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Test Coverage
# Cook4Me

[![Test Coverage](](

An app for epfl students to enhance their food experience

[Video of the app 📽️](

## Team

|  Name           | Github | Email |
| John Taylor     | [JohnTomasTaylor]( | |
| Dayan Massonnet | [dayan9265]( | |
| Daniel Bucher   | [bu-da]( | |
| Haolong Li      | [Tachi-67]( | |
| Pau Romeu       | [pauromeu]( | |
| Nino Gerber     | [nino-gerb]( | |

## Setup

This project depends on a specific release of the Jacoco library, which has been updated to provide coverage support for Jetpack Compose. This release is available on [GitHub](, and requires the use of the GitHub Apache Maven Package Repository. Therefore, you are required to add the following to your `~/.gradle/` file to access the Maven package.

# Requires at least the read:packages scope.
To create the a personal access token go to your github profile and to Settings / Developer Settings / Tokens (classic). Click on generate new token (classic). Then add a note, expiration date and click on read:packages. Then replace the placeholder with the generated token.

As this project uses Google Firebase, you will also need to provide your own google-services.json.
This file can be generated from the Firebase Console (Project -> Project Settings -> Your apps -> SDK setup and configuration -> google-services.json).
It must be placed at ./app/google-services.json.

[firebase emulator]( is used for some tests. To install it run the following: `curl -sL | bash`. To run the tests in android studio execute: `firebase emulators:start`. To run the tests as well as other checks on the cli execute `firebase emulators:exec './gradlew check connectedCheck'`. 

As this project integrates Google Maps, a Google Maps API key is needed and needs to be added to the file. It can be downloaded [here](


The project also uses an external chat service, a chat API key is needed to be added to the file. It can be downloaded [here](


If  there is an error : android.experimental.testOptions.emulatorSnapshots.maxSnapshotsForTestFailures=0' is experimental. You can put the following into your gradle properties: 

```global properties

### Static code analysis
In the CI pipeline we use two static code analysis tools:
* [detekt](, can be triggered with `./gradlew detekt`
* [Android Studio lint](, can be triggered with `./gradlew lintDebug` 

It's recommended to run these two commands locally before pushing a commit or creating a pull request, because the ci is slower. To automatically fix formatting errors discovered by detekt run `./gradlew ktlintFormat`. 

## Project structure
This project uses Jetpack Compose and is written in Kotlin. The main packages are organized as follows:

- `ch.epfl.sdp.cook4me.persistence.repository` contains the [repositories]( (classes which take care of the database access). All the classes have the prefix `Repository`; 
- `ch.epfl.sdp.cook4me.persistence.model` contains model classes, which represent the stored format; 
- `` contains the business logic. All the classes have the postfix `Service`;
- `` contains the user interface (where all the `@Composable` functions live);