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# transitive.js [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build status][travis-image]][travis-url]

A tool for generating dynamic stylized transit maps that are easy to understand. Transitive takes in information describing specific transport network elements (routes, stops, journeys) -- typically produced by the OpenTripPlanner Profiler extension -- and produces a schematic map of those elements:


Dynamic styling of the network elements allows for interactivity and flexibility in the visual presentation. For instance, a single journey can be highlighted:


A Transitive map can be embedded as a freestanding web element or overlaid onto a [Leaflet]( map using the [Leaflet.TransitiveLayer]( plugin.

Transitive is supported by the [Mobility Lab]( [Transit Tech Initiative]( Read more in [this Mobility Lab article](

## Storybook

To view samples of Transitive in action, [check out the live Storybook](

You can also run this locally with:

git clone
cd transitive.js
yarn start
# Go to http://localhost:5555 to view the storybook (the web page should open automatically)

### Usage of otp-ui

These stories rely on the [otp-ui](
project to render transitive data on a Leaflet map. Specifically, it uses:
- @opentripplanner/base-map - renders a Leaflet base map
- @opentripplanner/core-utils - converts an OpenTripPlanner itinerary object into
  data that Transitive can read.
- @opentripplanner/transitive-overlay - copied from the otp-ui project and
  replaces the Transitive import with the local copy (useful for testing local

### BYOD - Bring your own data

To test out how your own data (e.g., an OpenTripPlanner itinerary) would appear in
Transitive, try replacing the `itinerary` prop in the [Itinerary]( (for OpenTripPlanner itineraries) story (or `transitiveData`
in the [Profile](

You can also override the default style by adding a `style` prop. See a style
example here:

## Demo

* [Demo of a freestanding Transitive map](
* [Demo using Leaflet and Leaflet.TransitiveLayer](

## API

[See documentation here](

## See Also

- [conveyal/modeify](

## License

