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const cabiSVG = require('../../images/graphics/cabi.svg')
const startSVG = require('../../images/graphics/start.svg')
const endSVG = require('../../images/graphics/end.svg')
const convert = require('../convert')

function isBikeshareStation (place) {
  return place.place_id.lastIndexOf('bicycle_rent_station') !== -1

exports.places = {
  display: function (d, data) {
    var place = data.owner
    if (isBikeshareStation(place) && !place.focused) {
      return 'none'

  fill: function (display, data) {
    var place = data.owner
    if (isBikeshareStation(place)) {
      return '#ef3026'
    } else {
      return 'none'

  stroke: function (display, data) {
    var place = data.owner
    if (isBikeshareStation(place)) {
      return '#ffcb00'

  'stroke-width': function (display, data) {
    var place = data.owner
    if (isBikeshareStation(place)) {
      return '2px'

  r: function (display, data) {
    var place = data.owner
    if (isBikeshareStation(place)) {
      return '10px'


exports.segment_labels = {
  'font-weight': 'bold'

exports.segments = {
  // override the default stroke color
  stroke: function (display, segment) {
    if (!segment.focused) return
    switch (segment.type) {
      case 'CAR':
      case 'CAR_PARK':
        return '#888'
      case 'WALK':
        return '#0BC8F4'
      case 'BICYCLE':
      case 'BICYCLE_RENT':
        return '#ef3026'
      case 'TRANSIT':
        return getTransitSegmentColor(segment)

  // override the default stroke width
  'stroke-width': function (display, segment, index, utils) {
    switch (segment.type) {
      case 'CAR':
      case 'CAR_PARK':
      case 'BICYCLE':
      case 'BICYCLE_RENT':
        return '3px'
      case 'WALK':
        return '5px'
      case 'TRANSIT':
        // bus segments:
        if (segment.mode === 3) return utils.pixels(display.zoom.scale(), 2, 4, 6) + 'px'
        // all others:
        return utils.pixels(display.zoom.scale(), 5, 7, 9) + 'px'

  // specify the dash-array
  'stroke-dasharray': function (display, segment) {
    switch (segment.type) {
      case 'BICYCLE':
      case 'BICYCLE_RENT':
      case 'CAR':
      case 'CAR_PARK':
        return '9,7'
      case 'WALK':
        return '0.1,9'

  // specify the line cap type
  'stroke-linecap': function (display, segment) {
    switch (segment.type) {
      case 'CAR':
      case 'CAR_PARK':
        return 'butt'
      case 'WALK':
        return 'round'
      case 'BICYCLE':
        return 'butt'
  envelope: function (display, segment, index, utils) {
    switch (segment.type) {
      case 'TRANSIT':
        if (segment.mode === 3) return utils.pixels(display.zoom.scale(), 2, 4, 6) + 'px'
        // all others:
        return utils.pixels(display.zoom.scale(), 5, 7, 9) + 'px'

/** style overrides for segment-based labels **/

exports.segment_label_containers = {
  // specify the fill color for the label bubble
  fill: function (display, label) {
    if (!label.isFocused()) return
    return getTransitSegmentColor(label.parent)

exports.segments_halo = {
  'stroke-width': function (display, data, index, utils) {
    return data.computeLineWidth(display) + 6

// start/end icons and eventually points of interest//

function getIconSize (data) {
  // bikeshare icon width/height:
  if (isBikeshareStation(data.owner)) return 15

  // all other icons:
  return 30

exports.places_icon = {
  // center the icon by offsetting by half the width/height
  x: function (display, data) {
    return -getIconSize(data) / 2
  y: function (display, data) {
    return -getIconSize(data) / 2

  width: function (display, data) {
    return getIconSize(data)
  height: function (display, data) {
    return getIconSize(data)

  'xlink:href': function (display, data) {
    if (isBikeshareStation(data.owner)) {
      if (data.owner.focused) return `data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${cabiSVG}`
      else return false

    if (data.owner.getId() === 'from') return `data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${startSVG}`
    if (data.owner.getId() === 'to') return `data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${endSVG}`
  cursor: 'pointer',
  stroke: 0,
  visibility: function (d, data) {
    if (data.owner.focused) {
      return 'visible'
    } else {
      return 'hidden'

exports.multipoints_merged = exports.stops_merged = {
  r: function (display, data, index, utils) {
    return utils.pixels(display.zoom.scale(), 4, 6, 8)

function getTransitSegmentColor (segment) {
  var route = segment.patterns[0].route
  if (route.route_id) {
    var id = route.route_id.split(':')
    var agency = id[0].toLowerCase()
    var line = id[1].toLowerCase()
    const color = convert.routeToColor(segment.type, agency, line, route.route_color)
    return color