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### `messages(namespace, [messages=window.MESSAGES])`

A simple client side messaging module that utilizes [yields/fmt]( Similar to [visionmedia/debug](, generates a function based on the passed in namespace.

### Parameters

| parameter                    | type   | description                                    |
| ---------------------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------- |
| `namespace`                  | String | The namespace to use for the message function. |
| `[messages=window.MESSAGES]` | Object | _optional:_ The messages to use.               |

### Example

var messages = require('messages')('namespace');

**Returns** `Function`, message

### `messages(path, data)`

Pass in the path

### Parameters

| parameter | type   | description                                                               |
| --------- | ------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `path`    | String | The path of the message corresponding it's place in the object hierarchy. |
| `data`    | Mixed  | Values to be passed into `fmt` in order.                                  |

### Example

var messages = require('messages')('namespace');
console.log(messages('path:to:message', 'Parameter 1', 4, 5.0));

**Returns** `String`, message