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"""Functions for prompting the user for project info."""

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import os
import re
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import starmap
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Union

from jinja2.exceptions import UndefinedError
from rich.prompt import Confirm, InvalidResponse, Prompt, PromptBase
from typing_extensions import TypeAlias

from cookiecutter.exceptions import UndefinedVariableInTemplate
from cookiecutter.utils import create_env_with_context, rmtree

    from jinja2 import Environment

def read_user_variable(var_name: str, default_value, prompts=None, prefix: str = ""):
    """Prompt user for variable and return the entered value or given default.

    :param str var_name: Variable of the context to query the user
    :param default_value: Value that will be returned if no input happens
    question = (
        if prompts and var_name in prompts and prompts[var_name]
        else var_name

    while True:
        variable = Prompt.ask(f"{prefix}{question}", default=default_value)
        if variable is not None:

    return variable

class YesNoPrompt(Confirm):
    """A prompt that returns a boolean for yes/no questions."""

    yes_choices = ["1", "true", "t", "yes", "y", "on"]
    no_choices = ["0", "false", "f", "no", "n", "off"]

    def process_response(self, value: str) -> bool:
        """Convert choices to a bool."""
        value = value.strip().lower()
        if value in self.yes_choices:
            return True
        elif value in self.no_choices:
            return False
            raise InvalidResponse(self.validate_error_message)

def read_user_yes_no(var_name, default_value, prompts=None, prefix: str = ""):
    """Prompt the user to reply with 'yes' or 'no' (or equivalent values).

    - These input values will be converted to ``True``:
      "1", "true", "t", "yes", "y", "on"
    - These input values will be converted to ``False``:
      "0", "false", "f", "no", "n", "off"

    Actual parsing done by :func:`prompt`; Check this function codebase change in
    case of unexpected behaviour.

    :param str question: Question to the user
    :param default_value: Value that will be returned if no input happens
    question = (
        if prompts and var_name in prompts and prompts[var_name]
        else var_name
    return YesNoPrompt.ask(f"{prefix}{question}", default=default_value)

def read_repo_password(question: str) -> str:
    """Prompt the user to enter a password.

    :param question: Question to the user
    return Prompt.ask(question, password=True)

def read_user_choice(var_name: str, options: list, prompts=None, prefix: str = ""):
    """Prompt the user to choose from several options for the given variable.

    The first item will be returned if no input happens.

    :param var_name: Variable as specified in the context
    :param list options: Sequence of options that are available to select from
    :return: Exactly one item of ``options`` that has been chosen by the user
    if not options:
        raise ValueError

    choice_map = OrderedDict((f'{i}', value) for i, value in enumerate(options, 1))
    choices = choice_map.keys()

    question = f"Select {var_name}"

    choice_lines: Iterator[str] = starmap(
        "    [bold magenta]{}[/] - [bold]{}[/]".format, choice_map.items()

    # Handle if human-readable prompt is provided
    if prompts and var_name in prompts:
        if isinstance(prompts[var_name], str):
            question = prompts[var_name]
            if "__prompt__" in prompts[var_name]:
                question = prompts[var_name]["__prompt__"]
            choice_lines = (
                f"    [bold magenta]{i}[/] - [bold]{prompts[var_name][p]}[/]"
                if p in prompts[var_name]
                else f"    [bold magenta]{i}[/] - [bold]{p}[/]"
                for i, p in choice_map.items()

    prompt = '\n'.join(
            "    Choose from",

    user_choice = Prompt.ask(prompt, choices=list(choices), default=next(iter(choices)))
    return choice_map[user_choice]


def process_json(user_value: str):
    """Load user-supplied value as a JSON dict.

    :param user_value: User-supplied value to load as a JSON dict
        user_dict = json.loads(user_value, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
    except Exception as error:
        # Leave it up to click to ask the user again
        raise InvalidResponse('Unable to decode to JSON.') from error

    if not isinstance(user_dict, dict):
        # Leave it up to click to ask the user again
        raise InvalidResponse('Requires JSON dict.')

    return user_dict

class JsonPrompt(PromptBase[dict]):
    """A prompt that returns a dict from JSON string."""

    default = None
    response_type = dict
    validate_error_message = "[prompt.invalid]  Please enter a valid JSON string"

    def process_response(value: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
        """Convert choices to a dict."""
        return process_json(value)

def read_user_dict(var_name: str, default_value, prompts=None, prefix: str = ""):
    """Prompt the user to provide a dictionary of data.

    :param var_name: Variable as specified in the context
    :param default_value: Value that will be returned if no input is provided
    :return: A Python dictionary to use in the context.
    if not isinstance(default_value, dict):
        raise TypeError

    question = (
        if prompts and var_name in prompts and prompts[var_name]
        else var_name
    user_value = JsonPrompt.ask(
        f"{prefix}{question} [cyan bold]({DEFAULT_DISPLAY})[/]",
    return user_value

_Raw: TypeAlias = Union[bool, Dict["_Raw", "_Raw"], List["_Raw"], str, None]

def render_variable(
    env: Environment,
    raw: _Raw,
    cookiecutter_dict: dict[str, Any],
) -> str:
    """Render the next variable to be displayed in the user prompt.

    Inside the prompting taken from the cookiecutter.json file, this renders
    the next variable. For example, if a project_name is "Peanut Butter
    Cookie", the repo_name could be be rendered with:

        `{{ cookiecutter.project_name.replace(" ", "_") }}`.

    This is then presented to the user as the default.

    :param Environment env: A Jinja2 Environment object.
    :param raw: The next value to be prompted for by the user.
    :param dict cookiecutter_dict: The current context as it's gradually
        being populated with variables.
    :return: The rendered value for the default variable.
    if raw is None or isinstance(raw, bool):
        return raw
    elif isinstance(raw, dict):
        return {
            render_variable(env, k, cookiecutter_dict): render_variable(
                env, v, cookiecutter_dict
            for k, v in raw.items()
    elif isinstance(raw, list):
        return [render_variable(env, v, cookiecutter_dict) for v in raw]
    elif not isinstance(raw, str):
        raw = str(raw)

    template = env.from_string(raw)

    return template.render(cookiecutter=cookiecutter_dict)

def _prompts_from_options(options: dict) -> dict:
    """Process template options and return friendly prompt information."""
    prompts = {"__prompt__": "Select a template"}
    for option_key, option_value in options.items():
        title = str(option_value.get("title", option_key))
        description = option_value.get("description", option_key)
        label = title if title == description else f"{title} ({description})"
        prompts[option_key] = label
    return prompts

def prompt_choice_for_template(
    key: str, options: dict, no_input: bool
) -> OrderedDict[str, Any]:
    """Prompt user with a set of options to choose from.

    :param no_input: Do not prompt for user input and return the first available option.
    opts = list(options.keys())
    prompts = {"templates": _prompts_from_options(options)}
    return opts[0] if no_input else read_user_choice(key, opts, prompts, "")

def prompt_choice_for_config(
    cookiecutter_dict: dict[str, Any],
    env: Environment,
    key: str,
    no_input: bool,
    prefix: str = "",
) -> OrderedDict[str, Any] | str:
    """Prompt user with a set of options to choose from.

    :param no_input: Do not prompt for user input and return the first available option.
    rendered_options = [render_variable(env, raw, cookiecutter_dict) for raw in options]
    if no_input:
        return rendered_options[0]
    return read_user_choice(key, rendered_options, prompts, prefix)

def prompt_for_config(
    context: dict[str, Any], no_input: bool = False
) -> OrderedDict[str, Any]:
    """Prompt user to enter a new config.

    :param dict context: Source for field names and sample values.
    :param no_input: Do not prompt for user input and use only values from context.
    cookiecutter_dict = OrderedDict([])
    env = create_env_with_context(context)
    prompts = context['cookiecutter'].pop('__prompts__', {})

    # First pass: Handle simple and raw variables, plus choices.
    # These must be done first because the dictionaries keys and
    # values might refer to them.
    count = 0
    all_prompts = context['cookiecutter'].items()
    visible_prompts = [k for k, _ in all_prompts if not k.startswith("_")]
    size = len(visible_prompts)
    for key, raw in all_prompts:
        if key.startswith('_') and not key.startswith('__'):
            cookiecutter_dict[key] = raw
        elif key.startswith('__'):
            cookiecutter_dict[key] = render_variable(env, raw, cookiecutter_dict)

        if not isinstance(raw, dict):
            count += 1
            prefix = f"  [dim][{count}/{size}][/] "

            if isinstance(raw, list):
                # We are dealing with a choice variable
                val = prompt_choice_for_config(
                    cookiecutter_dict, env, key, raw, no_input, prompts, prefix
                cookiecutter_dict[key] = val
            elif isinstance(raw, bool):
                # We are dealing with a boolean variable
                if no_input:
                    cookiecutter_dict[key] = render_variable(
                        env, raw, cookiecutter_dict
                    cookiecutter_dict[key] = read_user_yes_no(key, raw, prompts, prefix)
            elif not isinstance(raw, dict):
                # We are dealing with a regular variable
                val = render_variable(env, raw, cookiecutter_dict)

                if not no_input:
                    val = read_user_variable(key, val, prompts, prefix)

                cookiecutter_dict[key] = val
        except UndefinedError as err:
            msg = f"Unable to render variable '{key}'"
            raise UndefinedVariableInTemplate(msg, err, context) from err

    # Second pass; handle the dictionaries.
    for key, raw in context['cookiecutter'].items():
        # Skip private type dicts not to be rendered.
        if key.startswith('_') and not key.startswith('__'):

            if isinstance(raw, dict):
                # We are dealing with a dict variable
                count += 1
                prefix = f"  [dim][{count}/{size}][/] "
                val = render_variable(env, raw, cookiecutter_dict)

                if not no_input and not key.startswith('__'):
                    val = read_user_dict(key, val, prompts, prefix)

                cookiecutter_dict[key] = val
        except UndefinedError as err:
            msg = f"Unable to render variable '{key}'"
            raise UndefinedVariableInTemplate(msg, err, context) from err

    return cookiecutter_dict

def choose_nested_template(
    context: dict[str, Any], repo_dir: Path | str, no_input: bool = False
) -> str:
    """Prompt user to select the nested template to use.

    :param context: Source for field names and sample values.
    :param repo_dir: Repository directory.
    :param no_input: Do not prompt for user input and use only values from context.
    :returns: Path to the selected template.
    cookiecutter_dict: OrderedDict[str, Any] = OrderedDict([])
    env = create_env_with_context(context)
    prefix = ""
    prompts = context['cookiecutter'].pop('__prompts__', {})
    key = "templates"
    config = context['cookiecutter'].get(key, {})
    if config:
        # Pass
        val = prompt_choice_for_template(key, config, no_input)
        template = config[val]["path"]
        # Old style
        key = "template"
        config = context['cookiecutter'].get(key, [])
        val = prompt_choice_for_config(
            cookiecutter_dict, env, key, config, no_input, prompts, prefix
        template ='\((.+)\)', val).group(1)

    template = Path(template) if template else None
    if not (template and not template.is_absolute()):
        raise ValueError("Illegal template path")

    repo_dir = Path(repo_dir).resolve()
    template_path = (repo_dir / template).resolve()
    # Return path as string
    return f"{template_path}"

def prompt_and_delete(path: Path | str, no_input: bool = False) -> bool:
    Ask user if it's okay to delete the previously-downloaded file/directory.

    If yes, delete it. If no, checks to see if the old version should be
    reused. If yes, it's reused; otherwise, Cookiecutter exits.

    :param path: Previously downloaded zipfile.
    :param no_input: Suppress prompt to delete repo and just delete it.
    :return: True if the content was deleted
    # Suppress prompt if called via API
    if no_input:
        ok_to_delete = True
        question = (
            f"You've downloaded {path} before. Is it okay to delete and re-download it?"

        ok_to_delete = read_user_yes_no(question, 'yes')

    if ok_to_delete:
        if os.path.isdir(path):
        return True
        ok_to_reuse = read_user_yes_no(
            "Do you want to re-use the existing version?", 'yes'

        if ok_to_reuse:
            return False
