndPoint = true;

    var endPoint = segment.points[segment.points.length - 1];
    endPoint.isSegmentEndPoint = true;


 * Helper function for stopAjacency table
 * @param {Stop} adjacent stops list
 * @param {Stop} stopA
 * @param {Stop} stopB

Network.prototype.addStopAdjacency = function(stopIdA, stopIdB) {
  if (!this.adjacentStops[stopIdA]) this.adjacentStops[stopIdA] = [];
  if (this.adjacentStops[stopIdA].indexOf(stopIdB) === -1) this.adjacentStops[

 * Populate the graph edges

Network.prototype.populateGraphEdges = function() {
  var self = this;
  // vertex associated with the last vertex point we passed in this sequence
  var lastVertex = null;

  // collection of 'internal' (i.e. non-vertex) points passed
  // since the last vertex point
  var internalPoints = [];

  var streetEdges = {};

  each(this.paths, function(path) {
    each(path.segments, function(segment) {

      lastVertex = null;

      var streetEdgeIndex = 0;
      var geomCoords = []; // the geographic coordinates for the graph edge currently being constructed
      each(segment.points, function(point, index) {

        if (segment.streetEdges) {
          for (var i = streetEdgeIndex; i < segment.streetEdges.length; i++) {
            if (index === 0) break;

            geomCoords = geomCoords.concat(geomCoords.length > 0 ? segment.streetEdges[i].worldCoords.slice(1) : segment.streetEdges[i].worldCoords);
            if (segment.streetEdges[i].toTurnPoint === point) {
              streetEdgeIndex = i + 1;

        if (point.multipoint) point = point.multipoint;

        if (point.graphVertex) { // this is a vertex point
          if (lastVertex !== null) {
            if (lastVertex.point === point) return;

            // see if an equivalent graph edge already exists
            var fromVertex = lastVertex,
              toVertex = point.graphVertex;
            var edge = this.graph.getEquivalentEdge(internalPoints, fromVertex, toVertex);

            // create a new graph edge if necessary
            if (!edge) {
              edge = this.graph.addEdge(internalPoints, fromVertex, toVertex, segment.getType());
              if (geomCoords && geomCoords.length > 0) edge.geomCoords = geomCoords;

            // associate the graph edge and path segment with each other
            segment.addEdge(edge, fromVertex);

            geomCoords = []; // reset the geom coords array for the next edge

          lastVertex = point.graphVertex;
          internalPoints = [];
        } else { // this is an internal point
      }, this);
    }, this);
  }, this);

Network.prototype.createGraphEdge = function(segment, fromVertex, toVertex, internalPoints, geomCoords) {

  var edge = this.graph.getEquivalentEdge(internalPoints, fromVertex, toVertex);

  if (!edge) {
    edge = this.graph.addEdge(internalPoints, fromVertex, toVertex, segment.getType());

    // calculate the angle and apply to edge stops
    /*var dx = fromVertex.x - toVertex.x;
    var dy = fromVertex.y - toVertex.y;
    var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx) * 180 / Math.PI;
    point.angle = lastVertex.point.angle = angle;
    for (var is = 0; is < internalPoints.length; is++) {
      internalPoints[is].angle = angle;

    if (geomCoords) edge.geomCoords = geomCoords;

    debug("--- created edge " + edge.toString());
    each(edge.geomCoords, function(c) {

  segment.addEdge(edge, fromVertex);

Network.prototype.annotateTransitPoints = function() {
  var lookup = {};

  this.paths.forEach(function(path) {

    var transitSegments = [];
    path.segments.forEach(function(pathSegment) {
      if (pathSegment.type === 'TRANSIT') transitSegments.push(pathSegment);

    path.segments.forEach(function(pathSegment) {
      if (pathSegment.type === 'TRANSIT') {

        // if first transit segment in path, mark 'from' endpoint as board point
        if (transitSegments.indexOf(pathSegment) === 0) {
          pathSegment.points[0].isBoardPoint = true;

          // if there are additional transit segments, mark the 'to' endpoint as a transfer point
          if (transitSegments.length > 1) pathSegment.points[pathSegment.points
            .length - 1].isTransferPoint = true;

        // if last transit segment in path, mark 'to' endpoint as alight point
        else if (transitSegments.indexOf(pathSegment) === transitSegments.length -
          1) {
          pathSegment.points[pathSegment.points.length - 1].isAlightPoint =

          // if there are additional transit segments, mark the 'from' endpoint as a transfer point
          if (transitSegments.length > 1) pathSegment.points[0].isTransferPoint =

        // if this is an 'internal' transit segment, mark both endpoints as transfer points
        else if (transitSegments.length > 2) {
          pathSegment.points[0].isTransferPoint = true;
          pathSegment.points[pathSegment.points.length - 1].isTransferPoint =


Network.prototype.initPlaceAdjacency = function() {
  each(this.places, function(placeId) {
    var place = this.places[placeId];
    if (!place.graphVertex) return;
    each(place.graphVertex.incidentEdges(), function(edge) {
      var oppVertex = edge.oppositeVertex(place.graphVertex);
      if (oppVertex.point) {
        oppVertex.point.adjacentPlace = place;
  }, this);

Network.prototype.createRenderedSegments = function() {
  this.reLookup = {};
  this.renderedEdges = [];
  this.renderedSegments = [];

  for (var patternId in this.patterns) {
    this.patterns[patternId].renderedEdges = [];

  each(this.paths, function(path) {

    each(path.segments, function(pathSegment) {
      pathSegment.renderedSegments = [];

      if (pathSegment.type === 'TRANSIT') {

        // create a RenderedSegment for each pattern, except for buses which are collapsed to a single segment
        var busPatterns = [];
        each(pathSegment.getPatterns(), function(pattern) {
          if (pattern.route.route_type === 3) busPatterns.push(pattern);
          else this.createRenderedSegment(pathSegment, [pattern]);
        }, this);
        if (busPatterns.length > 0) {
          this.createRenderedSegment(pathSegment, busPatterns);
      } else { // non-transit segments
    }, this);
  }, this);

  this.renderedEdges.sort(function(a, b) { // process render transit segments before walk
    if (a.getType() === 'WALK') return 1;
    if (b.getType() === 'WALK') return -1;

Network.prototype.createRenderedSegment = function(pathSegment, patterns) {

  var rSegment = new RenderedSegment(pathSegment);

  each(pathSegment.edges, function(edge) {
    var rEdge = this.createRenderedEdge(pathSegment, edge.graphEdge, edge.forward, patterns);
  }, this);
  if (patterns) {
    rSegment.patterns = patterns;
    rSegment.mode = patterns[0].route.route_type;


Network.prototype.createRenderedEdge = function(pathSegment, gEdge, forward, patterns) {
  var rEdge;

  // construct the edge key, disregarding mode qualifiers (e.g. "_RENT")
  var type = pathSegment.getType().split('_')[0];
  var key = + (forward ? 'F' : 'R') + '_' + type;

  // for non-bus transit edges, append an exemplar pattern ID to the key
  if (patterns && patterns[0].route.route_type !== 3) {
    key += '_' + patterns[0].getId();

  // see if this r-edge already exists
  if (key in this.reLookup) {
    rEdge = this.reLookup[key];
  else { // if not, create it
    rEdge = new RenderedEdge(gEdge, forward, type);
    if (patterns) {
      each(patterns, function(pattern) {
      rEdge.mode = patterns[0].route.route_type;

    this.reLookup[key] = rEdge;
  return rEdge;

Network.prototype.addVertexPoint = function(point) {
  if (this.baseVertexPoints.indexOf(point) !== -1) return;